Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 11273: Hidden secret path (fifth more outburst)

"Go and go, don't talk nonsense, jealous, talking nonsense." Guan Heng waved to An Yan angrily. She stuck her tongue at Guan Heng, and ran to the side laughing with her sisters.

At this moment, Guan Heng had no time to grind his teeth with everyone, walked up to the fainted birdclaw, and slapped the other's thin neck, slapped his face: "Hey, wake up, Wake up soon."


At first, he screamed in a daze, and after he opened his eyes, especially when he saw Guan Heng holding his neck, the birdclaw wailed and sprayed a grayish breath toward Guan Heng, beside Anyan, Ruotao and Qing Huang yelled at the same time: "Be careful, the breath is poisonous."

"Hahaha, of course it's poisonous, but it doesn't work for me." Guan Heng said, and suddenly reached out his hand to grab the gray aura in the void, and they were suddenly crumpled into air. Let Guan Heng pinch in his hands.

"If you didn't know that you vomited this poisonous breath too much because of fright, I should pinch you to death now." Guan Heng said, letting the poisonous breath float in the air, and then continued: "But the young master has a lot of it, for the time being I don't want to kill you, but you have to show something."

As if he understood Guan Heng's words, the body of the birdclaw kept trembling, and then nodded, expressing his willingness to cooperate, just to survive.

"Well, you just need to know the cooperation. In this case, you can live a longer life."

In order to facilitate communication with this birdclaw, Guan Hengli suddenly pointed on its forehead, first to heal this guy's wounds from the fight with the armor king, and secondly, let a trace of the original spirit of the spirit race into the opponent's body. , In this way, it can fully understand Guan Heng's words.

The most important thing is that if this guy dares to play any tricks, Guan Heng's aura will rebel in his body and teach this guy a lesson.

At this moment, Guan Heng let go of his hand to make the flat-billed birdclaw stand firm, and he immediately took out the fist-big piece of evil spirit crystal, and when he saw this, the birdclaw suddenly screamed in fright. : "Crack!"


"It seems you know this thing."

Guan Heng squeezed the Yuanjing in his hand, and then said in a leisurely time: "We are here to find this thing. If you know where it is, just tell me, it doesn't hurt you, isn't it? ?"

"Quaqua, quack..." Upon hearing this, the birdclaw shook his head, pacing around in place, looking nervous and frightened.

After a few breaths, the armor king next to him became a little impatient, and he shouted in an urn, "Hey, do you know where Yuanjing is? A good word, don't delay!"

"Qua..." Seeing the fierce and vicious appearance of King Jia Yao, the birdclaw was also a little scared, subconsciously screamed, and then shrank to Guan Heng's side.

King Jia Yao glared his eyes and whispered: "Tell you, it's no good for you to conceal any information now. If you are of no use, Lord Guan will not keep you, understand?"

At this moment, Birdclaw glanced at Guan Heng. He stretched out his hand and patted the opponent's forehead, and said, "Fatty is right. If you want to survive, you'd better take us to find Yuanjing."

"Quack, quack!" After hearing these words, the flat-billed bird claw finally made up his mind, nodded to Guan Heng them, and then stretched out the flat beak, "pointing" to the left side of the front. Passage, signal everyone to follow oneself.

"Well, let's lead the way." Guan Heng was not afraid of the other party playing tricks, so he waved his hand to signal the other party to act quickly.

"Suddenly!" The next moment, the flat-billed birdclaw immediately pulled out like an electric trot and ran in that direction. Guan Heng and other companions chased after him, and in the blink of an eye, they ran for more than a hundred meters. Distance.

"Quaqua, quack." At this time, the birdclaw stopped, and it turned out that it had already taken everyone to the bottom of a huge slope. Guan Heng and everyone thought that the birdclaw would take him uphill.

Who knows that this guy looked left and right, but didn't walk up the ramp, but went around to the back. Here, there is a huge rock that is two feet high. "Tuk tuk tuk tuk tuk tuk tuk tuk tuk tuk tuk tuk tuk tuk! The bird claw pecked the rock vigorously with its long beak.

"That's it, I want to break it. It's easy." Guan Heng finished speaking and stepped forward. He suddenly slapped a palm on the rock, "Boom! Wow!" In an instant, the palm was destroyed and the rock was immediately shaken. It broke into pieces.

Seeing this, the Birdclaw was also shocked, never expected Guan Heng's power to be so powerful.

At this time, something unexpected happened!

After the rock shattered, the huge ramp it originally supported continued to sink toward the ground. At this moment, a brand new road appeared in front of everyone.

"Hey!" At this moment, the flat-billed birdclaw jumped into the middle of the road, and then signaled everyone to follow him forward, and it turned his head and ran.

"Follow up." Guan Heng's heart seemed as bright as he opened two windows, and he said: "The access here is secret. If there is no such guy to lead it, we may not be able to find it if we spend a lot of time."

"Hahaha, Lord Guan has the foresight and didn't let me trample this guy to death." King Armor said with a grin at this time. "It's true."

The girls also nodded and nodded, echoing what it said.

"Look, this guy doesn't run forward." At this moment, Guan Heng also stopped. Everyone was bright and fast, and they all stopped and watched the changes.

"Quak, quack, quack!" At this time, the birdclaw became a little nervous, turned his head and whispered twice toward Guan Heng, which meant to say: "Going further is not good for me, and it is easy to be dangerous."

"Hmph, you idiot, if we follow you, what's the danger? Don't worry, you can't die." Guan Heng waved his hand impatiently and said, "Just go forward."

Hearing this, the flat-billed birdclaw was really unhappy, but when he saw the ugly beasts behind Guan Heng's body, such as the armor king, the ice scorpion, etc., this guy did not dare to resist, so he had to walk forward tremblingly.

Because of the fear of the danger ahead, this guy moved more and more slowly, and the king of armor roared from behind: "It's a long time, I think you are itchy, right? Lord Guan, let me pass the lesson. This guy, save it from playing tricks."

"Hey!" After saying this, King Jia Yao has not hesitated to jump behind the birdclaw monster, raised his hoof and kicked it, cursing, "Useless waste, how dare you slack in front of Grandpa? , I think you are impatient with your life, so let me send you on the road!"

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