Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 11253: Guess (fifth more outburst)


Seeing that the black bone dog under his control couldn't beat Coriander, dozens of soul-eaters in the air suddenly became furious, and then screamed and rushed down, intending to deal with this tricky enemy by themselves. Coriander sneered: " Overestimate!"

"Let you see how good this princess is!"


"Chi Chi Chi Chi!"

The strong wind between the lightning and the fire shook the holy spirit spear one after another, and the spear shadow in the sky was like dots of stars, suddenly pierced out of the sky. Even if the evil spirits tried to avoid it, it was too late, and all of the time was penetrated.

"Lala--Lala--" The rapid freezing sound continued one after another. The evil spirits turned into ice cubes one by one, and then slammed to the ground. The sisters beside them all touched their palms and laughed: "Hello, sister. Great, this hand is so beautiful."

"Hey, mean it!" Hearing the compliment, Xiaoxin felt a little airy, but at this moment, a roar suddenly came from the opposite side.

"Huh!" The large group of evil shadows rushed forward with the wind, and in an instant, they came close to Xianxin, and a pair of air claws suddenly stretched out and struck Xianxin's forehead violently.

If this claw is caught, even the brain will be pulled out, but Xiaoxin is not afraid, and suddenly swept the palm in his hand: "Fuck you!"

"Bang!" In an instant, the opponent's air claw was smashed to pieces, but Xiao Xin couldn't help but be a little surprised when he didn't see the enemy's trail.

Suddenly, Qing Huang shouted nearby: "Sister, watch out for sneak attacks from behind!"


At the same time, the sound of tearing the air sounded abruptly, and the sharp claws of the Soul Eater Demon King had already hit the top of Coriander's head. Without looking back, she suddenly hit the holy spirit spear to her shoulder, and the opponent's sharp claws were equal to directly poking herself. On the holy spirit spear, the sound of "poof" was immediately penetrated!

"Oh oh oh!" The Soul Eater Evil Spirit King thought that he could succeed in a sneak attack, but he never expected it, but was injured by Xian Xin. The pain caused the guy to scream, and then retreated suddenly.

"You want to run after attacking me? You dream!"


It was too late, it was fast, and I shook my hand suddenly, and the five Pyroblast Beads rushed into the air with the wind, "Ping Pong Pong!" The Pyroblast Bead blew itself behind the Evil Spirit King, releasing a fiery fire aura. The strength, can hardly block the retreat of the Soul Eater Evil Spirit King.

At the same moment, the Starry Spirit Spear in the palm of Coriander swiftly spun, forming a hurricane spear force, and rushing towards the opponent. This is equivalent to attacking the Evil Spirit King in the front and back, making this guy unable to be strong at all.

In the next moment, the horrified Soul Eater Evil Spirit King erupted with a scream, "Boom!" In the violent sound, the Evil Spirit King who could not avoid the attack was suddenly blown to pieces by the fierce attack of ice and fire spirit, and it was annihilated!

"Huh, the little Evil Spirit King, it is simply vulnerable in front of me!" As he said, Fang Xin shook his hand with the Star Spirit Spear in his palm, and returned to his companion with a smile on his face.

"Sister is great."

"Yes, yes, this battle won beautifully." Sisters, you said every word, sincerely admiring Xinxin's ability.

"Ha ha ha, trivial, trivial." Xiao Xin said as she waved to the King of Corpse Dogs: "Go, let you take care of the black bone dogs."

"Wang Wu, Wang Wu!" Hearing this, the snakehead corpse dogs were so happy that they shouted and rushed forward. At this time, the black bone dogs were so scared that their limbs were weak, but they could only bite the bullet. Meet the stubborn resistance of the former negative corner.

It’s a pity that, without the command of the Evil Spirit King, these guys seem to have no heads. They are not a problem at all. In addition, the snakehead corpse dogs are several times stronger than them. Fully culled, there is no place to die!

After solving this group of enemies, the Mandrill inspected the remains of the Black Bone Dog, and suddenly found some evil spirit crystals, all of them the size of a fist.

Guan Heng looked at it and said, "Well, the quality is good. It's possible that the black bone dog was directly infected by the source of evil, so the crystals gathered in the body are of high quality."

"So, we are getting closer to our goal, right?"

"Yes, exactly."

Hearing Xianxin’s question, Guan Heng nodded, then said: "Go further, and you may be able to see the other person’s habitat. What we need to do is to surround ourselves with lightning speed. All entrances and exits, so that it has no chance to escape."

"After searching for so long, we still don't know what this guy looks like. Is it an evil beast? An evil spirit? Or something else?" Qing Huang said: "If you know what it is, it will be easier to deal with. "

"It may be any kind of thing." At this point, Guan Heng's eyes suddenly lit up, and then he said: "Demon Mandrill, what was it like when you threw that'sacrifice' on the earthen platform? Tell me more."

"Master Guan, I've said it all just now..." "Don't be long-winded, let you just say, I care about some of the details, so please say it quickly."

"Yes." Seeing Guan Heng urging him, Mandrill had to recount what had happened before.

"The sticky silky thing, just swept away the black evil bone worm that was used as a sacrifice?" After touching his jaw, Guan Heng suddenly smiled: "Hahaha, I probably know what the other party is, now I want to catch it. Living in it is much simpler."

"Really?" Upon hearing this, the girls immediately gathered around and asked, "Quickly, what is that guy like?"

"Don't worry everyone, and don't make a noise."

Guan Heng waved his hand in a leisurely manner and said to them: "I have guessed a bit about the details of that guy, but I'm still not sure. It won't take much time to find it anyway, so just bear with it. When we meet, we will naturally know what it is."

"Hey, petty kid, what are you playing mystery." Xiaoxin said unhappily: "What's the matter with telling us now? I have to wait a little longer."

"Okay, princess, I've said everything, now I'm not sure about myself, so just wait a while, it won't be too long, you can rest assured."

Guan Heng paused for a while at this point, and then smiled: "I can only be sure of one thing now, that is, the opponent's nemesis is ‘they’."

After that, Guan Heng pointed in the air. Everyone looked up, just as the Burning Heart and Tyrant Huo had a few spirit fire bodies floating down, Tyrant Huo also asked: "Master Guan, are you calling us?"

"Yes, it's you." Guan Heng said casually: "Brothers, it's time to use you later."

"Okay, as long as you give an order from Lord Guan, we will do it immediately." Tyrant Huo said.

"That's good, come here, I'll give you a few more words." Guan Heng leaned in front of a few spirit fires at this time and whispered to them.

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