Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 11269: Yuanjing Fragment (first change)

"Woo-" In a short time, the gray-armored beast with a white glow on its body let out a whine, which seemed to be a bit painful, Guan Heng immediately flew forward and patted its forehead, and then said: "Get back, you You should have found that location."

The reason why Guan Heng said this was seen from the reaction of the other party, because the gray armor behemoth had mentioned before that as long as he approached too many evil crystals, he would feel uncomfortable. Therefore, Guan Heng guessed that. The place where the crystals gather is nearby.

"You just have to stand still far away, because if you get closer to this place, you will still feel unwell."

"Uuuuu..." Hearing Guan Heng's words, the gray armor beast whispered and nodded in agreement.

"Everyone follow me."

After that, Guan Heng waved to the other companions, and everyone immediately followed Guan Heng to the vicinity. At this moment, he said to the underground sand carp and the pure land dry catfish beside him: "You dive into the surrounding soil and explore it to see if there is underground. Gap, go."

"Swishwwww!" Upon hearing this, the two beasts immediately moved their bodies and plunged into the soil. Everyone only heard slight vibrations from the bottom of the ground. It was the sand carp and the dry catfish moving back and forth quickly to explore the ground. The sound of the situation.

At this moment, Gu Sangnu smiled and said: "These two guys are really reliable when they work together. Before, it was only the sand carp. It was always lazy. Now that there are more dry catfish, this guy is more diligent."

Guan Heng smiled and said, "Hehehe, this is the advantage of competing with each other. After you have a companion, you are afraid that everyone will pay less attention to yourself, so work hard. This is also a normal idea."

"So, I understand." Upon hearing this, the girls and other companions nodded.

At this time, there were strong shocks from the underground steep, "Boom--" Then, the pure land dry catfish rushed out, it suddenly circled in the air, and then slammed to the ground, arousing countless dust. The girls immediately covered their noses and backed away.

Ruotao said, "Hey, can't you be quiet when you come out? Look, it almost made us all covered."

"Hump!" Hearing this, the dry catfish screamed embarrassedly, and Guan Heng said, "Okay, those are all trivial things. Let's be serious first. Have you discovered it?"

"Hey, hum!" Hearing this, the pure land catfish nodded repeatedly, and then whispered twice, which means that it and the sand carp found a crack in the ground at the same time, and the other side left the guard and came back to report to everyone.

"Well, hard work, let us take the rest." Guan Heng finished speaking, turned his head and said: "Toad, let's work together to release the earth's spiritual energy here to create a hole that leads to the bottom."

"Good." After hearing this, the earth palace toad jumped up to Guan Heng.


In an instant, one person and one toad released a large amount of earth profound aura at the same time. They continued to decompose the soil layer in front of everyone. After more than ten breaths, a huge hole appeared in front of everyone. At the same time, the cave also came from the bottom of the sand. Cry: "Squeak, squeak!"

"Well, it looks like it's completely opened up, let's go." After all, Guan Heng and Tu Gongchan opened the way in front, and the rest of the comrades followed behind and entered the deep hole together.

"Squeaky!" Seeing Guan Heng and everyone arriving, the underground sand carp looked extremely happy, shook its paws and signaled everyone to come to him quickly.

"Okay, okay, don't rush, knowing that you have done a great job, it's amazing."

With that said, Gu Sangnu stepped forward and patted her opponent's carapace lightly to show her praise. At this moment, everyone had reached the crack in the ground. It was said to be a crack. In fact, it was already more than ten feet wide and narrow. I didn't find it just now. It's just because the place is covered by a lot of gravel and mud.

"There is indeed the aura of refining evil essence crystals around here, but it seems that there are other mixed auras." Guan Heng said: "Everyone should be careful when they go by."

"I see." Xiaoxin said: "Be cautious, just make... fat, you go find the way."

"Uh, why me?" Upon hearing this, King Armor shook his head and looked a little puzzled. The mandrill next to him smiled: "Hahaha, do you have to ask? You are fat and fat. It’s also appropriate to walk over and be a shield."


As soon as this guy's words were uttered, King Armor shook his face with anger, and then sipped his opponent, and then said, "Huh, what about the shield, Master Yao has this invulnerability, so he changed your skinny pair. Small body, if you come to an enemy and blow your breath, you will fly."

"Look at me." After saying this, the armor king swaggered towards the inside of the crevice in the ground, and everyone followed.

When he first walked in, King Jia Yao was still a little cautious. He looked left and right and found nothing unusual. Then he walked a few steps inside with confidence and boldly, then turned his head and said, "Master Guan, It seems that there is no danger, at least there is no need to worry about accidents in the outer area."

"Really?" Guan Heng said, walked to King Armor, carefully checked the surrounding environment, and then said: "Although there is still a breath of primordial crystals, but they are very thin. I guess there is no useful thing to be found here. I have to look inside."

"Uh, really can't find anything?" Upon hearing this, the girls seemed to be a little disappointed. Guan Heng said casually: "Of course, I'm talking about large pieces of evil spirit crystals. As for other This will also appear."

"Pop!" As soon as the words fell, Guan Heng raised his foot and stepped on the ground. Something rushed up from the soil, pinched by his two fingers, and then threw it to Ruotao beside him: "Hey, take it. Go play, and I'll give it to you later when you get a better one."

"Uh, this is... Yuanjing?!" Ruotao yelled happily while holding the piece in his hand, and Guan Heng said, "It's just the fragments of Yuanjing. In fact, it doesn't have much effect. It can be absorbed by the gray armor behemoth. There is no difference between the crystal fragments the size of a rice grain."

After a short pause, Guan Heng said again: "Our main goal is the smallest and fist-sized finished evil essence crystals found in the Nine-Eyed Evil Spider Cave, you know?"

"Then what's the use of this kind of crystal fragment?" Ruo Tao asked, looking at the nail-sized fragment in her hand.

"Small films are naturally not useful for those of us who are already very powerful, but they can be swallowed by the dogs, gray-brown hedgehogs, and ice gluttonous beasts under the King of Corpse Dogs, and they can properly resist evil spirits and evil beasts. The strength is even higher."

"Yes, what the son said is a good way." Upon hearing this, Ruotao smiled.

Guan Heng said: "If you want to refine the evil element crystal fragments, you have to find them yourself, so I suggest keeping them on the periphery of the crevices in the ground, just as the so-called do-it-yourself enrichment."

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