Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 11270: Toxic Beast Fang

"It makes sense." Upon hearing this, the girls and other companions nodded and said, "Madman, you let the ice beast, the gray-brown hedgehog, and other guys who want to swallow the crystal fragments to stay. , And you are responsible for watching them here, okay?"

"Master Guan, don't worry, leave it all to me, absolutely no problem." Hearing Guan Heng's words, Mandrill slapped his chest and said as if he was packing a ticket.

"Okay, let's go." After Guan Heng said this, he immediately led the rest of his comrades to go deeper into the crevice in the ground. .

"Really, the aura of the elemental crystal is getting stronger and stronger, but I haven't found what I should see until now." Gu Sangnu complained as she walked, "I didn't even see the shadow of an evil elemental crystal. ."

"Don't be disappointed. The real Yuanjing product may be rare or exist in a certain area. We have only taken a few steps. If it is so easy to be discovered, it will not be precious. You say yes. no?"

As soon as Guan Heng finished speaking, the old white-browed monkey in front of him screamed: "Kick, chick!"

"What's wrong, monkey, did you find something?" The moment Guan Heng said this, Guan Heng had already flew over to check the situation. The old white-browed monkey nodded, then raised his paw and pointed to the front.

Everyone walked over and took a closer look, but they didn't see the shadow of the Evil Refining Element Crystal. Outside of Zhang Yu, there was only one thing that relied on the soil layer. It was a bone that had been decayed for many years. It looked like a single head. Ancient alien beasts.

"It's a little weird to die in this kind of area." Guan Heng said, stepping closer and reaching out to touch the surface of the bone. Ruotao followed closely behind and asked, "My son, what's weird about this guy?"

"Be careful, don't come here yet!" Suddenly, Guan Heng roared and signaled Ruotao to retreat. She was taken aback. She took three steps in a row before standing still, and whispered: "Why, what's the matter?"

"This skeleton is full of poisonous, it seems that this guy should have been poisoned to death." Guan Heng said: "Although everyone has the spirit of Mu Xuan, you can use a hundred poisons, but you should be careful."

"Then Aheng, are you okay if you touch it directly?" Qing Huang asked.

"It should be okay, as long as the wood mysterious spirit is attached to the hand, it can be separated from the toxin."

As Guan Heng said, he began to disassemble the animal bones in front of him to check. After a few breaths, he stood up and said casually: "It should be killed by some kind of powerful enemy carrying poison. This guy's luck is very bad. ."

"Huh!" As soon as the words fell, Guan Heng suddenly released a ball of flames in his palm, burning the entire skeleton to death. In this way, he would not be afraid of any harm to his companions caused by the remaining poison.

"Go on." After burning the poisonous bones, Guan Heng led everyone to move forward. He walked a hundred steps and turned a bend. Suddenly, everyone saw a huge animal bone.

After seeing the thing, Ruotao curled her lips and said, "Is this the Yuanjing buried site or the ancient beast grave? Where did so many bones come from?"

"Guan Heng, what's so special about this skeleton?" Xianxin asked at this time, and Guan Heng, who was examining the skeleton, said casually: "It is also highly toxic."

"What?!" Upon hearing this, the girls and other companions looked at each other, all a little surprised.

Guan Heng said at this moment: "But, this guy was not poisoned to death. Its thoracic vertebrae and surrounding ribs collapsed and cracked, and most of its skull was broken. Obviously, he was killed by the enemy with heavy techniques."

"Then what's the matter with it being highly toxic?" Upon hearing this, Xianxin asked in a puzzled manner.

Guan Heng replied: "It has four fangs in its mouth. I checked it carefully. The inside is hollow, with a highly toxic smell, obviously fangs."

"So that's the case." After hearing this explanation, everyone suddenly realized that after Guan Heng finished the explanation, he stretched out his hand and broke off four poisonous fangs. Ruo Tao next to him asked, "My son, isn't this stuff poisonous? Bye. What are you doing down here?"

"Although it is poisonous, it is not convenient for ordinary people to use it, but it can be inlaid on the colorful bone stick of the mad queen, as an ornament, and second, this thing is controlled by aura at critical moments, and it can be mixed in the wind blade. Going out and attacking the enemy is very useful."

After that, Guan Heng turned his head and asked, "Queen ant, do you want this fang?"

"Think about it, thank you Lord Guan for the gift." The mad queen ant was overjoyed at this time, and immediately said: "I must make good use of it and live up to Lord Guan's kindness."

"Well, take it." Upon hearing this, Guan Heng handed the venomous beast tooth to the queen, and then shrugged and said: "Look, you can't say that there is no gain in this way, right?"

"Indeed, a lot of weird things have been collected." Gu Sang Nu sighed disappointedly: "Ah, I just didn't get the Evil Essence Crystal..."

"Okay, okay, don't say so sad, my heart is softened."

Guan Heng said with a smile: "Let's go around here later. If you still can't find other Yuanjing, I will divide the big fist into several parts, and give each of you a suitable pendant or something. ,OK?"

"Okay!" Upon hearing this, the girls all agreed, and then said: "What you say is what you say!"

"Tsk, have you discussed it, just wait for me to say this?" Guan Heng said with a wry smile.

"Hehehe, anyway, if you promise us, it must be done."

"That's right, brother, you said it yourself, you must keep your promises to the girls." Sisters, you said and I said, twittering.

Suddenly, Guan waved his hand horizontally and said in a low voice, "Shhh, silence, do you hear any special noise in front of you?"

"No." Ruotao widened her eyes and said, "Master, could it be that you misheard it?"

"Impossible, how could my Shunfenger make such a low-level mistake?" Guan Heng distinguished a sentence out of breath, his ears moved suddenly, and after listening to the sound again, after a few breaths, Feng Xin asked a little impatiently: "Hey , What sound did you hear?"

"Uh, how do you say it, like a huge snoring sound, snoring... snoring..."

Guan Heng said while imitating that sound, Ruotao smiled beside him: "Haha, I see, it's like the snoring of the armored king's lazy nap, right?"

Hearing this, Guan Heng nodded and nodded: "Uh, this analogy is really appropriate."

"It's not appropriate at all." Hearing the conversation between the two of them, King Jia Yao was so angry that his cheeks were bulging, and he mumbled: "Have I snore? Why haven't I heard it once?"

"Hahaha, if you can hear your own purring while sleeping, that's a weird thing."

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