Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 11232: Enemy at the door

"Shoo!" It was too late, it was fast, Ruotao waved the Thunder-Swallowing Blade at the moment she spoke, blasting out more than ten sword strengths.

"Ping-pong-pong!" In an instant, these attacks rushed to the surface of the unprepared evil spirits, slashing these guys to the ground one by one. Although Ruotao had been merciful and aimed to capture each other alive, it was enough to make these evil spirits suffer a big loss.

At the same time, An Yan smiled and took out the Evil Spirit Orb and captured all the injured evil spirits. She said: "The quality of these evil spirits is not bad. The lowest strength also has the leader level, and there are even two evil spirit kings. Not bad."

"It's true." Xiaoxin smiled slightly and said: "The soul-recovering urn is only interested in refining these powerful guys. If it's just a small evil spirit, it doesn't bother to refining."

"But there are only a dozen evil spirits, which seems to be missing." At this moment, Guan Heng, who walked to the girls' side, said: "It stands to reason that groups like them with multiple evil spirit kings are all counted. Thousands of scales."

"That's what I said." Qing Huang pondered for a moment, and then said: "It can be seen that we are likely to encounter a large group of evil spirits, right, right, A Heng?"

"Well, correct judgment, so we should let the stone turtle beast follow everyone." Guan Heng nodded and said: "In this case, it will also be convenient to absorb the body of evil spirits at any time."

"good idea."

"Stone Turtle Beast, come here!"


Hearing Guan Heng's call, the stone tortoise beasts in the team immediately rushed over. Guan Heng pointed to the front and said, "From now on, you should be in the forefront. Body, let the soul-recovering urn absorb them."

"Uuuu..." Upon hearing this, the dull-looking stone turtle nodded, stepped to the front of the team, and then continued to march, the girls said one after another: "The stone turtle is really obedient."

"That's right, it's hard work, and there is no more reliable companion than it."

"Also, the little guys on its back are also pretty good." As they talked, everyone talked about the mysterious shell spirit snails on the back of the stone turtle beast, the soul-recovering urn, and the snails attached to the surface of the big belly urn. The Blue Flower Miasma gradually, they walked out of a distance of tens of feet.

Ruotao said: "It's weird, after a long time, why didn't you encounter other evil spirits? Could it be that everything went into hiding?"

"It's possible."

Gu Sangnu pondered for a while, and then said: "It is very likely that the wood spirit eyes that I released to the surroundings scared each other. After all, the evil things are most afraid of the evil spirits of the wood spirit eyes. I have to send them to everyone. Go close and hide, lest the body of evil spirits dare not come out."

Immediately afterwards, she let out a low call, causing the Mu Lingzhi eyes to fall into a state of silence and invisibility, and even the surroundings were a little silent.

Sure enough, as expected by the ancient sang girl, after Mu Lingzhi's eyes condensed the light for a few breaths, the evil spirits nearby suddenly condensed.

Immediately afterwards, the whistling sound of woof came one after another, coming from the inconspicuous crevices of the rock wall.

"Chi Chi Chi - Chi Chi!" Hundreds of evil spirits whizzed in between the lightning and the fire. These guys still couldn't restrain their killing intentions, thinking that the enemy's power was insufficient and it was time for their own counterattack.

"Ha ha ha, don't act rashly for the time being."

Ruo Tao smiled slightly at this time, and then told her sisters: "It is very possible that there are still many evil spirits hiding in the dark, holding a wait-and-see attitude. If we take it easily, it may make the other party vigilant and run away. So, now Let these evil spirits mess around first."

"Taotao, watch Wrenbao, don't let it act rashly."

Xianxin also specially exhorted, Ruo Tao nodded in a hurry, and took the golden wren chicks that almost flew out to provoke the evil spirits in her arms, and then whispered: "You are not allowed to act rashly, otherwise, my sister will be angry. ."

After hearing this, the golden wren chicks slowly stopped struggling.

"Hoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo, there are a few leader-level evil spirit bodies screaming in the thunder, fire and lightning, they suddenly rushed towards the ancient sang girl and the others below, vowing to attack and tear each other to pieces!

"Huh, scumbag, see if I don't treat you..." Ruo Tao was almost about to do it, but Yu Xin winked at her quickly, Ruo Tao curled her lips: "Well, it depends on my sister's face. I will endure!"


As soon as the voice fell, Ruotao did not touch the opponent, and suddenly retreated from her feet. In a blink of an eye, she was several feet away, "Bang!" The next moment, this leader-level evil spirit suddenly flicked its claws and flicked. The ground was sunken deeply, and the earth and rocks immediately flew in all directions.

"Come on!" At the same time, Ruotao stuck his tongue out at the other party and made a grimace. The evil spirit was immediately irritated and roared. The guy chased him without hesitation, but Ruotao dodged from right to left. Flashing around, just not letting this guy catch up with him.

In this situation, the leader-level evil spirits were so angry that they roared and roared, and had to scream at the companions behind them, beckoning everyone to come and help chase Ruotao. At this time, hundreds of evil spirits were crushed in black, and the wind rushed in immediately.

"It looks like there are only so many nearby."

"Well, it's time to close the net."

"Taotao, let Wrenbao shoot these guys with a flashlight."

"No problem." Hearing Xiaoxin's words, Ruotao suddenly pointed to the front: "Wrenbao, it's your turn to teach these guys, but remember, don't kill it!"

"Tweet, twee, twee, oh oh--"

Upon hearing this, the golden wren chicks immediately fluttered their wings into the air and rushed towards the bodies of the evil spirits who were chasing them. "Cracking!" In the blink of an eye, a large number of wandering electric snakes gathered on the surface of the little golden wren. It is at this moment. It also rushed to the top of the opponent's head, and then suddenly released a large amount of electric energy.

"Hey hey hey!"

"Boom!" In an instant, the fierce attack of the golden wren chicks fell fiercely on the surface of the evil spirits, killing the other party to death, and involuntarily let out a hoarse scream and whine: "Oh oh oh oh -"

The horrible howling sounded in every corner around, and then, the unlucky evil spirits fell down one by one. When the dust fell, they all rolled in embarrassment. At the same time, the stone turtle beasts did not miss the opportunity to step forward. Striding forward, let the soul-recovering urn on his back **** the opponent into the urn.

"Hehehe, a good harvest, a good harvest!" Ruotao smiled with her arms akimbo: "There are so many leader levels and evil spirit kings to come here. This is a great thing."

"That's right, I said that by hiding Mu Lingzhi's eyes, these idiots will move forward on their own." Gu Sangnu laughed and said, "What is this girl's trick?"

"Absolutely Miao Miao Miao!" As he said, the other sisters all praised with their thumbs up.

"Good job." At this moment, even Guan Heng said the same.

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