Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 11251: Jin Shuo Shenwei (third more)

"Ping-pong-pong!" When it was too late, it was fast, and a pair of webbed claws of the earth palace toad slammed against the wind, and landed on the head, face and body of the black rat boss one after another.

But at this moment, the black mouse boss is also desperate to counterattack, trying to use his fangs and claws to inflict heavy losses on the opponent, but unfortunately, this is just a delusion! "Dare to fight back, go to death!"

"Bang!" The earth palace toad grinned and waved his claws, hitting the opponent's shoulder, "click!" The bone crack suddenly sounded, and this blow actually forcibly discounted the black rat boss's scapula and the entire front paw, only a little bit of flesh attached.

"Anyway, your arm is also useless. Let Grandpa Toad be kind and help you deal with it!"

"Sizzle!" The earth palace toad laughed wildly, his webbed claws gripped his arm tightly, suddenly tore it off and then threw it away.

"Squeak!" The screaming black rat boss wanted to retreat behind and flee, Guan Heng said: "Don't let this guy's voice spread too far, it will expose our whereabouts."

"Don't worry, Lord Guan, I know I have to fight quickly."


After the earth palace toad said this, he had already swung his claws on the black rat boss's cheeks, and instantly shattered this guy's mouthful of teeth, causing them to plug the black rat boss' throat, and this guy jumped three feet high. Although he tried his best to open his mouth, he just couldn't make any shouts.


"Huh!" At the next moment, the webbed claws of the earth palace toad wrapped in the profound spiritual energy suddenly patted the forehead of the black rat boss's skull, and there was a muffled sound, because the big toad was too hard to hit this guy's head.内子。 In the cavity.

The body of the black rat boss without his head swayed in the same place, and suddenly fell to the ground with a bang, convulsing continuously, and died of breath in an instant.

"Hehehe..." King Jia Yao laughed and said, "Okay, make a quick move!"

"Hehehe, a powerful blow, except for Toad, no one has such a stupid strength for our other companions." The Mandrill also said the same.

"Hey, what stupid strength?" Hearing these words, Toad was a little bit dumbfounded: "Is your boy praise me or hurt me?"

"Hahaha—" After hearing this, everyone laughed.

Guan Heng said again: "Okay, okay, stop chatting, and move on quickly. I feel that we should be close to the man behind the scenes."


"Great, follow it for a while, and finally you can clean up that guy vigorously."

"Walk around, hurry up." As everyone said, they followed Guan Heng urgently, and they ran out for more than a hundred meters in a short time. There was a corner in front of him, and Guan Heng rushed over.

"Boom-boom boom -" But at the next moment, there was a sudden violent sound from the **** above the corner. Then, more than a dozen huge boulders rolled down with the wind, directly towards Guan Heng. Line up.

"Huh, still playing this kind of trick? It's a pity, it's useless."

As Guan Heng said, he stretched out his index finger and tapped the huge boulder close at hand. The Jinxuan aura that swept out quickly covered the boulder, causing it to quietly turn into powder and fly ash, and then, The second, third...

Jin Xuan aura is invincible, and it is the most aggressive type of profound aura. It is easy to crush the stones in the area. Guan Heng smashed thirteen huge rolling stones in such a blast, and at this moment he has drifted to the top of the slope.


The evil beast with gray and black bristles lifted the giant boulder to his feet, and was about to throw the stone down the slope, but Guan Heng had already walked up to it at this time, and patted this guy's shoulder casually. , Guan Heng smiled and said: "Thanks for your hard work, now you can rest in peace forever."

"Huh!" The palm of the shoulder of the gray and black bristly evil beast suddenly burst into flames. Before this guy could react, it was burned to ashes by the fierce fire, and there was no dross left.

At the same time, Qing Huang and their other companions also hurried to catch up.

"Huh? Is there only such an evil beast to stop us?" Seeing this scene, Qing Huang said: "It seems to be missing."

"Yes, it was the only one who threw the stone, but that doesn't prove that there are no other ambushes nearby."

As he said, Guan Heng winked at the evil worm mother beside him, and the other party immediately understood, and then fluttered his wings and flew forward, and at the same time he shouted, "Xiaojin, howl, keep up!"

"Yes, boss." King Golden Sting and Guhuang Howler immediately followed closely, and the three insects flew a few feet away in an instant. As expected, they immediately felt a lot of evil beasts around them, and the insect mother sneered: "Also Dare to hide, are you planning to attack us?"

"A group of beasts and evil beasts are simply overwhelming!"

"Yes, it's all damned!"

"Then let's come to a big move, directly destroy the other party, it will be a hundred." When the evil worm mother said this, she immediately issued an order: "At the same time!"


"Wind-fire Golden Shuttle, start!"


In an instant, the three insects released their wildly arrogant aura. The moment the aura converged in one place, a cold light suddenly appeared, and it was the golden shuttle that was wrapped in the wind.

"Swishwwww!" The next moment, Fenghuo Jinsuo launched a sharp offensive, and its light has spread to every corner within a radius of ten feet. This is still the result of the insect mothers who do not want to make too much noise and try to restrain their power. .

"Haw--Squeak--" In an instant, the evil beasts hiding in the surrounding screamed one after another.

But they didn't have a chance to call the second sound. The annihilation ability of Fenghuo Jinshuo is perfectly manifested. It can crush all the evil beasts in the instant of explosive power, so that they have no chance to struggle, so they are directly transformed into it. Flies to the dust!

"Yes, the power is the same as always." Seeing this, Guan Heng, who walked over, nodded with a smile, and then waved, and the Fenghuo Jinshuo unexpectedly rolled and fell into its palm.

At the same time, the three insects all flew to the front and saw Guan Heng pinching the Fenghuo Jinsuo. Roar immediately said with a mournful face, "Master Guan, you have so many good toys, don't take away the Jinsuo of our three brothers. , This is just a humble thing."

"You fart."

When he heard howl, Guan Heng grinned and cursed: "I really don’t know good people, who is going to grab your toy? Master wants to add more aura to this golden shuttle, expand its power and attack range, if you are I don't want it, that's good, I'll give it back to you."

"Don't don't don't, master, the third child is joking, this stupid thing is unobstructed, don't be angry." The evil worm mother immediately smiled and said: "It is great to let the wind and fire Jinshuo increase its power. Good thing, right, Xiaojin?"

"Yes, the boss is right." King Jinzhe naturally knew what to do. As he agreed, he slammed his paws on the head aggressively: "Idiot, don't you have to apologize to Lord Guan?"

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