Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1126: Lu Yulong Knight


"Pop!" The hissing toucan gripped Guan Heng's shoulders with his two claws and let him fly into the air. Guan Heng cried: "It's only dozens of kilometers away from the ice vein volcano. You take the balloon first, Send out a magic firework and connect with the people of the Resistance Army of the Kingdom of Lomon. I will go to you after I have leveled the eagle, and go! "

"We know." The three people on the magic balloon agreed in unison, and Borui and Zowei released the attacking magic in succession, dispersing the eagle in front. Then, Emila tightened her control lever and pulled the black rose magically. The balloon flew out for thousands of meters, and flew without a trace in the blink of an eye.

"Well, there is no worries at this moment." Guan Heng said in the air: "Brothers Eagle, now we can have fun."

"Hoo!" The three eagles formed a character-shaped queue in an instant, and quickly swept across Guan. The latter smiled slightly and suddenly stretched out a hand. "Snapped-- 唰-嘭 嘭!" Bombed on the three eagles, turning them into scorched roasted birds and planting them on the ground.

"Oh!" The claws gripped the beak Long Lude, who closed the shoulders, hissed, and exhaled a hot breath!

Although Lude couldn't comprehend the dragon's breath, because he had been following Recamo for long enough, he could barely imitate Recamo's tricks. This hot breath swept across, and suddenly several demon eagles were burnt and fell.

"Good job." Guan Heng looked overjoyed. He looked at several lucky eagles not far away in front of him and mumbled to himself: "After packing them, you can go after the magic balloons."

But at this moment, sudden changes suddenly occurred!

Guan Lun's beak Long Lude suddenly screamed, seeming a little panicked, at the same time, Guan Heng suddenly felt a weird murderous gas from the sky in the distance.

"There is something wrong!" Guan Heng shouted subconsciously: "Lu De, shot together to destroy these eagles, and a new powerful enemy is coming soon."


"Crack!" The bird's beak dragon opened its pointed beak to spit out a hot breath for the second time, and in conjunction with the smashed electricity attack by Guan Heng, they fell on the remaining eagles.

While these eagles screamed and fell, the toucan took Guan Hengheng to fly to a nearby mountain cliff, and then they shrank behind the cliff and watched the movement of the sky in the distance.

Ten seconds later, two huge black shadows suddenly appeared in the sky, and Guan Heng looked intently. It was the two winged dragons with black wings whizzing and fluttering.

"There are knights on the backs of these dragons ?!"

Guan Heng coldly looked at the two black armored knights riding the dragon. He said to himself: "I remember that in the six major legions of the dragon clan, it seems that only the 'Iron Dragon Riding Team' is the right one. The members are the most powerful Abyss Demon Warriors, known as the 'Demon Dragon Knights', and their strength is the crown of the six legions. "

At this time, the knight on the back of the dark dragon said Shen Sheng: "Strange, just now I clearly felt the fighting here, why is there nothing now?"

"Don't worry about those idle matters." Another Demon Dragon Knight said, "Our mission is to return to the Legion station to report information, not to patrol here. Besides, this is the site of the Undead Dragon Corps, so it is better to have less trouble."

"It makes sense, let's go." The first-talking Demon Dragon Knight reached for his reins and was about to leave with his companions, but he didn't expect a short sound behind him shortly behind him.


"It's crackling !!!" The armor behind the Demon Dragon Knight was suddenly hit by a "drag electric magic bullet".

"Ahhhhh!" In the scream, a fierce electric current swept the knight's whole body, and then the dragon mount that had taken down his horse also charged out of the outer focus!

"Boom-bang!" This unlucky Demon Dragon Knight and his mount burst into the air in an instant.

This also shows that the power of the Blaster Magic Shotgun is quite powerful. It has expanded the Lightning Lion's Blaster Attack by ten times. As a result, this powerful force has killed a dark dragon and its knight. Deservedly one of the strongest dragon weapon.

"Uh ah!" Said time and time soon, the powerful air waves that the dark dragon burst open directly overturned the other dragon, and the dragon knight on its back suddenly screamed and flew out.

"嗖 ——" Guan Heng, who succeeded in sneak attack, immediately let the beak dragon Lude flew out with him, because he wanted to catch a demon dragon knight for information.

Suddenly, Guan Hengyu, who was holding a dagger of the dragon, suddenly rushed to the side of the second black dragon, and he took a moment to leave a narrow slit in the throat of the dragon.

"Oh!" The red haze of the big puff suddenly burst out, and the dark dragon hummed without humming, heading down and planting directly into the bottomless abyss.

"Slap!" Guan Heng's other hand clenched the arm of the Knight of the Demon Dragon swiftly and unknowingly, taking him for life.

"Tongtong!" Guan Heng threw the captive next to the cliff, first flying up and kicking off the opponent's iron helmet, the obvious face of the demonic tribe ugly face suddenly appeared in front of Guan Heng.

"Uh ... who are you?" In the face of an intense and anxious inquiry from Demon Dragon Knight, Guan Heng just snorted, "Did you make a mistake? The person to ask is me!"

Next, there was a series of forced questions. At first, the demon dragon knight's mouth was very hard, but after Guan Heng made him suffer a lot, the guy finally revealed some valuable information.

These two Demon Dragon Knights are indeed scouts of the Iron Dragon Riding Regiment. They were ordered to go to an unknown mountain range about 100 kilometers away, because the Iron Dragon Riding Regiment had previously found a type called 'Magic Explosion' Spar's deposit.

This kind of magic explosion spar has a strong explosive power. As long as it is a small piece, it can blow a huge 100 meters out of a huge pothole. It is an excellent material for making a group attack.

Newin, the deputy commander of the Iron Dragon Riding Regiment, was very interested in this thing, so he ordered many of his subordinates to look for the whereabouts of the magic explosion spar.

Today, the scouts of the two Iron Dragon Riding Regiments suddenly broke out of luck, and found a lot of magic explosion spar in the secret hole of a mountain range. In a hurry, they did not carry storage items. The two had to take a small piece. Demon blasted the spar. After going back, he gave it to the Deputy Head of Newin to verify. Who knew that he was suddenly blocked by Guan Heng on the road.

"It turned out that the first shot of the scourge of magic bullets hit the knight carrying the magic explosion spar." Hearing here, he suddenly understood: "It was used for the explosive power generated by the chain reaction. The skeletal bone of the boy is missing. "

—— [2016.4.30 second update, good afternoon everyone, Lao Sha continues to ask for subscriptions and monthly tickets O (∩_∩) O] ——

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