Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 11229: Tentacle monsters and mysterious beads (first more)

However, the sucker tentacles tightened by the beast skull tentacles are not very useful for the Baojia dry turtle, because the dry turtle has already received the head and tail limbs into the carapace at this time, even if the opponent has a lot of power, it can't be imagined. Squeeze and smash his carapace by tightening his tentacles.

Because the Baojia Dry Turtle has the earth mysterious aura body, it is directly immune to this kind of small pressure!

"Chi Chi Chi Chi!"

"Puff puff!"

At the same time, the wind blades of the white beard cockroach in the air had once again swiftly slashed and slashed on the monster's tentacles, causing serious damage to it again. Finally, the monster's tentacles were rotten and gradually loosened. Come down.

"Ohhhhhh!" Seeing this, the beast-head tentacle monster wanted to use another tentacle to reach out and continue to trap the dry turtle. In the next moment, the Baojia dry turtle suddenly protruded its head, illuminating the battered tentacles. Biting it up, it abruptly tore it to pieces.


"Pada——Gu Lulu——" The dry turtle that got out of the body immediately came to the spot for eighteen rolls, and escaped with a thunderous force to escape Zhang Yuyuan, and came to Wanshi Huqi's back.

"Woo woo woo!" Then, the bounced dry turtle roared at the beast-head tentacle monster, which meant to curse at the other party: "Damn it, you dare to attack me, I won't die today. , I must tear you apart!"

After shouting this sound, Baojia Dry Turtle immediately signaled the stubborn stone 猲猲 and the white beard mud cockroach to join him, vowing to kill the tentacle monster to avenge himself!

The Beast Skull Tentacle Monster was originally not the enemy of the three of them. At this moment, it was shaking all over with fear, and then turned his head and ran away!

"Haw, haw!" But at such a time, the heads of more than ten little catfish appeared on the ground nearby. They neighed while spraying mud pillars toward the beast head tentacle monster.

"Boom boom boom! Crackling! Wow!"

The mud pillar hit the head, face, and body of the beast skull tentacle monster in a flash. The pain on the body could be resisted, but the mud falling on the face blocked all the sight. The tentacle monster could not see at all now, and it was naturally difficult to move.

It was so angry that it shook its hands wildly and hit the ground fiercely, trying to flog the messy little catfish to death. Who knows that those little guys are very slippery, and the moment they succeed, they sneak into the ground to hide, and the attack of the tentacle whipping does not hurt at all. It's half a minute to them.

But at the same time, Baojia dry turtle, stubborn stone scorpion and white beard mud cockroach were killed.

The dry turtle did his part, and suddenly opened his mouth and bit one of the opponent's tentacles, "Kacha!" Its fangs and sharp teeth closed, and the tentacles were bitten in two. The pain caused the beast head monster to scream and scream: "Ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo ——" And the fierce assault of 猲猢 and mud cockroach has also struck!

"Squeak!" It was too late to say, then it was fast, the rock 猲猲 screamed and shook his body towards the beast-head tentacle monster. The other party wanted to shake the sucker tentacles to resist the stubborn resistance. Who knew that the 猲猲獲 suddenly opened his mouth and bit it. The tentacles instantly regained them, pulling them straight.

"Woohoo!" The tentacles were so painful that they subconsciously let out a scream, but the more painful ones were still waiting for it.


In a short time, the fangs and sharp teeth of the Baojia dry turtle bitten the straight tentacle fiercely, and abruptly broke it into two. Although the monster has many tentacles, once it breaks, it still feels extremely painful, but one tentacle Broken, the beast skull monster is barely able to get out.

"Puff, puff, puff!" Suddenly, the beast skull tentacle monster backed away for more than ten kilometers, but at this time, this guy was already covered in bruises, facing several aggressive enemies, it did not have the courage to continue fighting. Can not help but feel sad from the heart.

But the other party obviously refused to let him go, even if the fighting spirit was almost lost, this beast-head tentacle monster could only bite the bullet and resist to the end!

"Roar!" A roar of exhaustion and sternness, the tentacles suddenly shook all the tentacles that can be used, and swept them toward the precious armored turtles and the stubborn rock turtles.

But in the next moment, the two little beasts swept back a few steps together, "crack! Bang bang bang!" This round of attacks suddenly fell to the ground and all hit the ground.

But at the next moment, the white-bearded mud cockroach in the air took the opportunity to make a move. This time, the mud cockroach did not use mud bombs, but wind blades. This guy also ate the "Silver Stone" and used the vibration of his wings to produce it. Wind Blade is easy.


At this time, the hapless monster lost most of his sucker tentacles. Not only did it hurt to death, but this guy also lost his only means of offense. "Pump!" The next moment, the monster's wounds soared and he finally knelt down weakly. The ground, can't move anymore!

"Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu, either." At this moment, the Baojia dry turtle saw that the other party was cold, and immediately raised his head and screamed, which meant yelling: "Brothers, go together and cut this guy severely!"



The swift winds came and went one after another, and the Baojia dry turtle, the stubborn stone scorpion, the white beard cockroach, and the little catfish all pounced on the dying beast head tentacle monster, and indiscriminately beat this guy.

It was just seven or eight breaths, and the other party became a pool of minced meat. Naturally, he was not interested in the remains of this thing, dry turtles, scorpions and mud cockroaches, but the little catfish did not forget that he was a spirit beast that feeds on carrion. , So they swarmed up and ate up the monster's remains.

I have to say that the appetites of the little catfish are really good. They didn't waste a bit of food, but the monster's beast skull only has a layer of skin, and the rest is hard bones, so they are not interested, so they just abandon it.

At this moment, Baojia Dry Turtle cried out to the little catfishes, which meant to say: "You have eaten and you are full. Now it is time to take us to the soil platform to find treasures?"

"Huh!" The little catfish headed nodded, and then yelled towards the earth platform. The rest of the companions and the dry turtle followed closely behind. After a while, everyone went on the earth platform and swept towards the edge area.

Soon, the little catfish stopped here, and then greeted the brothers and friends around him, and sneaked into the soil. At this moment, the dry turtle, the scorpion and the mud cockroaches are a little puzzled, and they don't know the little What is Catfish going to do, but now he can only wait and see the changes.

"Glala...glck..." After a few breaths, the ground suddenly bulged up. Then, a round object was unearthed by a few small catfish. After seeing this, the dry turtle was a little curious. Take a closer look.

"Huh!" Suddenly a little catfish used his head to prop up the fist-sized bead, and with a "slap", this thing happened to hit the face of Baojia dry turtle.

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