Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 11254: Capture the monster (first more)

"Yeah, I understand." After listening to Guan Heng's description, Fen Xin Bahuo said: "Then I will be arranged with Bai Guangyan and Tianshou Qiyan."

"Okay, let's go." Guan Heng nodded, "Whhhhhh!" The group of spirit fire bodies immediately took the wind away, and Guan Heng immediately said: "Everyone, we have to go there too, let's go. "

"The son, the son." Ruotao slipped to Guan Heng's side at this time, and she whispered: "What is the source of that evil spirit? Tell me what it is, and just tell me quietly."

"You are beautiful." Guan Heng flatly refused her request, and then said: "Little girl ghost, you don't want to think about it. I didn't even tell Qing Huang, so why would I tell you? Save it, rest assured. You will all know in a while."

"Hey, meanie, meanie!" Hearing Guan Heng's words, Ruotao stamped her feet with anger, while Xianxin and Qinghuang laughed and said, "Hahaha, did you hit a nail?"

"Shhh, stop talking." Suddenly, Guan Heng suddenly raised his hand, beckoning everyone to close their mouths and keep quiet. The girls suddenly stopped their voices and spread to the area around Guan Heng with the group of beasts beside him.

Immediately afterwards, Guan Heng whispered: "It seems that Tyrant Fire has found some unexpected targets, and the other party has already come towards this side."

"Really?" After hearing this, Xianxin asked subconsciously: "Is it the guy you mentioned that carries the source of evil?"

"No, it's something else."

Hearing her question, Guan Heng said casually: "But the other party has something to do with the source of evil. Please pay attention, they did not intercept the other party. It was my order. Now let's catch these guys alive and take a look. after all."

"Okay!" Upon hearing this, the girls were very excited, Guan Heng whispered a few words, and then everyone immediately dispersed and waited for the other side to come.

"Sha Sha Sha... 唰唰唰..."

After a few breaths, the rustling crawling sounds continued one after another. Ruotao and Xianxiu looked intently at each other, and the other party had already arrived nearby. It was a group of bugs with mottled polka dots all over, and they got closer. Finally, I can see the specific appearance of the other party clearly.

It turned out that those guys were dozens of spiders with a body size similar to tarantulas, but their mouths were full of crisscross canine teeth, and the bristles on their bodies were as sharp as a hedgehog.

The most important thing is that the surface of the mottled flower-dot spider is enveloped by a layer of pitch blackness, which is just like mist-like evil.

"Spider, it seems nothing unusual." Ruo Tao just murmured, but Xian Xin shook her head: "Don't be careless, just like Guan Heng said, these guys must have something to do with the source of evil."

"Oh?" Hearing this, An Yan next to him whispered: "Why can you see it?"

"Oh, sister, please think about it." Xianxin said, "Didn't Guan Heng mention it just now? It's not far from the source of the evil spirit here. If you can wander around here, can it have nothing to do with the other party? "

"Oh, what my sister said makes sense." Upon hearing this, An Yan was very convinced. At this moment, Qing Huang whispered: "Attention, A Heng has signaled, let's do it right away."



It's too late, it's fast, the girls rushed with the wind, and in an instant blocked the way of the mottled weird spiders.

"Chirp!" Seeing that he was stopped, the variegated spider screamed fiercely, all wanting to rush to fight, but the girls shot much faster than them, and this group of guys would suffer a big loss!


In an instant, Ruo Tao’s palm slashed through the thunder-swallowing blade one after another, releasing more than ten thunder-swallowing knives. They swiftly sprinted in the air, and gathered in the power grid at the instant of croaking, covering almost half of the variegated monsters. The spider was so dead and alive that his body was paralyzed, and he couldn't move.

"Dang!" At the next moment, the Holy Spirit Spear of Xiong and the odd blade of Qinghuang's lotus made a momentary encounter, releasing a large amount of freezing cold air across the ground. With the sound of "Cracking" freezing, there were more than a dozen more. The variegated monster was froze and turned into an ice tuft on the spot.

"Hehehe, I'll leave the rest to me."

"Linggen, now!"


"Chi Chi Chi Chi!"

With the anger of the ancient sang girl, dozens of spiritual roots broke out on the ground, and quickly caught the remaining variegated monsters trying to escape. No matter how hard the opponent struggled, they couldn't get rid of the bondage. So far, all the monsters. All have been captured alive.

"Very well, very good, the girls did a good job, and they are really good at doing it." Guan Heng smiled at this moment with his palms, "Everyone has worked hard."

"It's a small thing." Xiong said casually: "Now you should talk about what these weird looking guys have to do with the source of evil, right?"

"Yes, I will let the insect mother trap them with a fire net and take them to the front, and I will tell you slowly on the road." Guan Heng said as he signaled the insect mother to start working immediately, and then stepped forward.


After a while, the girls and other companions followed Guan Heng to a hole in the front.

At this moment, Xianxin asked, "Is the guy you talking about in the hole?"

"Well, the Tyrant Huo ambushing nearby has already told me that it is true." Guan Heng sneered at this time: "In the beginning, I didn't expect that the guy controlling the source of evil was such a commodity. That’s what I expected."

"Hehe, let alone you, we didn't believe it until we saw the Lord." Ruotao smiled, "The guy who created countless evil beasts and evil spirits in this hole, its body turned out to be One...Hi, in short, let's talk about it after seeing the other person."

"A Heng, what are you going to do?" Qing Huang asked at this moment: "Did you rush in and beat that guy down?"

"It doesn't have to be so troublesome."

After saying that, Guan Heng pointed to the fire web held by the evil worm mother behind, and then said: "If you guess right, these little spiders have something to do with each other, so just throw them at the entrance of the hole as bait to see. Look at that guy’s reaction, if you don’t get it out, just think of another way."

"Anyway, where you can get in and out, they have been blocked by the Overbearing Fire. Even if that guy wants to run, he doesn't have the opportunity and strength. Right now, it's just our game time."

Guan Heng said lightly at this moment: "Of course, the rules are up to us, mother bug, go."

"Yes, master." Upon hearing this, the evil worm mother immediately flew away with the fire web that trapped dozens of variegated monster spiders. Fire Net was severely thrown at the entrance of the cave.

Most of those guys were seriously injured but not dead. At this moment, they couldn't help but wailed and screamed: "Chich--"

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