Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 11250: Point-nosed black rat

After Guan Heng said this, he led everyone to rush towards the cave.

Not long after, they had reached the middle area of ​​the cave, where evil spirits lingered, forming a large black mist, and they couldn't see their fingers, making it impossible for people to see.

"Huh, it seems that the guy is not defenseless." Sweeping across the black fog, he turned his mouth and sneered slightly, then said: "At the very least, these fogs are set up to prevent foreign intrusions and tracking themselves. "

"A Heng, could it be that the other party has discovered that we have come in, so that the evil black mist was placed on the way?"

"It's possible." Guan Heng said casually when he heard Qing Huang's question: "But it doesn't rule out that these fogs were originally here. Anyway, we must pass through this fog to continue tracking each other."

"What, go through it?" After hearing this, Ruotao said with some puzzlement: "It is enough to use flames to refine these evil mists. Why is it so troublesome?"

"Forcibly refining any evil in this cave will easily alarm our prey." Guan Heng said lightly at this moment: "In order to prevent it from escaping, it is best to be silent before locking the guy's whereabouts, so, do this !"


It's too late to say, then soon, Guan Heng waved his hand suddenly, releasing a large amount of wood profound spiritual energy, and in an instant he covered all his companions around him, and then said: "The profound spiritual energy will isolate everyone from evil. Go ahead, it shouldn't disturb the enemy."

"Okay." After hearing this, everyone agreed in unison. They followed Guan Heng's side and stepped forward. This dark, evil fog area was about ten meters in radius. Guan Heng them. Going very fast, I have passed through in a few breaths.

At this moment, the environment in front gradually became clearer. There were pits and pits everywhere, and all kinds of weird stones were paved on the road. It was not the way people walked at all. The girls walked and complained repeatedly, and Guan Heng let the earth palace. Toad walked in the forefront, using the earth profound spiritual energy to continuously flatten the chaotic rocks.

"Huh?!" At such a time, the earth palace toad in front suddenly made a surprised sound, and Guan Heng asked, "What's wrong?"

"Master Guan, there seems to be some eager guys in the soil ahead. They seem to be lying in ambush here, intending to attack us."

The earth palace toad said: "I have locked the opponent's position, can I pull them out immediately and solve it?"


"Fuck!" Hearing Guan Heng's words, the big toad agreed, and then dashed forward like a lightning, "Whoo!" At the same time, dozens of small earth toad clones appeared out of thin air beside it, everyone was here. Under the command of the earth palace toad, he plunged into the soil suddenly.

"Ping pong pong!"

"Boom boom boom!"

"Boom boom boom!"

A series of dull noises suddenly came and went one after another, one after another.

Watching, the ground was cracking, the earth and rocks flew in all directions, and dozens of black, pointed-nosed rats with a body length of more than a foot flew out from the inside. These guys were all over the body, whispering and roaring. He suffered varying degrees of damage, and at first sight it was the work of Little Earth Toad.

"Bang, plop..."

The sound of the pointed-nosed black rat falling to the ground was endless. These guys were originally digging holes in the ground, waiting for the enemy to pass by to launch a sneak attack. He will soon follow in his footsteps, sorrowful.

"Chi Chi Chi Chi!"


The Little Earth Toad clone did not hesitate to launch a surprise attack on the pointed-nosed black rat that was driven out of the ground by him, and a large swath of mud bombs swept through the wind and bombarded these guys.

"Cracking" a crisp sound from the ground suddenly sounded, and the black rats were either smashed into pieces alive, or touched with the earth profound spiritual energy attached to the mud bomb, their bodies became extremely heavy, and then they were crushed into meat by the weight of the profound spiritual energy.

"Oh, Little Earth Toad's attacks are diversified, not bad." Seeing this scene, Guan Heng nodded, and then raised his voice again: "Toad, do you find that there are hidden enemies in the front left more than a long time away? "

"Huh? That's so!" Hearing this, Tu Gongchan released his mental power to probe, and suddenly shouted: "Thank you, Lord Guan, for reminding that these **** can't run away, come on!"

As soon as the last word of it was uttered, the Little Earth Toad clones swiftly swooped in the wind, rushed and jumped with the swift noise, and landed at that position like lightning. Everyone swept the earth and unleashed the mysterious spiritual energy, and slammed the ground fiercely. .

"La La La!"


Suddenly the violent sound suddenly rose, and the guy hiding in the soil was hit by the violent force of the mysterious spirit, and the body suddenly involuntarily broke through the ground and flew out. This is a pointed-nosed giant mouse four or five times larger than its kind. It should be the boss of this group of pointed-nosed black rats.

It's just that this black rat boss seems to be incompetent. Seeing his comrades were slaughtered by the enemy, he didn't have the guts to come out for a fight, and even wanted to slip away directly, but it was a pity that he was discovered by Guan Heng.

"Puff—" It was too late to say, and then quickly, the black rat boss, who was suddenly attacked by the mysterious spirit of the little earth toad, sprayed blood and mist, and this guy had already suffered a serious injury.

But at this moment, the black mouse boss also understood that if he didn't work hard, he would never have a chance to survive. Therefore, this guy had two pupils like blood, grinning and roaring at the many small earth toads.

But the earth palace toad said: "Retreat, the general should meet the general. Although this guy is low in strength, I don't mind slaughtering it by myself."

"Suddenly!" Hearing this, many small earth toads sprinted backwards like lightning and gave way. The black rat boss suddenly couldn't hold back his power and rushed to the earth palace toad.


"Pop!" The earth palace toad raised its webbed claws and slapped it viciously on the black mouse boss's face, causing the guy to collapse in his cheeks, vomiting blood again, and his body fell over and rolled, feeling extremely embarrassed.

"No, that's it?" The big toad said with contempt and disdain at this time, and said: "It's really a trash, I thought you can hold a blow at least, look at it now, it's almost unbelievable. A beast that is not as good as ants."

"Hey, protest, this is an insult to the ant race." The mad queen ant watching the battle shouted.

"Hahaha, then I'll change my mouth." Earth Palace Toad cracked his big mouth, and then said with a strange smile: "This guy is a stupid beast who can't beat even a powerful ant race."

"Well, although this description sounds weird, it's better than just now, so I reluctantly accepted it." The mad queen was not hypocritical, and immediately waved the colorful bone stick in her hand and shouted: "What are you waiting for? Hurry up and kill this guy!"

"Okay, do it right away, don't worry!"

"Huh!" As soon as the words fell, the earth palace toad had already swooped over.

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