Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 11244: Fierce battle against the evil worms (first shift)

"Chachacha!" In the next instant, the flying sand carp used the swift momentum to attack the evil giant worms that drilled from the ground.

"Puff, whistle, whistle!" The body cracking sounded one after another, constantly, in the blink of an eye, more than a dozen giant insects were cut to pieces by the edge of the sharp carapace of the underground sand carp, and they died horribly.

"Suddenly!" At the same time, the pure land catfish opened its mouth and spewed out a large shower of gravel, hitting the evil giant insects one after another, causing them to be riddled with holes, blood mist and blood arrows rushing out. !

The other party originally wanted to get out and attack the enemy, but he didn't expect to be dominated by the attacking rhythm. There are countless casualties, and now there is no chance to escape.

"Huhuhu--swishwish--" In the blink of an eye, there were still strands of soul floating on the remains of the dead giant insect.

"Evil worm soul body? This is a good thing!" Seeing this thing, Xian Xin turned her head and asked, "Guan Heng, do you want it?"

"Yes, of course." Guan Heng immediately waved his hand: "Mandrill, old monkey, you two lead the stone turtle beast to come closer, and then let it use the soul-recovering urn on its back to collect the worm soul. These things can distill a lot of soul power, so don't miss any of them."

"Yes, Lord Guan." Upon hearing this, Mandrill immediately winked at the old white-browed monkey and motioned to him and himself to accompany the stone turtle beast to rush over to collect the worm soul.

Three steps in two steps, the two of them have already walked over with the stone turtle beast. The soul-recovering urn on the other's back has already felt the existence of the worm soul nearby, and it immediately shook a few times and attached it to the big belly urn. The blue ghost ghost on the surface immediately floated, spreading forward like lightning.

The job of the blue flower ghost is to capture those soul bodies within its attack range. Obviously, following the soul recovery urn during this period of time, its attack range has been expanded more than ten times, and it has been able to extend to dozens of squares at this moment. It's over, so the worm soul can't escape!

At the same time, the underground sand carp and the pure land catfish are still chasing and killing the remaining evil giant insects. They can kill them, and they can chase away in the blink of an eye, killing the remaining dozens of giant insects one by one, without any slippage. Of fish.


Seeing this scene, the underground sand carp was extremely proud. This was the first big victory to kill many enemies. How did it make it unhappy? The dry catfish beside him also gave out a dull humming roar to celebrate. It’s just that there is a saying called "The extreme happiness produces sorrow", and there is really nothing wrong with it!

"Rumble--" A sudden violent sound suddenly burst, and from the ground not far behind them burst out suddenly, and a huge giant insect sprang out from it, which was twice as large as those guys just now. The evil giant uttered a sharp cry: "Haw--"

If anyone is closer, they may be pierced by its noise like howls, and even the underground sand carp and the pure land catfish can not help but provoke a cold war between Lingling.

"Huh!" In the next moment, the evil giant rushed forward with lightning speed, and used its body to viciously press against the two beasts, trying to crush them to death.


In an instant, the body of the evil giant worm fell to the ground, abruptly pressing out a collapsed pit there, dust soared, and earth and rocks flew out. It noticed that there was no sound like screams under it, and thought that the two beasts were caught off guard. Suffered from a surprise attack, at this moment, he was already flesh and blood, and he was dead.

"Huh!" The giant worm stood up swayingly at this time, bowed his head and looked at it, but suddenly let out a roar: "Haw!"

It turns out that the dirt pit under this guy has no corpse at all, only two dark holes. It turns out that at the very moment, the sand carp and the dry catfish burrowed and dived like lightning, which can be avoided by a fierce pressure. It's tracked!

The angry evil giant felt extremely troublesome for the prey to escape. At this moment, this guy looked left and right, trying to find the clues of the two guys.

Suddenly, the giant insect's gaze was fixed on a piece of ground several meters away, and there was a dirt bag popping up there, and then something moved quickly under the soil, leaving a crooked and slanted uplift mark on the ground.

The evil giant worm suddenly realized that it was an undead enemy showing off in front of him. This was a great insult and provocation. It was so angry that the giant worm covered its eyes with anger and rushed forward desperately.


But before the giant insect ran for more than a long distance, the underground sand carp with a swift body sprang out from the soil beside it. This guy used his sharp carapace edge to slash the giant insect's foot and force it. Cut off, and then, the landed sand carp swiftly digging in the soil, and disappeared.


The broken-legged giant worm that suffered a great loss made a scream of exhaustion, and the pure land catfish not far away came out of its head and made a weird chirping sound, which seemed to be mocking the other party. It turned out that it was sneaking under the soil just now, attracting Attention to the giant insects, so that the sand carp successfully attacked.

At this moment, the dry catfish and the sand catfish slid on the ground around the giant worm with the broken leg, making a whizzing sound. This giant worm is not a fool. It is not clear that the other party intends to attack him, so he chirps. Called, with a look of horror on his face.

"Suddenly!" It was too late, then soon, Huo Di spit out a large piece of rubble from the pure land catfish emerging from the soil. With the sound of "cracking" one after another, all these attacks fell on the evil giant insects. It made this guy scream.

At the same time, the underground sand carp continued to raise dust, making the surroundings seem to be thick foggy, making the evil giant worm unable to see things at all, and the degree of horror in this guy's heart became more and more intense.


"Swish swish!"

Gradually, with the sound of swift winds one after another, surrounded by "sandstorms", the evil giant tried to get up and escape several times, but it was unable to break through the dust and fog in front of him. Just when this guy was frightened and hesitated, the two earth beasts attacked again.

"Ping pong pong!"

"Boom boom boom!"

"Sizzle, puff!"

Just in the blink of an eye, the evil giant worm added dozens of wounds to its body, rushing through the stinking blood fog, and the pain made this guy die alive, but due to the dense fog of dust, the two beasts’ ability to see objects was also slightly affected. So their attacks basically fell to the deadly point.

At the same time, Guan Heng and other companions also came nearby to watch the battle.

"What did the sand carp and the dry catfish do, I haven't decided the victory or defeat with that guy for a long time." Ruotao was holding her shoulders at this time, and said impatiently: "Idiot, if I changed, I would have cut it long ago. That bug."

"But so far, the performance of the two of them is still good." Guan Heng said casually: "If you delay this for a while, the evil giant insect's wounds accumulate too much, then it will die, but... "

"It's just what?" Ruotao asked immediately after hearing something in Guan Henghua.

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