Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 11245: Capture the Worm Soul

"If that king-level evil giant has been oppressed for too long, it may use the same tricks, for example, that!" After that, Guan Heng raised his finger and pointed straight ahead. Upon hearing this, the girls and other companions All were shocked: "Is it possible?!"

Immediately afterwards, everyone's eyes have fallen on the front battlefield.


It was too late, it was soon, just as the dust and mist gradually dissipated, the underground sand carp took the initiative to attack, and with a scream, it rose up and suddenly attacked the front of the king-level evil worm, and the opponent could barely see the sand. Hao's figure suddenly screamed and stretched out his forelimb claws.


Between the lightning and the fire, the king-level evil worm had already grabbed the sand carp's body, and just when it was about to smash it to the ground, "Huh!" The sound of the wind from behind this guy suddenly sounded, and the pure land dry catfish was already out of the soil. He popped his head, and then pressed fiercely on this huge evil worm.

"Lala..." In the next instant, the evil worm's bones made a piercing sound, breaking countlessly. Then, this guy opened his mouth and sprayed out a big mouth of blood mist. The sand carp caught by it also took the opportunity to get rid of the restraint, and fell. Under it.

"Heh! Puff--" Then, the sharp edge of the carapace gave the opponent a big opening!

"Chirp!" Seeing this, the underground sand carp rolled to the vicinity of the opponent's head, and then screamed triumphantly, which meant that he had won!

"Hahaha, these two guys did a good job." Xiaoxin said with a smile at this time. But at this moment, Guan Heng suddenly shouted: "Something is wrong, hello, sand carp, dry catfish, you two immediately back away!"

Hearing this, the pure land catfish reacted extremely quickly, suddenly turned over from the back of the giant worm and fell to the ground, and then slipped out a long way away, but the underground sand carp did not take this word to heart, and backed away a little slower.

In the next moment, the severely wounded king-level evil worm suddenly opened his big mouth, "Whhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" Numerous granulation-like things entangled the sand carp like lightning.

Originally, the sand carp was not very nervous at the moment of being caught, and planned to rotate her body and use the edge of the carapace to cut off the granulation that the other party was entangled with. Extremely, one's own shell blade can't be cut off at all!

"Haw!" Seeing this scene, the Pure Land Dry Catfish, which had already retreated, immediately flew forward, intending to rescue his companion.

But at such a time, Guan Heng's voice sounded: "Don't go there, otherwise you will be entangled. Leave it to me to deal with it!"

"Huh!" As he spoke, Guan Heng had already appeared on the head of the seriously injured and dying king-level evil worm. The guy's eyes were fierce, roaring to release more evil granulation, and the wind hit Guan Heng's side.

"Huh, it's a rare trick, but it's useless to me."

Guan Heng suddenly waved his hand, "Huhuhu! Whoosh whoosh!" In an instant, a large amount of Ice Profound aura rushed towards the granulation tentacles, and in a flash, they were completely frozen, and the rushing granulation seemed to pop out of the sky. The weeds are just so stagnant in the air that they can no longer move.

"Pop!" In the next moment, Guan Heng flicked his fingertips, and the frozen evil granulation began to collapse from the very top, and stretched downwards, until the extremely violent cold air drove the king-level evil. All the worms freeze their positions.

Of course, this cold air is like growing eyes. While invading the enemy, it also bypassed the underground sand carp entangled in granulation!

"Bang!" When Guan Heng landed, the entire king-level evil insect's body had already turned into ice crystal powder and drifted away with the wind. At this moment, the sand carp crawled to Guan Heng's feet and squeaked. Sound, thank you for your life-saving grace.

"Next time you have to be careful, don't get so easily overwhelmed, understand?"


Hearing Guan Heng's words, the underground sand carp nodded repeatedly, expressing understanding. At this moment, Ruotao and other sisters and companions also came over, and she said, "It's a pity that the king-level evil worm was crushed by the son, and there is nothing of value..."

"No, no, it's not without gain, look at this."

Guan Heng suddenly interrupted Ruotao's speech and pointed to the ground in front of him. Hearing this, Ruotao and the sisters looked closely, and suddenly found a huge crystal of evil spirit left on the ground, which was full of tabletops. size.

"Wow, what a big crystal."

The moment she saw this place, Ruo Tao was dumbfounded, and then she was a little puzzled: "Strange, why didn't you find it just now?" "That's because the surrounding dust has not yet dispersed, affecting everyone's visible range." Qing Huang said casually: "Aheng, is that right?"

"Well, this is also one of the reasons. The most important thing is that this guy is trying to cover up the existence of Ningjing."

"Huh! Happiness!" It was too late, then quickly, Guan Heng suddenly shot, and his five fingers suddenly grabbed the void a few feet away in front of him, and suddenly a soul body was held in his palm.

"Huh, who is this guy?!"

Because they didn’t find each other close at hand, the sisters Qinghuang, Xianxin and the others were a little surprised. Guan Heng said casually: “It’s the soul body of this king-level evil worm, huh, it appeared from the moment of physical death, and It seems to be controlled by some force."

"Eh?!" Upon hearing this, Ruotao asked in a bit of surprise: "My son, what do you mean by this?"

"It means that this huge evil worm and its soul are driven by the source of evil in this cave."

Holding this king-level worm soul, closing the corner of his mouth slightly, he said with a sneer: "The source of evil energy even wants to recover the worm soul. Just now, a few evil air currents that quietly surged in appeared nearby. It's a pity. , I was scared away by the coercive murderous aura I released."

"The evil source wants to recover the worm soul?" After hearing these words, Xianxin looked a little surprised.

Guan Heng said casually: "In fact, it is nothing strange. The king-level evil worms are originally very rare. The other party wants to take away the soul body derived from it after death. Naturally, they want to swallow it by themselves. It is a pity that no one can stand in front of me. Take the prey away."

After speaking, Guan Heng paused for a while, and continued: "Moreover, that guy left a trace of himself recklessly, so he gave us a chance to track it down."

"So, now you have found a way to catch the trace of the other party?" Xiangxin asked.

"That's right." Guan Heng nodded and said at this time: "First, it eagerly wanted to get the king-level worm soul, but it let its evil currents reveal its whereabouts. Second, I can really feel that guy is there. Deep in the cave, so we can find it now."

"Where is it?"

"Come with me, I have already locked the general area." After Guan Heng said this, he immediately stepped forward.

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