Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 11226: Rename (third update)

"I squeeze too."

"And me." Ruo Tao, Gu Sang Nu, and Qing Huang all surrounded them, and stretched out their hands to squeeze the soft body of the big white catfish. Not only did this guy feel no discomfort, but he also narrowed his eyes with a look of enjoyment. It made the girls laugh.

"Hey, have you played enough?" Guan Heng said at this time: "If it's enough, I will cover it with new earth profound spiritual energy mud armor, everyone back away."

"Okay, you can play again later." After saying that, Fenxin smiled and retreated a few steps with the sisters. Guan Heng patted the forehead of the foul catfish and asked: "Are you ready? "

"Humhhhhhhhh!" Hearing these words, the catfish nodded immediately.

"Then let's start!"

"Whhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh after After that, the profound spiritual energy disappeared.

"Huh, how could this be?" Seeing this scene, Ruo Tao blinked and asked: "Where did all the profound spiritual energy go?"

"All were absorbed by the catfish."

Guan Heng said casually: "When encountering an external attack, profound spiritual energy will automatically emerge to form mud armor. Now you can't see it, but if you want to see it, let the big catfish control the profound spiritual energy, and it can also emerge. come out."

"Really? Then I want to see."

"Well, I want to see it too." Ruotao and Gu Sangnu said so.

"No problem." Guan Heng nodded, and then said to the dry catfish: "This is also an opportunity for you to practice controlling the aura of the earth mysterious, try to make them appear on the body surface to form mud armor, start."

"Hum!" Hearing Guan Heng's words, Dahan catfish immediately agreed, and then suddenly mobilized the profound spiritual energy in his body, but this guy used the strength of the boss, but the earth profound spiritual energy did not appear, and he couldn't help but feel disappointed.

"Hey, don't be discouraged so quickly. Originally, the profound aura is not so easy to control. Now you only need to mobilize a trace of the profound aura in your body. It doesn't need too much. Come and try again."

Hearing Guan Heng's guidance, the catfish nodded, and then did what he said, "whoo-swish-wish-" After speaking, it was soon, and the dry catfish suddenly appeared a touch of earthy brown.

Qing Huang, Xianxin and the others whispered: "If you have it, you can make it, right?"

"Speak down, it will distract the dry catfish..."

When Guan Henggang said this, he suddenly frowned. The soil mysterious aura that appeared on the surface of the dirty earth catfish once again collapsed, and he was about to disappear completely. He whispered: "Oops, it seems that it will fail the second time. , Can only try again."

"Woo woo-" Just at this moment, the Baojia Dry Turtle screamed, and ran past it a few times. Behind it was the stubborn stone 猲猲, the frost-browed ancient donkey, the white-bearded mud cockroach, and the semi-metal. porcupine.

Everyone came to the front in three steps and two steps. Guan Heng suddenly realized something, and then the corners of his mouth turned slightly and said, "Well, since you are willing to help, let's start."

"A Heng, what's the matter?" Qing Huang walked to him and asked at this time. Guan Heng said: "Everyone just watch it get better, and we'll talk about other things later."


As soon as Guan Heng's words were spoken, the girls saw a trace of earth mysterious spirit on each of the little beasts, and then swept into the body of the large dry catfish not far away, helping it to adjust and merge the mysterious aura of its own body, let It is easier to master the earth mysterious aura that controls itself.

"Hey, hum!" Feeling the kind gesture of everyone's helping hand, the catfish made a cry of thanks, and then slowly controlled the profound spiritual energy, "Whew!" In the flash of lightning, it finally controlled a layer of Ruoyouruuowu Earth Xuan aura mud armor emerged.

When the girls saw this, they applauded and applauded: "Okay, it's amazing!"

At the same time, all the small dry catfish in the surrounding area also screamed cheerfully: "Whhhhhhhh!"

At this time, Guan Heng rubbed the forehead of Drought Catfish and said, "Congratulations, you can finally control the profound spiritual energy."

Naturally, the catfish is very satisfied with its performance. Of course, it is also very grateful to Baojia and everyone for their help, and immediately stepped forward to express gratitude to them.

"Well, it's white and pure now. Wouldn't it be a bit of a misnomer if it was called'Foul-earth Dry Catfish' again?" Guan Heng opened his mouth at this moment, and said.

"Yes, then we should give the dry catfish another name."

Xianxin tilted her head for a moment, and then smiled bitterly: "But, our sisters are not very good at naming or anything, Guan Heng, it's better for you to come."

"Me?" After hearing this, Guan Heng smiled, and then said, "Then I have to ask everyone's opinions. What do you think of Fatty, Ice Flood, and Earth Palace Toad?"

"Oh, yes, and you, Puxing, who has a very weak sense of existence."

"Brother, you say that makes me so sad." Hearing Guan Heng's words, Puxing looked embarrassed and the corners of his mouth twitched. Guan Heng said: "Okay, now is a good opportunity for you, let's talk about it. What name can you give the dry catfish?"

"Uh, this is what you asked me to say, elder brother."

"Of course, this is called brainstorming." Guan Heng smiled: "Come on, come on, and quickly talk about your thoughts."

"Then I'll say it." At this moment, Puxing touched his chin, and then asked: "Let me ask, what was this guy's name before?"

"Foul soil dry catfish, disciple, your memory is too bad." Coriander said half-jokingly at this time.

"Hey, Master, I haven't finished talking yet, please wait a moment."

Pu Xing paused for a while, and then continued: "The reason why it is called filthy soil is that this guy has a dirty body and is full of sludge, so it is worthy of the name, but now the big dry catfish is white and clean. Obviously it doesn't fit the name just now. In my opinion, it's called'Pure Land Dry Catfish'."

"Pure Land Dry Catfish..." Fengxin and Qinghuang repeated the name, and the sisters looked at each other with surprise in their eyes.

Seeing that everyone was silent, no one answered his proposal, Puxing subconsciously scratched his head with embarrassment, and then whispered: "No one seems to agree with this name. Sorry, I have tried my best."

"No, apprentice." At this moment, Xianxin reacted from her thoughts. She said hurriedly: "Don't worry, don't worry, we are against the meaning of the name."

"Yeah, I think it's concise, easy to understand, and a good name."

"Well, I think it's good too." Gu Sangnu listened to Ruotao's words and continued: "It's straightforward and very appropriate. Everyone can understand the meaning."

"Hehehe, Puxing, congratulations."

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