Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 11263: Gray armor behemoth (fifth outbreak)

"Huh? There are fighting sounds in this hole!" Qing Huang whispered.

"It looks like someone got on the ground first and broke into this place." Guan Heng said casually: "And he also started with the local evil spirits."

"Let's go in and see the excitement."

"Let's go, let's go!" When I heard that watching the excitement, the companions were extremely excited, and rushed straight into the cave following Guan Heng.


At the same time, on the other side, hundreds of large and small evil spirits whizzed and screamed, fighting a desperate battle with a huge figure.

"Ohhhhhhhhhhh!" This giant beast has a fierce face and a long tongue, and is covered with gray diamond-shaped armor. It roars deafeningly, making the evil spirits tremble and dodge in the air.

"Sww swish! Ping-pong-pong!" Taking this opportunity, the giant beast swung a pair of giant claws wrapped in strong wind and quickly slapped it down, hitting the evil spirits one by one and bursting into pieces. The guy then opened his mouth and sucked. Yo!" The evil spirit fragments were immediately ingested by it.

It seems that this gray armor behemoth feeds on the body of evil spirits, and it is easy to catch these guys. The body of evil spirits below the leader level will not be spared by the hunting of the gray armor behemoth.

Seeing this scene, the remaining dozens of evil spirits were so scared that they knew that even their own forces would not be able to withstand the giant beast chasing and killing them, since this is the case, there is only one way to escape!


Panicked howlings one after another, the evil spirits big and small flew all around in fright, the gray armor beast saw its prey escape, and immediately pursued it with heavy steps. While chasing, it grabbed the evil spirits. The body, stuffed the other party into the mouth, eating happily.

But just after a few breaths, there was a scream of anger from the depths of the cave opposite: "Woo woo woo-"

"Whhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh , And immediately stopped the gray armor behemoth.

"Oh?!" Seeing so many powerful enemies stop him, the gray armor behemoth also felt a little tricky. Don't look at it without the leader-level evil spirits in its eyes, and it can catch and swallow at will, but when it encounters a large number of evil spirit kings , I still feel a bit tricky.

"Roar oh oh oh!"

Suddenly, the gray-armored giant beast uttered a stern roar, which meant to scare away these evil spirit kings, but who knew that the behavior of the giant beast had already angered more than a dozen evil spirit kings. The purpose of their appearance. , Is to completely destroy the other party!


In the next moment, the menacing evil spirit kings did not hesitate to pounce on the giant beast, vowing to tear it to pieces to vent their anger. Good beasts don’t suffer from immediate losses!

Seeing that there are so many opponents, if oneself has to suffer a big loss if they head on, the giant beast ran towards the entrance of the cave as soon as he turned his head.

Anyway, I'm full, and it's no good to pester the other party anymore, so it's best to get away.

The gray armor behemoth has a good idea, but the evil spirit kings don’t give it this opportunity. They just listen to the sound of "chi chi chi chi, chi chi chi, chi chi chi, chi chi chi, chi chi chi, chi ch chi chi, chi chi chi, chi ch, chi ch, chi ch, ch ch ch, s ch, s ch, s ch, s ch, s ch, s ch, s ch, s, s, s, s, screams, The beast, on the contrary, landed right in front of him, and it was able to stop this guy's path.


One of the evil spirit kings roared wildly, shaking two air claws and directly covering and killing them, and did not put the gray armor behemoth in their eyes. Seeing this scene, the behemoth was also angry and burst into flames." Phew!" The next moment, it waved its paw to greet.

"Boom boom boom!"



Within a few breaths, the Evil Spirit King and the Gray Armored Behemoth fought hard for more than ten times, let alone the strength of the Gray Armored Behemoth.

However, it is limited to only one evil spirit king. The giant beast has forgotten that there are more than ten evil spirit kings of the same strength behind him, and even a big evil spirit king is in the battle!

"Roar!!" In a short time, the Great Evil Spirit King gave a kill order, and a dozen Evil Spirit Kings immediately rushed to the gray armor behemoth. This guy suddenly felt the bad wind behind his head, and he was so scared!



Even if he tried to avoid all the attacks, the gray armor behemoth still lacked the strength. It was hit with several ferocious heavy blows on its back, causing it to roar and scream, and its body immediately fell towards the ground in front of it.

"Pump!" The behemoth fell on the ground and crawled on the ground, finally struggling to get up, but again spit out a mouthful of blood, obviously, it was hurt a lot.

"Haw, squeak!" Seeing the enemy fell, the evil spirit kings were careless, and immediately screamed and flew toward the gray armor behemoth, intending to give this guy a heavy blow when the opponent fell to the ground. , Completely kill it.

However, since this behemoth gray armor dared to feed on evil spirits, it was not a bully owner. When necessary, it still had a trick to kill.

"Huh!" It was too late to say, then it was fast, the gray armor beast suddenly raised its head and spit out into the air, "huhuhu--wish swish--" the thing that was sprayed by the behemoth turned sharply and sharply. , Released a circle of different light ripples in the air.


At the same time, the gray armor behemoth quickly took the thing into its mouth, turned and ran. It knew that the opponent was shocked and retreated only for a while, and if it didn't leave at this moment, it would be too late.

There is no doubt that the gray armor behemoth used its killer mace to win its life at a critical moment, but it still forgot the most critical thing, that is, although the Evil Spirit King retreated because of the strange things, it still has a momentum behind. The big evil spirit king waiting to go!

"Swish!" In an instant, the strong wind behind the gray armor behemoth was one after another, and several evil spirits rushed with the wind. Before it panicked, its body had been penetrated by the evil light.

"Puff--" The behemoth that was hit hard suddenly spouted a mouthful of blood. This guy only felt that his eyes were dark and he was about to fall to the ground, but his desire to survive was so strong that it suddenly landed on the ground with its forelimbs, desperately moving towards it. Rushed ahead.

At the same time, the Great Evil Spirit King led his minions to chase after him, vowing to smash the beast's corpse into thousands of pieces!

"Boom, boom, boom!"

The heavy gray beast ran to a position more than ten feet away from the exit. It suddenly felt exhausted and weak, and then half-kneeled on the ground. The desperate thoughts in this guy's heart rose sharply, and he secretly said that he could not hold on. Is it going to die in the hands of evil spirits like this?

"Ohhhhh----" Behind them, the roaring evil spirit kings got closer and closer. The gray armored beast gritted its teeth and wanted to get up and continue to escape. With a plop, he slumped on the ground again.

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