Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 11249: Shitai offerings (first change)

Hearing Guan Heng's words, not only was the biggest black evil bone worm struck a cold war, but even the two cunning evil bone worms stood in place like thunder in an instant. Then, these two guys suddenly looked at each other. Intense **** up together.

In the next instant, they pounced toward the biggest black evil bone worm!

No matter what will happen later, the problem that needs to be solved most now is always that guy!

Suddenly, the cunning evil bone worm that rushed and jumped had already pounced on the big guy, and then violently bitten and attacked like crazy, but at this moment, the biggest black evil bone worm seemed to have fallen into despair. An enemy tossed on itself, it didn't even know how to fight back or even dodge!

But facing this situation, the happiest thing was the two cunning evil bone worms. They couldn't help but feel very proud when they saw that the big guy's injuries were getting heavier. But then, new problems appeared...

Still the same sentence, Guan Heng said, only one can survive, which means that the two of them also have to fight for life and death. At this point, you can’t tell the truth, so you can only Fate!

"Squeaky!" In an instant, these two cunning evil bone worms burst out and screamed at the same time, and then each rushed towards each other. They planned to decide the winner in the shortest time. After all, the delay is too long, and it is no good for anyone. !

"Ping-pong-pong!" Suddenly, the violent noises kept coming and going. The two guys didn't use any tricks anymore. Those things were all imaginary in the end, and now they are the most real when they start playing.

Therefore, they all wanted to beat each other down in the first place, and after just a few breaths, they beat each other with swollen noses and swollen heads!

The most annoying thing is that sudden changes occur suddenly! The biggest Black Evil Bone Worm, who had been silent just now and had to accept it, suddenly opened his eyes, and immediately used his two forelimb claws to penetrate the hapless pair in front of him.

They played tricks all their lives, but this time the silly big guy was fooled. In fact, the black evil bone worm had been waiting forbearance, waiting for the two of them to pinch up and pick up the bargain by themselves.

"Puff, puff!" In the blink of an eye, the two cunning evil bone worms spurted blood and mist, and the vitality in their eyes quickly disappeared. Unexpectedly, they would seize the opportunity to survive, only one step away. The result was dead.

"Horr--" In a moment, the biggest black evil bone worm raised its head and screamed, grabbing the bodies of the two enemies and slamming them to the ground, then constantly tearing and trampling, as if to vent all the bad breath in the chest. Like!

After a few breaths, two muddy corpses were dropped, and the black evil bone worm plopped and sat on the ground, panting. Even if it wins the opponent, it will not be better. Now only half of its life is left, and it is still half. strip.

At this moment, Guan Heng winked at the Mandrill, and it immediately understood, strode to the Black Evil Bone Insect, raised its foot and kicked the opponent hard, and shouted: "Hey, get out of here, and quickly show us the way. Go to the cave where the evil spirit comes from."

"Squeak, chirp." In order to survive, this **** evil bone worm could only nod and bow his waist, and climbed up tremblingly. This guy's wings had already been destroyed by the enemy, and he fell to the ground fiercely. , Is no longer available, so I can only stagger towards the front.

"Master Guan, do you think this guy will play any tricks to take us a long way, or lead everyone into a trap, etc." King Jia Yao asked.

"Hahaha, you look at this guy too highly, it is not far from death now, what qualifications and strength does it have to play tricks in front of us?"

Guan Heng shook his head with a contemptuous expression, and said: "This guy's only hope now is to let himself live a little longer. In that case, I will satisfy it, and then let this guy go on the road without worry. ."


After a few moments, the **** evil bone worm finally stopped. Guan Heng and many of his companions saw that there was a huge cave entrance in front of it, half of which was blocked by a stone platform with a height of more than ten feet, and there was no scene inside. Way to see.

"Well, I really feel the smell of evil spreading here."

At this moment, Guan Heng nodded, and then said: "Munbi, you, the old monkey, the armor king, and the big head Yongxu escorted this black evil bone worm to the past, broke all the legs and feet of this guy, and threw them to the stone platform. Come on, I want to see how the evil source reacted to this'sacrifice'."


Hearing Guan Heng's words, the **** evil bone worm trembles with fright. This guy never expected that after he got here, he would still be unable to escape to death. The next moment, he wanted to pull his legs to escape, but the old white-browed monkey shot very quickly. , Suddenly jumped up, hitting the back of its head with a punch.

"Pump!" The Black Evil Bone Worm collapsed to the ground feebly, but it didn't lose consciousness completely, just staring at it, watching itself being dragged by the mandrill and two monkeys all the way to the terrifying cave stone platform.


After a few breaths, the mandrill raised his arms and threw a large black evil bone insect on the stone platform. The opponent’s feet were broken and his wings were destroyed. Even if he wanted to run, he couldn’t stand it. Shi winked at his companions: "Brothers, hide aside and watch the excitement."



After hearing these words, the white-browed old monkey, Big Tou Yongxuan, and King Jia Yao immediately walked to the back of a huge rock outside Zhang Yu and watched the changes.


It was too late, it was fast. After a few breaths, a strange fishy wind swept near the entrance, "Huh!" In the next moment, several thick, long and pale white filaments stuck to the stone platform. The black evil bone worm, the other party hasn't completely died yet, at this moment, it uttered a hoarse cry of horror.

But that didn't work. At the moment when the sticky silky matter wrapped the black evil bone worm, a large amount of evil was suddenly released, covering the unlucky egg. At first, the evil bone worm could still make a slight mourning. Screaming, but gradually, this guy's voice broke off, motionless.

"Glala-gl-chl-" Immediately afterwards, the filaments were wrapped around the body of the evil bone worm, and then tightened forcefully, and dragged into the hole, just listening to the soft sound of "swish" One after another, one after another, disappearing from near to far.

At this moment, Guan Heng and other companions came closer, and he said: "I have seen the specific situation, Mandrill, have you done anything?"

"Of course." The Mandrill slapped his chest and said triumphantly: "Just like Master Guan, you taught me, on the black evil bone worm, I left with the aura of Ice Profound Spirit, no matter what the other party is carrying Wherever it goes, we can find a specific location."

"That's good, you did a good job, let's go into the hole and catch up with that guy now."

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