Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 11246: Black Evil Bone Worm (third more)

After a while, Guan Heng and everyone came to a hidden area in the cave.

"Well, it should be here." Guan Heng stopped here, and then said: "Everyone can feel the aura around here a little bit, I think even you can detect a trace of evil spreading. "

"Uh, Guan Heng, you seem to be saying that we are unresponsive, right?"

Xianxin's tone was a little unkind, but Guan Heng said nonchalantly: "Don't talk nonsense, I don't mean that at all. I just want you to explore the direction of the source of evil, and I don't know what you are thinking about."

"Ha, I think you have a guilty conscience after being spotted by me, right?"

The more Guan Heng wanted to calm things down, the more Xianxin wanted to hold back. This situation made the sisters and other companions dare not laugh out loud when they wanted to laugh, but at this moment, Qing Huang suddenly whispered. : "Attention, something is coming."

"Where?" After hearing this, Guan Heng immediately walked to her and asked. Upon hearing Guan Heng's question, Qing Huang immediately raised her finger and pointed to the front. Guan Heng winked at the evil worm mother, and then said, "Go and see the situation."

"Yes, Master." The worm mother promised, and suddenly rushed away at the fastest speed, swiftly in the direction Qing Huang pointed out, "wow--" In a short time, the residual shadow of the worm mother pierced through the air. !

"Buzzing—buzzing—" The insect mother, who flicked her wings suddenly, suddenly noticed more than a dozen shadows coming from a few meters away.

"Hmph, it's here, let me not miss one and catch you all!"

After making up his mind, the evil worm mother lifted up several feet with lightning speed, and then ran to the other side. They only looked forward to advance, and they did not expect that the deadly death had come on top of their heads.

"Whhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh soon Those guys.

"Chirp!" This is a group of spiky bone worms spreading pitch-black evil spirits. Suddenly surrounded by a fine wire net of fire, this group of evil creatures feel extremely painful, and they can't help but let out a stern wailing cry!

"Just be honest with me." The insect mother yelled and tightened the fire net with force, then pulled these guys up and swept straight towards Guan Heng and other companions.

"Master, I brought the captive back!"

"Pump!" A large group of black evil bone worms were viciously thrown to the ground. Looking at the group of wailing guys in the fire net, Guan Heng frowned slightly, and then asked: "Did you find other things?"

"No, no." Upon hearing Guan Heng's question, the Mother Evil Condyle couldn't help being a little stunned, because the master was obviously unsatisfied. Obviously, she had missed something.

"But it doesn't matter. The other party is very good at hiding and holding breath. It's not surprising that you didn't find them. Just pay attention next time."

"Yes... uh, but..." The insect mother felt very grateful to hear that Guan Heng didn't blame herself, but it immediately asked again: "You said, what on earth did I forget?"

"It's the guy who came here behind you, hiding in that rocky area."

After Guan Heng said, he raised his finger to an area in front of him, and then said, "Go and say hello to the other party. This time you just need to drive a few of them out. I will grab the other party by myself and save them. Ran."


Hearing this, the evil worm mother was a little bit irritated, and said to her heart: "I was really too careless just now. I didn't even notice that there was a follower. This group of **** beasts made me ashamed in front of my master. , I have to teach you severely!"

Although Guan Heng only said to kick the opponent out, the insect mother was full of anger, so she flew to the vicinity of the ore area and suddenly released a large amount of fire aura in her body. come out!"

"Huh!" In an instant, the blazing fire agitatedly turned into a huge hot ball, and slammed into the pile of rocks fiercely with the wind.

The power of this huge fireball is very powerful. Even if it falls on the surface of a whole area of ​​rock, it can be smoothed directly. Those stalkers hiding in the rock pile suddenly feel the pressure and scary, and the hot breath falls from the sky. Dare to neglect, and immediately flew out of the rubble like crazy.

"Boom boom boom boom boom boom boom—" In just an instant, fireballs erupted on the ground, and those flames suddenly burst out, and there was a sea of ​​flames within ten feet of a radius. Two stalkers did not have time to hide. When opened, it was directly burned to ashes.

"Oh, although it was expected that you would take this opportunity to vent, but you didn't expect to play a little too much." At this moment, Guan Heng appeared behind the insect mother and said.

"This, this... I'm sorry, master, I didn't mean it." Knowing that I had overdoed it, the insect mother immediately apologized.

"Don't get me wrong, I didn't say I would blame you. Besides, it's just two dead. It doesn't matter."

Guan Heng pointed to the front and said, "Aren't there more than a dozen more? Don't worry, none of them can run with me."

"Dang!" When saying this, Guan Heng flicked his dagger around his waist suddenly, "Wai Chi Chi Chi!" Amidst the lightning and lightning, more than a dozen Ice Evil Tyrant Souls rushed out with the wind, and Guan Heng waved his hand. , Said: "Catch those guys and make a quick fight!"


Hearing Guan Heng's words, the tyrant souls were full of energy, and rushed towards those who fled with anger. The opponent is very similar to the black evil bone worms caught by the worm mother before, but the body shape and surface pattern are different. Ordinary goods are also much stronger.

The most important thing is that these **** evil bone worms are all good at hiding and hiding, even the ears and eyes of the evil worm mothers are hidden by them, and they follow.

But no matter how cunning the **** evil bone worm is, it will hide again, and it’s useless now. They shouldn’t or shouldn’t be. They have taken a wrong step. They will chase after Xiaoyou is caught by the worm mother. This is simply sending it to your door to die!

"Huhuhu—huhuhu—" In an instant, more than ten Ice Evil Tyrant souls exhaled freezing cold air, and an ice wall suddenly formed in the sky. The **** evil bone worm wanted to flutter its wings and retreat quickly, but The way to go has been completely blocked.

Seeing this, these guys were so angry that they all screamed and screamed. It was because they realized that they had no way to escape, so they roared incompetently. Then, the fierce Tyrant Soul rushed over, and these **** evil spirits. The bones and worms fought hand in hand, and there was a close fight with disparity in strength.

It's a pity that, in the face of the aggressive Ice Evil Tyrant Soul, the Black Evil Bone Insects are weak, and the more they fought, the more tense they became. It was just a few breaths of effort, and all of them were knocked to the ground by the Tyrant Soul.

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