Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 11228: Beast skull tentacle monster (fifth more outburst)

Guan Heng said with a smile at this time: "And it's still'tiger jade'."

"Oh, it's pretty."

After all, Fengxin took a look at the jade mine in his hand. After mining so many ores underground, everyone knows that although tiger jade is not as valuable as solid-color jade, it is better than the beautiful pattern and is considered a rare thing, so I immediately decided to mine all of them and take them away.

"The king of armor, the old monkey, and the ice scorpion, you are responsible for knocking on the rock wall and removing the ore. The queen, the golden eagle, the golden crab and other companions are responsible for collecting, and then let the earth palace toad all be collected. "

"Understood, Lord Guan."

"Well, everyone, let's start working now." When Guan Heng finished speaking, many of his companions had already started to get busy.


On the other side, Baojia dry turtle, hard rock scorpion, white-bearded mud cockroach and those little catfish arrived in the nearby area, and everyone decided to take a circle nearby and have an adventure game.

Of course, the little catfishes are familiar with the surrounding geographical environment and are responsible for leading the way. In this case, if you are tired of playing, you can return to everyone as quickly as possible without being scolded.

"Suddenly-hoo-hoo hoo -" The sound of swift sprinting came and went one after another. After the little guys discussed it, they ran swiftly towards a large sloping soil not far away.

According to Xiaoxue'er's narrative, there seems to be something good there, which they discovered accidentally before. Now they are about to leave with everyone, so they must get it back.

After the little beasts rushed up the slope, they found that it was a very flat ground with a radius of about ten meters or so.

The little catfish screamed happily, which meant to say: "The good things are on the soil platform. Let's get them."

"Woo, woo!" But by this time, the Baojia Dry Turtle appeared very vigilant. After all, it still took a group of little brothers to follow, but there can be no sloppy places, so it faces the little catfishes. A beep signaled everyone to stop temporarily.

At this moment, the dry soft-shelled turtle and the scorpion and white-bearded mud cockroaches next to each other looked at each other. The three nodded each other, and then immediately decided to go ahead and let the weaker catfish follow behind. In this way, The strong can protect the weak, so you can do everything.

Immediately afterwards, the dry turtle, the scorpion and the mud cockroach walked in front. Everyone soon arrived in front of the soil platform. The Baojia dry turtle was now full of vigilance and looked around constantly. The beard cockroach also released its mental power to detect whether there are any enemies in ambush around it.

After a few breaths, everyone was sure that there was no danger nearby, so they dared to climb up the earth platform with confidence.

The dry turtles saw the little catfish move too fast, and they were a little bit reckless, and they wanted to stop drinking each other. At such a time, they suddenly changed!

"Boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom), and the entire earth platform began to shake and tremble, producing loud noises. Behind the three little beasts.


Suddenly, a few huge sucker tentacles protruded from the side of the soil platform, sticking to the edge of the soil platform, and then quickly turned up. The little beasts and the little catfish can see clearly. The other party is a hairy beast whose body is Like an octopus, it is covered with sucker tentacles.

From the look of this guy, you know that it has a fierce and vicious temper, and it is not a good thing. The stubborn rock catfish reacts the fastest, and immediately screams to make all the catfish around him hide away. In this case, it interacts with the mud and cockroaches. Dry turtles will have no scruples when they fight with each other.

"Huh, huh!" Upon hearing this, the little catfish all screamed, which meant to say: "Then you guys be more careful." Then, the little catfish sneaked into the nearby soil like flying. Inside, hide it.

"Roar oh oh -" between the electric light and the fire, the beast skull tentacle monster roared wildly, and flew at the three insect beast fiercely. At the same time, the white-bearded mud cockroach rushed forward.

"Chichichichi, chuckle!" White-bearded mud cockroach's attack method is similar to that of the earth palace toad, spitting out mud bombs in an instant, attacking the target.



But in an instant, the beast-head tentacle monster already shook its long and narrow tentacles, blocking all the mud bombs and flying out, so that the white beard mud cockroach's attack had no effect. It was of course unharmed. .

It’s a pity that this tentacled monster was too happy, because the mud cockroach only played a feint, not really attacking it at all, but at the same time, the Baojia dry turtle and the stubborn rock turtle have both pounced on and moved towards The beast skull tentacle monster is a roar!


The beast skull tentacles suddenly felt the ear noises one after another. The Venus was already in front of him, and he couldn't move at all, let alone fight back. "Puff chuck--" The next moment, the tentacle monster's eyes, ears, mouth, nose and other seven orifices were all surging. The **** arrow made it look distraught and almost fell to the ground one by one!

The dual earth spirits deter evil roar!

This is the combined stunt of the Baojia dry turtle and the stubborn stone scorpion. Once it has exerted its power, it can cause that guy to be seriously injured without even getting close to the opponent to attack. Obviously, the current beast head tentacle monster has suffered such a big loss. !

"Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu!" Seeing his side's fierce attack succeeded, Baojia Dry Turtle was very proud, and laughed subconsciously.

But at the next moment, something unexpected happened!

"Whhhhhhhh!" A tentacle struck through the air like a lightning bolt, entangled the body of the Baojia dry turtle, and dragged it into the air abruptly.

"Woo!" The dry turtle was caught off guard and screamed in fright. At the same time, the stubborn turtle couldn't reach the dry turtle in the air and shot it. Cockroach.

I saw the mud cockroach vigorously vibrating its own wings, "Whhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" There were blood scars all over the place.

But the severely injured Tentacle Monster also knew that if he let go of the enemy at this time, he would undoubtedly lose his last shield, it must be dead. It is not so stupid, so he insisted on not letting go of the tentacle. .

The problem is that at this moment, the companion is also doing his best to rescue the Baojia Dry Turtle, so the stubborn rock 猲猲 on the ground rushed forward, "Bang!" In the blink of an eye, the 猲猲's head hammer hit the tentacles. The strange forehead hit it and sank inside, and the blood mist rushed.

"Oh oh oh!" Feeling dizzy and painful, the monster head tentacle actually didn't let go of the dry turtle, and then yelled and tightened its tentacles.

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