Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 11247: Cannibalism


Suddenly, the rapid freezing sounds one after another, more than ten **** evil bone worms were frozen on the ground, covered with ice, and only their heads were exposed outside. These guys seem to know that their end is definitely a dead end, so Each one was so scared that they didn't dare to show up.

"Hehehe, clean up these little ones first, and then I will settle the account with you, mother of worms."

"Master, what's your order?"

"Burn all these black evil bone worms to ashes, and see if there is any evil condensed crystals in them."

"Yes." The evil worm mother immediately agreed, and followed her instructions.


However, the worm mother controlled the flame temperature to the right level. She only burned the remaining body of the other party, but did not destroy the crystals in their bodies. "Clang, clang..." It was just a few breaths, and three drops fell on the ground. , Four crystals of evil spirits.

Guan Heng nodded after seeing him: "Well, the chance of falling is half and half, that's about it."

"Mad Mandrill, pick up these things and gather them together, and put them away later." "Yes, Lord Guan." Mandrill nodded, and immediately began to pick up those evil condensed crystals.

At the same time, Guan Heng and the girls walked to the dozens of **** evil bone worms that had been frozen on the ground.

"Hahaha, it seems that the black hand behind the evil source hiding in the dark sent you to investigate the situation, but unfortunately, you have not figured out anything, and you have to take your own life." Guan Hengyi slanted the same. Guy, said so.

"Squeak!" In an instant, a **** evil bone worm at the leader level burst out with a hoarse scream. This guy was already a little nervous tormented by fear. At this moment, he was bold and screamed at the enemy in protest.

"Hey, there are real beasts who don't know good or bad dare to scream in front of me, then you go to die!"

"Hah!" Guan Heng said, shaking his palm suddenly, shaving off the skull of the evil bone worm with a knife, and then patted the ice on the opponent's body.

"Bhacha!" The huge ice cube and the body of the bone worm instantly turned into ice crystal powder, and then drifted away with the wind, leaving no dross behind.

"Before I asked, if anyone dared to scream anymore, he would end up just like this guy." Guan Heng finished speaking, casually pointing to the **** evil bone worm that had been splashed with blood on his face next to him, and asked: "Where did you come from, let's be honest!"

After a while, Guan Heng obtained a lot of information from these **** evil bone worms.

According to this group of evil bone worms, they were originally bones from an abandoned ancient beast tomb, not even a serious tomb.

But one day, a large amount of evil spirit floated from nowhere, and these bones were re-fused and assembled, and a lot of evil bone worms were formed. In this way, they became the running dogs of the source of the evil spirit.

Every time, the Black Evil Bone Worm took the prey it had obtained, such as the beast soul or spirit body, and got it on the stone platform at the entrance of a certain cave as a sacrifice item, which has been the case for many years.

Occasionally, the source of that evil spirit will send some orders, such as specifically hunting down dangerous enemies.

Just like this time, the black evil bone worm received the order to kill Guan Heng and the others. If it can't be done, then you have to grasp the other party's whereabouts and return to the cave entrance in time to report the latest situation.

"These are your tasks, huh, if you guys dare to send the door to offend Grandpa, you should kill all of you and leave none."

When Guan Heng said this, the **** evil bone worms who were frozen were so frightened that they wailed and screamed and kept begging for mercy.

At this moment, the mandrill shook the claws and said: "Master Guan, just kill them too cheap this group of guys, I have a good suggestion."

"Oh?" After hearing these words, Guan Heng knew that this guy was taking bad water, so he smiled and said, "Then you can just talk about it."

"Aren't we looking for the cave where the evil energy source is? Then we have to leave a **** evil bone worm to lead the way. As for the others, there is no need to stay."

Mandrill said with a smirk at this time: "So I suggest letting these guys kill each other, whoever can stand to the end, who can act as a guide, live a little longer, what do you think?"

"Good idea, then do it."

"Huh -" Guan Heng said and waved his hand, the ice layer of the dozens of large black evil bone worms around him melted immediately, and they were able to move freely again.

He opened his mouth now and said: "I heard you all? I only need a black evil bone worm to lead the way. If you want to live now, you have to kill each other honestly. Remember, I only need the one who lives."

"Haw!" In an instant, a huge evil bone worm roared and rushed towards the nearest companion.

"Bang, wow!" The opponent's body skeleton was immediately smashed and shattered, and of course it was completely finished, but the evil bone worms who hadn't waited for it gasped, the other black evil bone worms also surrounded it and launched a fierce attack...

The black evil bone worms are selfish and vicious. In addition, the evil bone worms have no mercy for their own people or enemies. In order to survive, they are willing to clear all obstacles, including cannibalism. Anyway, they have done similar things. !



"Ping pong pong!"


In an instant, the wailing and screaming of many evil bone worms, the violent sound of the body being crushed and flying, one after another, it was only a ten-odd effort, and there were only one big two small three **** evil bone worms standing there. .

The largest of them, the strongest, but from the beginning of the battle, this guy has become the target of public criticism and has been under siege repeatedly. Although he desperately repelled all the enemy attacks and crushed the opponent one by one, the biggest evil bone insect is also at this moment. The injury was not light, and the lamp was dry when the oil was nearly exhausted.

As for the two smaller black evil bone worms, they kept stimulating the two sides to fight hard while the giant evil worms and other enemies did their hands. physical strength!

"Haw!" Suddenly, the biggest black evil bone worm screamed at the two guys, but the two evil worms quickly backed up a few steps and moved away from each other.

Seeing this, the **** evil bone worm shuddered and squeaked with anger, which meant that he was scolding the other party for being shameless and not daring to fight head-on!

But the two cunning evil bone worms were not moved at all, they just started to circle around their opponents slowly.

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