Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 11255: Nine-Eyed Evil Spider

But there was no movement in the cave at this time. Even the screaming piebald spider was rolling all over the floor and in extreme pain, there was still no response in the cave, indicating that the guy inside was cruel, cold and ruthless, and the most important thing was , That guy must be scared.

"Hmph, no guts." Seeing this scene, Mandrill snorted coldly, and then said: "Master Guan, don't wait here stupidly in my opinion. How about going straight in and picking up the guy?" "Don't worry. , It’s not time to play like that, look at me."


As soon as the voice fell, Guan Heng slapped his fingers, and the fire web that trapped the variegated spiders disappeared. Guan Heng immediately waved his hand, "Hu Hu Hu-swish swish swish -" In an instant, a large expanse of fire aura Anxious like rain, enveloped all those strange spiders.

"Hey hey--hiss--" The burning sound of fierce fire one after another, the variegated monsters were scalded to death, and at the same time they made a screaming scream, they began to madly rush into the front hole go.

Seeing this, Guan Heng's mouth curled up with a sneer: "That's right, to give you freedom is to let you enter the cave and make a big fuss."

"Hahaha, I understand." When he saw the other party's tragic situation, Xianxin laughed loudly, and then said: "These'fireballs' that will roll and whine into the cave are enough to make that guy suffer a big loss."

"Hehe, that's right."

"Huh?!" Guan Henggang said here, his ears flicked, and then he raised his voice: "It looks like the other party has been harassed and can't stand it. Look, it's coming out!"


Suddenly, a sharp cry of extreme anger rang out, and then, I heard the "Ping Pong Pong" violent sound one after another. The piebald spiders that were burned into fireballs were all shot out, and they fell to the ground one after another. It broke into pieces and died terribly.

"Huh!" Then, a huge figure suddenly rushed out of the hole. This guy is dozens of times the size of an ordinary monster. It is about two feet tall. It is a "nine-eyed evil spider" with colorful patterns all over the body. .

Regardless of the extremely ferocious appearance of the Nine-Eyed Evil Spider, it was now a bit embarrassed, and the whole body was covered with burnt traces of gray and black.

Because it was afraid of the horrible enemies who hadn't appeared outside, and was unable to save the variegated monsters who were their heirs. As a result, when the opponent was released from the shackles of the fire web, they all rushed into the cave and made the nine-eyed evil spirits. The spider also suffered from burning.

When this guy was furious, he shot all the strange spiders flying out, and he subconsciously rushed out of the hole!

"Crumbling!" It was too late, then soon, the mandrill, the white-browed old monkey, the armor king, and the unicorn ice worm had already rushed to the wind, and they all landed near the entrance of the cave.

"Haw?!" Suddenly felt that the murderous coercion released by the group of beasts was more than ten times stronger than its own. This nine-eyed evil spider didn't even have the courage to resist. The moment the scream suddenly rose, it wanted to shrink back. Escape back into the cave.

"Want to slip? It's not that easy!"


Suddenly, Fang Xin ate the Starry Spirit Spear in his palm, "Whhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" !" The retreating Nine-Eyed Evil Spider slammed into the ice wall, and its eyes were cracked with pain.

"Hiss!" The struggling evil spider yanked his back half hard, but didn't notice that half of his body had been frozen on the ice. With such a pull, it immediately tore off a large piece of flesh and blood, causing the blood mist to soar for a moment. Squirt out.

The escape route is gone!

Realizing this in an instant, the nine-eyed evil spider was startled and frightened, and his expression became more and more terrifying. It seemed that the other party didn't intend to survive for himself. In that case, he could only fight with them. , The Nine-Eyed Evil Spider madly rushed towards the enemy in front.

After careful consideration, this guy also specially selected a seemingly weakest enemy to attack. On the surface, his choice seemed correct, but unfortunately, this hapless guy rushed directly towards the old white-browed monkey.

"Pop!" In the next moment, the old monkey hit the guy's face with a fiery left swing fist.

"Puff--" Half of the cheek collapsed, and the **** misty Nine-Eyed Evil Spider fell down and slammed on the rock wall. It slid to the ground, buzzing in its head, and almost lost it. consciousness.

What happened to the Nine-Eyed Evil Spider did not expect that the seemingly thin and rickety monkey turned out to be one of the most powerful and ruthless characters among the enemies.

"Ujiji!" The white-browed old monkey with a face full of excitement wanted to rush over and continue to do it when he succeeded, but the mandrill pulled its arm and said: "Monkey, don't be too selfish, there is only one enemy. , You have to let our buddies play too."

"叽?!" Hearing this, the rough monkey sank his face and wanted to turn his face. This guy is a fighting fanatic. If you **** its delicious food, maybe it won't turn its face, but if you start a fight. Opponent, the monkey went crazy but the six relatives didn't recognize it.

"Cough cough." Suddenly, behind the white-browed old monkey, Guan Heng cleared his throat and asked softly: "What do you want to do?"

"Oh!" Guan Heng said five words, but he was so scared that the old monkey had a cold war, and then he couldn't help shaking his head, which meant saying, "No, don't do anything."

Immediately afterwards, the white-browed old monkey made a "please" gesture to the mandrill to make it feel free. Seeing this, the mandrill was amused and laughed: "Hahaha, you know you, knowing that there is nothing wrong with violating Lord Guan. Good."

Speaking triumphantly, the Mandrill waved his hand at the armor king, ice scorpion, and earth palace toad, and said, "Brothers, come on!"

"Okay, clean up this guy!"

"Hehehe, let the grandpa find it for so long, it's time to let this guy suffer a bit!"



As the group of beasts said, they pounced at the nine-eyed evil spider, and then, the violent sound of various fists to the flesh one after another, endlessly!

"Chirp!" The nine-eyed evil spider that was beaten all over and vomiting blood wailed and screamed, and kept curling up to dodge, but there was no way to avoid the group of beasts.

After more than ten breaths, Guan Heng saw that this guy was left with half a breath, and said, "Okay, stop, this guy will be finished if you hit it again, but I can't know the source of the evil in this cave. What's the matter, drag this guy over."

"Yes, Lord Guan." Hearing this, the demon immediately stretched out his claws to catch the dying nine-eyed evil spider, and dragged the guy to Guan Heng.


In the next moment, Guan Heng raised his foot and stepped on the skull of the Nine-Eyed Evil Spider, and then said coldly: "I just used aura to explore your body. It is almost empty, and there are no flesh and bones. You are actually one. It's just a virtual shell supported by evil spirits."

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