Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 11243: Underground giant worm (fifth outbreak)


Seeing the tragic death of his companions, all the fragments of blood, flesh, intestines, and entrails fell on his head, face and body, and the other evil beasts in the fire net were trembling with fright. Unexpectedly, they usually only bully other weak beasts, who Will know that he is now so miserable.

"Hahaha, as long as I pull the firenet hard now, your fate will be no different from the guy who died just now." The mother evil worm sneered: "Nothing else, I will show kindness and let you die happy. Click it!"


"Puff puff!"

Before the screams in the fire net came out, the group of evil beasts was crushed into countless flesh and blood by the gathered fire net. The insect mother immediately released a large amount of original fire flames, surrounding the remaining body of the other party. At this moment, Gu Huang Hou, Jin Xing, Guan Heng and everyone all rushed to the vicinity.

"Hey, Mother Worm, where are those enemies?"

"I wiped out the few that guarded the entrance of the cave. Here, Master." As he said, the insect mother violently retracted the net of fire, and there was a lot of lonely bubbling debris on the ground still in place.

"Although their flesh and blood bodies are gone, if there is evil spirit crystals, they will definitely not be harmed. The crystals should be in the corpse."

"Well, it's done well, originally our main purpose was to find evil spirit crystals." Guan Heng smiled slightly, and then said: "But if you can find a guy who makes such crystals, you might as well capture it alive and study how the opponent is doing. Made this thing."

"By the way, except for these big and small evil beasts that guard the entrance of the cave, have you found any other targets?"

"No." Hearing Guan Heng's question, the evil worm mother shook her head, and then said: "But there is something very strange. There are two children who are in charge of monitoring in the air suddenly when I kill the evil beast. They screamed, and they told me that some auras around here seemed to disappear suddenly, appeared again suddenly, disappeared suddenly, it was really weird."

"Huh, it is probably the evil source's means to control the beasts. It is now estimated that it is the boss who went back to restrict the report."

"There is a possibility, then let's not hurry up and prepare?" Xiaoxin said immediately.

"Yes, I also want to find a way that the other party can't escape." Guan Heng said: "Let's talk while walking."

After a while, everyone walked along the area where they entered the cave, but no trace of the evil beast was found on the road. Xian Xin said, "Hey, there are some weird things. Evil beast, what is going on?"

"Hehehe, do you need to ask?" Ruotao said with a smile at this time: "As far as I can see, it must be the group of evil beasts that were scared by us."

"Hahaha—that's it!"

Upon hearing this, An Yan, Gu Sang Nu and the others burst into laughter.

Guan Heng raised his eyes and said casually: "It's almost here. I think we are going to an extremely dangerous place soon. Of course, it is the evil beasts that are in danger, not us. We should be alert, although everyone is not afraid of encountering them. Evil beast, but don’t relax either."


Ruotao smiled and said, "Just in case, we don’t let the enemies hiding in the dark hurt us. I suggest letting the armor king, mandrill, and old monkey all go to the front, if it’s dangerous. If they do, they can also serve as a qualified shield."


"We are so miserable that we are going to become a shield!"

"Ohhhhh, so life is hard." Hearing Ruotao's words, the mandrills all fell down and looked aggrieved.

Ruo Tao cursed with her arms akimbo: "You are not allowed to complain about anything. Also, I have a very important thing to remind you now. Remember, after killing the evil beast, you must dig out the evil things in the opponent's body. I've been out, do you understand?"

"Yes, we all understand." Now that the mandrill and other group of beasts dare to say a "no"? All of them slumped their heads and headed towards the front.

"Why are you so tired and lazy? It's really a living waste." Ruo Tao curled her lips with a very contemptuous expression, and then raised her voice: "Look at you guys, like eggplants beaten by frost, listless, can't you throw them away? Shame?"

"That's right, hurry up and cheer up." Gu Sangnu also said next to her: "Otherwise, there will be no way to attract the evil beast."

"Ah? Dare to love really use us as bait?" When King Jia Yao heard this, his big ears slapped and fanned, looking a little unhappy, Ruotao said angrily: "Why, do you have any comments? Normally Eat more and cook less, and it’s time for you to work hard."

"Yes, big sister, I don't object to hard work, but this is a bait, it's a bit..."

King Jia Yao wanted to continue speaking, and quickly, Guan Heng waved his hand: "It's all quiet, there is a noise in front of you, Mother Worm, you go and see what's going on, maybe the enemy has appeared."

"Yes, master." Upon hearing this, the evil worm mother flapped its wings and flew hurriedly toward the front.

Just a few breaths of time, the insect mother swiftly made a back and forth, and it reported anxiously: "Master, at the end of the narrow passage in front, there is a broad and flat ground, much like a huge underground square. As for the surrounding area, there are I haven't had time to determine what it is."

"Uh, that's fine, let's go out first." Guan Heng nodded, and then immediately led everyone out of the tunnel exit in front.

"Wow! Wow!" It was too late, then it was fast. At this moment, countless large and small bags of soil suddenly swelled up on the broad and flat ground. Guan Heng said casually: "Be careful, it seems Another unknown enemy is about to appear."

"Boom!" In the sparkling fire, the soil on the ground burst into pieces, and countless weird giant insect heads emerged. These insects are different, some resemble a praying mantis, waving a huge sickle arm, and some are combined with a weaving and a scoop. The worms look similar.

But in a word, it is countless times larger than ordinary bugs. It looks fierce and unusually fierce, and will choose people to eat them at any time.

"Squeaky!" After seeing the other party, the underground sand carp was extremely excited, screaming to take the initiative to invite Ying to fight, and the pure land catfish next to it was also eager to try.

Guan Heng nodded and said: "Well, this time I will use you two as pioneers, the earth palace toad, you and Baojia dry turtle and hard rock scorpion will take a closer look. Once they lose to many giant insects, go up and help. "

"Okay, no problem."

When the big toad promised, sand carp and dry catfish rushed past. In their two eyes, it was a good opportunity to show their skills at this time, especially in the face of the evil giant worms that drilled out of the soil. They did not show any mercy. If necessary, it can be a big kill.

"Huhuhu--huhuhu----" In the light of thunder, the underground sand squirrel swiftly swirled his body, and rushed towards the enemy insects.

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