Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 11231: Sisters make a move, one is better than two! (Third more)

"Whhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh after The skull began to skewed in the air, and then, an upside-down plant was planted to the ground.



Seeing that the opponent couldn't control himself out of danger, the Baojia dry turtle and the rocky scorpion flew over, rushed together, caught the beast bead flying skull with their bodies, and then ran to Guan Heng in front of it. At this time, Fei Head slowly floated up.

Guan Heng said, "Do you know why you fell? It's because you flew too high and too fast, and you emptied your residual aura at once. It's strange if you don't fall."

"You have to learn to quickly absorb the aura around you, keep yourself floating, and then slowly get used to low-altitude flying, then consider things like accelerating up and flying, and now float and follow the dry turtles."

With that said, Guan Heng turned his head and said: "Okay, now we should go back too."


After a while, Guan Heng returned to his companions with the little guys.

"Wow, it's interesting to add a flying beast head."

While talking, Ruo Tao walked to the beast bead flying skull, reached out and knocked on the other's skull shell, flying skull did not dare to hide, but floated in place, the golden wren chicks were even more bold, and suddenly landed on the beast bead. On the top of the flying skull, he lightly pecked it a few times with a small beak.

At this time, Baojia Dry Turtle was a little unhappy. It shook its small paws and called to Wren Bao: "Woohoo!" Dry Turtle meant to say that this is an important "toy" for everyone, you can Don't destroy it casually.

"Whew, twee!" But when Baojia Dry turtle said, the little golden wren let out a whisper nonchalantly, indicating that you also said that it belongs to everyone, and it doesn't matter if I peck a few times.

Hearing this sound, the dry turtle is suffocating secretly, but can't get angry, because the wren is more unreasonable than it, and if you don't agree with it, it will be beaten and make you feel numb. It feels uncomfortable.

But the little golden wren was not really messing around, just like to joke with them. Soon, the beast bead Feihu got acquainted with the little beasts and the little birds, and everyone started playing together.

"Master Guan, everyone--" At this moment, the yelling of the mandrill was heard nearby, and immediately after that, it rushed over with the ice beast, the gray-brown demon hedgehog, and the underground sand carp.

"Has all the local loess mines been mined out?"

"Yes." Hearing Guan Heng's question, the mandrill smiled and said, "Not only are there a batch of high-quality loess mines, I also found a small amount of loess spar."

"Oh, this is an unexpected gain."

Hearing this, Guan Heng smiled and nodded, and then said: "Then let's leave here quickly and continue to look for other mineral deposits."

"By the way, you were busy mining just now, haven't you had time to meet your new partner? Everyone comes over to meet."

With that said, Guan Heng waved his hand, the pure land dry catfish brought the little catfish, and the beast bead flying head beside them, all came to everyone. After Guan Heng finished the introduction, the underground sand carp was very interested in the dry catfish. Immediately dived into the subterranean soil with the big and small dry catfish, and went to play together.


In this way, under the leadership of Guan Heng, everyone began to look for a new mine. There are many similar areas here, so Guan Heng and the others quickly found another hole, or in other words, this mine is curly. Bigfoot and Big Touyong lead everyone to find it.

"You two have been here before?" Guan Heng glanced at the two beasts, and the Bigfoot nodded immediately, then pointed to the inside of the hole and uttered a hurried cry of "Wow!"

At this moment, even the girls heard the meaning of Bigfoot, and Xianxin said, "Guan Heng, this guy is saying that there is a very dangerous guy in the cave. Let's be more careful, right?"

"Yes, this is what Bigfoot wants to express." Guan Heng smiled slightly, and then asked slowly: "But are we afraid of any danger?"

"Hahaha, of course not." Ruotao said with a smile at this time: "It's a little trouble, and only the curly guy will make a fuss. We don't care, right, sisters?"

"Oh!!" Upon hearing this, the other sisters raised their hands and shouted: "If anyone dares to block the way, let it be destroyed!"

"Hey, you even yelled out such a terrible slogan. Your aura is really scary." Guan Heng touched his nose, and then said: "Well, this time you can open the way in front of you?"

"No problem, just watch it carefully." Xiong shook the Starry Spirit Spear in his palm at this time, and then shouted, "Sisters, let's go!"

"Go..." As soon as the words fell, the girls rushed into the mine under the leadership of the princess. At this moment, the mandrill approached Guan Heng and asked, "Master Guan, they... There is no problem, right? There is no danger, right?"

"Oh, even if it's dangerous, it's dangerous for the hapless guy who comes to the door."

Guan Heng said lightly: "Then it has nothing to do with us. Just follow along. This time, let's just watch the excitement. You and the gray-brown demon hedgehog can just mine. Others don’t need you or me. Tube."

"Well, it's all about you, Lord Guan." Mandrill agreed with a grin, then turned his head and said, "Brothers, do you understand?"

"Okay!" As soon as they heard this, King Jia Yao and Ice Jiao immediately agreed.

At the same time, Coriander led the sisters forward, and let the underground sand carp and the pure land catfish lead the way. These two guys sneaked under the surface, and any movement within a radius of more than ten meters would never be hidden from their eyes and ears. , Can be called "excellent scout".

"Hum!" Just after a few breaths, the dry catfish suddenly revealed half of its head from the soil, and then issued a warning sound, and said, "It seems that the enemies in the cave have already rushed over, ready to fight!"

"Yeah!" The sisters agreed, and they all flashed out their weapons, "Whhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

"It's the body of evil spirits, there are still a lot of them." Gu Sangnu saw clearly, and immediately raised her voice: "I will give them some color first!"

"Mu Lingzhi Eye!" With a sudden wave of her hand, Gu Sang Nu yelled, "Whh! Different mans.

"Woohoo!" Suddenly attacked, the evil spirits couldn't dodge and parry, and they immediately uttered a stern, hysterical howl. Ruotao laughed and said, "You are actually overwhelmed!"

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