Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1125: Magic hot air balloon (first)

"Where did I ask you to get the map?" Upon hearing the Queen's inquiry, Wood hurriedly handed the contents of his hand: "Just retrieved, please check."

Queen Ejin opened the map and looked slightly, then slightly her head: "Well, the routes you should take are clearly marked and you are doing well."

Having said that, Queen Ejin handed the map to Guan Heng: "Take this, let's go to the rooftop of the castle."

A few moments later, the top floor of the castle of Gageira.

"Oh my god, it's a really big hot air balloon, enough to stand a dozen people down?" Borui shouted at this moment: "Her Majesty, do you want us to take it to the ice vein volcano?"

"Yes, this is the" Black Rose "magic hot air balloon. It uses the flame magic stone as fuel and can travel thousands of miles in one day. It is one of the fastest means of transportation in St. Lompland."

Queen Ejin said with a smile: "This is also a masterpiece that I personally invented. As long as you take it, you can reach the purgatory city of the ice vein volcano within a few hours."

"It's a convenient transportation."

Guan Heng looked at it, and was quite satisfied, because the magic balloon control method is simple and easy to learn. The Queen of Gold then handed Guan Heng a small rectangular object: "When the ice vein volcano is reached, ignite this thing and let the magical fireworks The air exploded, and the people of the Roman Resistance Army would come to join you. "

"Okay, I know everything." Guan Heng nodded and put the firework tube away.

At this time, Borui, Zuo Wei, and Yi Meila have all jumped into the huge basket of magic balloons, Guan Heng said "Treasure", and turned on the magic balloons.

"Well, I hope I can meet him again." Queen Ejin's face suddenly felt a little more bleak, and then she personally leaned down and took off the sandbag holding the balloon, which made this huge magic balloon float far away. air.

"Hurr-rush!" Holding the edge of the hot-air balloon basket, Borui shouted loudly, "Heaven city of ice vein volcano, here we come!"


The Camp Range, northwest of St. Lompland, is home to the Demon Dragon Army. "Abominable, this kid named Guan Heng defeated Recamo and made me ashamed. How could this be true?"

At this moment, Tivilo, the commander of the Devil's Dragon Corps, was sulking in his room, and he muttered to himself: "I must pay ten times more for this revenge!"

"Oh!" A dark shadow suddenly appeared at the door of the room, and then half-knelt on the ground, he said, "Her Excellency Commander, you have found the traces of those who are strong in the race."

"Really?" Tivelo glanced at his subordinates and asked calmly, "Where are they off now?"

"According to reports from our spies near the kingdom of Gageira, a group of four people, led by Guan Heng, has taken a magic balloon in the direction of the ice vein volcano."

Agent Black Shadow reverently replied: "Subordinates inferred that this group's destination ... should be the purgatory city located on the ice vein volcano."

"Oh, it's there." Tivelo froze back and forth twice, he whispered in his mouth, "Oh Purgatory, where the former Kingdom of Lomon was destroyed, now it should be the Maze of the Undead Dragon Corps. . "

"Maze is just a human being. He relied on the Dragon Master to have some affection for him. This boy is yin and yang and ridiculous to whom he speaks." Tivello secretly said: "But if I can challenge him and Guan Heng waited for someone to do it, and when these people lost both, hey, that's my chance. "

Thinking of this, Tivilo said to the Black Shadow detective: "Let our scouts of the Dragon Army start and closely monitor the movements in Guan Heng and Purgatory City. Any changes will be reported to me immediately."

"Yes, his subordinates obey." Heiying Detective promised, disappearing in a stunned manner.

"Hey hey." Tivilo's mouth turned up, and a sneer suddenly appeared on his ugly face. "This time, I'm not only going to wipe out all of Guan Heng's group, but also let Ma Ze's arrogant and rude guy eat. Worry, you guys, wait and see. "

At the same time, Guan Heng's magical hot air balloon suddenly encountered a little trouble while traveling.

"Hoo-pa-pa!" Zuo Wei suddenly released two arrows of light at this moment, and she yelled loudly: "Borui, you idiot, you're all right to find something, and have caused us so much trouble, you said what should I do now?"

"Oh my God, how do I know, but accidentally putting a fireball of flame spells, will anger these passing eagles ?!"

Borui shouted in tears: "Boss Guan Heng, think of a way, otherwise the balloon will be cracked by the devil's claw, and we will all fall into meatloaf."

"Really, you're in trouble, but always call me a queen. Did I owe you in my previous life?" Guan Heng murmured angrily, turning his head and saying to Imila: "You first drive the magic balloon. These annoying eagles. "

"Quack!" At this moment, the whole group of devil eagles scattered by Borui's flame mantra and Zowei's light and arrow technique screamed and flew back.

"Brother Guan Heng, you have to be careful." Imila now held the magic balloon's joystick with her hand, and shouted in her mouth: "Watch out for their noise attack."

"I see." At this moment, Guan Heng grabbed the edge of the balloon hoop with his hand, and sent out a blast attack, which is a stunt for the Lightning Lion. Guan Heng can still be used because the three-day soul melting time has not expired. This trick.

"Crack!" As soon as the lightning flashed out, several of the demon eagles were scorched black, and screamed toward the ground.

But there are still a dozen or so eagles all making noise attacks against Guan Heng ’s magic balloons: "Well, ah!"

"Oh, my ears hurt!" Only four of the four people were affected by the horizontal, and the rest hurriedly reached out to block their ears. Only Emirateng, who grabbed the joystick with both hands, couldn't get out, and the noise made her Ears were buzzing and almost rolled over and fainted.

"Uhhhhhh!" Said time and time, and a larger eagle swept abruptly above the balloon, trying to cut it with its beak and claws.

"Oops, the defensive iron wall !!" At the critical moment, Zuo Wei suddenly cast the defensive iron wall, protecting the place where the balloon was about to be damaged. "Hey!" The eagle's claws furiously passed the defensive iron wall and slammed it out. A flurry of Mars.

Seeing this situation, Guan Hengsheng said, "It's too close to the balloon. This is a serious trouble. I will go away now."

After saying this, Guan Heng suddenly released the beak Long Lude with the tube of the magic pet: "Fly me to the air and lead away the flocks of demon eagles."

—— [2016.4.30 first change, good morning everyone, Lao Sha continues to ask for subscriptions, monthly tickets ~ (≧ ▽ ≦) ~] ——

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