Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 11248: Fight for life (fifth break out)

Feeling that the other party was hiding from him, he didn't know what tricks he arranged. The biggest black evil bone worm was extremely angry and couldn't figure out his opponent's intentions. This guy was vaguely uneasy in his heart, so he roared: "Aoaoao--aowuwu- —"

"Suddenly!" It was too late, then it was fast, the biggest black evil bone worm fluttered its wings suddenly, and then swooped at low altitude, rushing toward one of the enemies, vowing to tear the opponent to pieces.

"Squeak, squeak!" The cunning evil bone worm that was targeted did not evade immediately, but made a weird scream, and then quickly swept out.

"Bang!" The next moment, the hammer of the biggest black evil bone worm slammed into a nearby rock, causing it to split into pieces. Since it missed the target, the guy screamed and thundered in anger.

But at the next moment, another cunning evil bone worm suddenly appeared in the air, and the other party deliberately flew over the head of the largest black evil bone worm. In the latter's eyes, this was a shameful provocation, and it was tolerable. Tolerate.

"Hey!" The biggest black evil bone worm screamed between the lightning and the fire, and immediately fluttered its wings into the air, trying to kill the guy in the air first.

But the imagination is very beautiful, but the facts are often slapped! Just when the biggest black evil bone worm tried to fly to a high place, a swift shadow suddenly rushed over from the diagonal thorn, "Boom!"

It was another cunning evil bone worm that shot, and this guy suddenly hit the body of the **** evil bone worm with all his strength.

Due to the excessive force, even the opponent's breastbone collapsed a little, severe pain, more shameful clarity, and the biggest black evil bone worms were immediately flooded.

He is obviously the strongest one. Although he has been injured a little bit, his strength is still there. Why was he injured by a little guy? This is simply a shame!

After feeling this problem, the crazy biggest black evil bone worm immediately launched a counterattack.

"Boom boom boom! Boom boom!" Just a blink of an eye, this guy's forelimb claws landed on the surface of the attacker more fiercely than I, and the cunning evil bone worms were all covered with cuts and bruises, and the violent sound never stopped. , It was going to directly kill this little guy who dared to offend himself.

But the problem is that with its current situation, it really can't be done!

First of all, the cunning evil bone worm caused serious damage to it, so its attack action gradually slowed down, while the cunning evil bone worm that had been defending for a long time bit the shoulder of the **** evil bone worm and violently pulled it down. The bones were so painful that this guy screamed and screamed, forgetting for a while that there were other enemies.

"Huh!" It was too late, then soon, another cunning evil bone worm in the air suddenly flew down and launched a fierce attack on this guy. "Ping pong pong!"

The joint attack of two cunning evil bone worms really caused the **** evil bone worm to suffer a lot. This guy never expected that the enemy's joint attack would cause such great damage to himself. The guy who loses is equal to losing everything. , Especially his own life!

No one wants to die, even if there are only a bunch of bone frames that can move freely with evil spirits, the **** evil bone worm is naturally no exception. This guy is desperate at this moment.

It suddenly shook the bone-wing wings on its back, "Whhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!

These two guys fell down and fell out of town in an instant. At this moment, the **** evil bone worm has a chance to breathe continuously, but it knows that it is absolutely insecure, because the two guys on the opposite side, who are staring at it, are wholeheartedly planning. If you want your own life, you can't make these two guys happy!

Thinking of this, the biggest black evil bone worm suddenly thought of a way, "Whoo!" Suddenly, this guy suddenly jumped into the air and flew towards the distance.

"This guy wants to escape?!"

"Damn it!" If Tao was very angry when she saw this, she would pull out the Thunder-Swallowing Blade and show her to the opponent, but Guan Heng stretched out her hand to stop her, and said casually: "Don't worry, this guy knows what will happen if he escapes, so he doesn't want to Run, but to play some tricks."

"Is that so?" After hearing this, Ruotao blinked, and then nodded suspiciously: "Well, I believe in the judgment of the son."

"Haw!" Seeing the opponent run away, two cunning evil bone worms that kill red eyes screamed and fluttered in pursuit, but they didn't expect that the other party was also a tricky guy.

"Huh!" It was too late. It was fast. Seeing the enemy from behind, the biggest black evil bone worm suddenly whirled in the air, and rushed directly to one of the cunning evil bone worms with lightning speed. Can chase the rise, did not watch out for the enemy to deceive.

"Boom!" Hit by the biggest black evil bone worm, the hapless thoracic vertebrae suddenly shattered, and a pair of forelimbs were also broken and flew, making the cunning evil bone worm wailed and fell directly to the ground.

When he was about to take advantage of the pursuit, the biggest black evil bone worm suddenly felt the bad wind behind him, and it was too late when he wanted to dodge. Cut off the left wing of the largest black evil bone worm.

The moment the wings were injured, the biggest Black Evil Bone Worm felt something wrong. At this moment, it couldn't maintain its flight state at all, and it also rushed to the ground upside down.

But at this moment, it did not forgive the opponent who sneaked up behind him, suddenly twisted a body, stretched out its paws to hug the cunning evil bone worm, and fell down with it!




The three evil bone worms suddenly fell to the ground at the same time.

"Huh, it's a bunch of trash."

At this moment, Qing Huang deliberately said: "A Heng, since these three guys can't stand up, it's useless to keep them. It's better to kill them. It's the same for us to find the cave where the evil spirit is sourced. Time wasted in vain."

"Oh, it makes sense." After hearing this, Guan Heng nodded with an affair, and then said: "Then kill them, it's a hundred."

"Haw!" "Huh!" It seemed that hearing his own life was about to be threatened, the biggest black evil bone worm suddenly screamed. This guy struggled desperately and barely stood up half-length.

At the same time, the two cunning evil bone worms also got up tremblingly. It seems that killing them as a threat can make them realize a lot of potential. These guys have worked hard enough for their lives.

"Huh, I'm all standing up? It's even more difficult." Guan Heng sneered at this moment, and said casually: "Don't forget, I said, don't three or five, only one is needed. The guide guy, the rest don’t need to be alive!"

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