Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 11264: Severely punish sneak attackers (first more)


"Haw!" Seeing that the gray armor behemoth was already unable to escape, the evil spirit kings who were catching up couldn't help screaming triumphantly.

When they rushed forward, they did not immediately launch a deadly attack on the enemy. Instead, they circled around the gray armor behemoth’s head, which was joking and wanted to make the gray armor behemoth full of fear. And despair, and then toss it slowly.

"Huh, a bunch of noisy beasts, it's annoying." At this moment, Ruotao and the sisters just walked nearby, and she raised her voice: "My son, can I take care of these guys?"

"Of course you can. Since you are here, you have to make a big fuss." Guan Henghao said at the back, "Little girl ghost, you can do it anytime."

"Great!" After hearing this, Ruo Tao rolled her arms and sleeves, and she said: "No one will rob me. This time I will personally clean up these evil spirit kings."

Xianxin smiled and said, "Okay, it's up to you."

"Yes, I don't want to fight with you, you can quickly start acting." Gu Sangnu, Qing Huang and An Yan also said the same.

"Let me and Wren Bao come to test the power of the new trick." After saying that, Ruo Tao took a step forward and pulled out the Thunder-Swallowing Blade, and then shouted: "Wren Bao, come on, stop these guys! "

"Tweet, twee!" Upon hearing this, the golden wren chicks screamed and fluttered into the air. Its dynamics just attracted those evil spirit kings who were trying to attack the behemoths of gray armor. The other party saw the little golden wren rushing forward. Furious.

Anyone who influences the Evil Spirit King’s capture of its prey deserves to die, so the angry Evil Spirit Kings threw down the injured behemoth and turned to face the little golden wren, but they never expected that they were kicking on the iron plate this time. NS!


"It's crackling!" In an instant, the little golden wren released countless hair-like electric energy. These attacks fell on the body of many evil spirit kings with the wind in an instant, causing these guys to die alive, all wailing and screaming!

Although the power is too thin and the power is limited, the power of thunder and lightning itself is the nemesis of the body of evil spirits. If you hit them regardless of the power, you will definitely make the other party suffer!

In this way, 70 to 80% of the evil spirit kings were suddenly killed by thunder, shaking in the air one by one, suffering from numbness and unable to move at all.

"Huh, it's my turn!"

"Huhuhuhu!" In an instant, Ruotao's thunder-swallowing blade gathered a sword strength of more than ten feet long, and shouted at the same time: "Wrenbao, Brayyun!"

"Tweet!" Upon hearing these words, the golden wren chicks suddenly rose up and came to the top of the many evil spirit kings, and gathered a small patch of thunderclouds. Although it was only a few meters in radius, it was still as dark as ink, humming vigorously. The momentum is not weak!

"Tianzhuluo Lei Jingxie cut!"

"Boom-boom boom -"

Suddenly, the Thunder-Swallowing Blade and Knife's strength merged with the power of the thunderclouds of the Little Golden Wren, and suddenly descended on many evil spirit kings. These guys were already paralyzed and unable to move. At this moment, they were hit by double thunder and lightning again, and they were finally planted. Falling to the ground, no one is left!

"Tweet, twee!" Seeing that the evil spirits were swiftly dropped by himself and Ruotao, the little golden wren was unhappy, and screamed in the air to celebrate, but at the next moment, Guan Heng suddenly yelled: "Wrenbao, hide open!"

This sound was like a thunderbolt on a sunny day, and it spread to the golden wren chicks in an instant. Its response was extremely fast, and naturally it rose up in an instant and flew high in the air.

"Huh!" At the next moment, a huge black light swept past the feet of the little golden wren. If it hadn't heard the warning from Guan Heng, it might have been hit.

"Boom!" At the same time, this extremely fierce black light slammed on the rock wall, exploding a huge hole, which shows that the power is not weak.

"Goddamn, you dare to attack Wrenbao, I will make you pay the price!"


It was too late, and it was fast at that time. An extremely angry Ruotao waved the Thunder-Swallowing Blade towards the sneak attacker, the great evil spirit king who had been hiding in the secret place just now. This guy saw that the sneak attack failed. He provokes such a powerful enemy again, so scared, he turns his head and fled.

"Hissing, sizzling!" But Ruotao's sword strength was so sharp and fast, he caught up with the Great Evil King in the blink of an eye, and cut off its spirit body by two pieces, causing the Great Evil King to scream miserably in pain. : "Oh woo woo ——"

"Tweet, twee!" At the same time, the little golden wren also caught up. It hated the other party for secretly attacking itself. Naturally, this hatred must be repaid.

In an instant, the little golden wren gathered a large amount of thunder and lightning and slammed at the Great Evil King, "Cracking! Boom!" The next instant, the barrel of thunder fell on the surface of the Great Evil King viciously, making the guy tremble in the air. , The spirit body broke into pieces in a flash!

"Okay, this is a great trick!"

"It's time to clean it up so hard!" The girls who watched the battle also hated the despicable and shameless Great Evil Spirit King, and they all praised and cheered for Wren Bao.

"Bang!" The Great Evil Spirit King who was hit hard suddenly fell to the ground. It was not miserable, but this guy's bad luck had just begun.

"Pop!" At the next moment, a monkey paw stretched out from the diagonal thorn, and grabbed the Great Evil Spirit King. "Whhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! The Evil Spirit King died alive, and even lost the strength to shout.

In a short period of time, he was brutally tortured by thunder and fire, and even the top existence of evil spirits could not bear it.

At this moment, the white-browed old monkey again covered the Great Evil Spirit King with a fire spirit balloon, confining this guy so that it could no longer break free.

Guan Heng and the others didn't care about the dead Great Evil Spirit King, that guy would naturally be absorbed by the soul-recovering urn, so there was no need for everyone to bother at all.

When everyone approached the injured gray armor behemoth, the guy saw Ruotao and the little golden wren cleaning up the entire group of evil spirit kings, and his body was shaking like a sieve.

Guan Hengya glanced at the opponent, and then said: "From the situation you watched just now, you are not an evil beast but you have the ability to swallow evil spirits without being invaded by evil. This is quite rare. If you tell me what it is The reason, not only will I not hurt you, but I will also heal you."

"Wow?!" Upon hearing this, the body of the gray armored behemoth shook slightly. There is no doubt that the condition of Guan Heng is very attractive, should I agree to it?

"It seems that you have some scruples, and you are right. You will be suspicious of the people you meet for the first time, and reservations are inevitable. Let's heal your injuries first, and it won't take much effort anyway."

After Guan Heng finished speaking, he waved his hand suddenly, "huhuhu--swish swish--" The strong wind rose sharply, and several wisps of Wood Profound aura quickly poured into the giant beast's body, causing the wounds on its body to heal one after another with scabs. It's fast enough to be called breathtaking.

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