Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 11274: Mysterious Flyer (first more)

"Crack quack ——" Hearing this, the flat-billed bird claw almost burst into tears. This guy was threatened by the armor king. There was really no way he could do it. He had to scream in panic and rushed forward.

"Cracking—whooping—" In an instant, the swift birdclaw ran out for more than ten feet, and the armor king followed closely, yelling continuously from his mouth: "Hurry up, hurry up... …"

At this moment, King Armor found that there was a white light flashing not far in front, so he suddenly whispered: "Stop, don't run forward!"

"Squeak!" It was too late, then soon, the birdclaw's feet stopped like lightning, without the armor king, this guy also knew that the front was a place that could not be easily approached. At this moment, Jia King Yao stared at the front with wide eyes, and then he said nothing.

After a few breaths, Guan Heng and the girls rushed to this place, and Fang Xin asked in a loud voice, "How is it, did you find something?"

"Okay, it seems to be an evil crystal, but it's quite far away from us, so I'm not sure." King Jia Yao turned around and said, "Master Guan, what do you think?"

"All in all, let's make sure first." Guan Heng looked at the trembling birdclaw beside him, and stretched out his hand to tuck the opponent's neck.

Then Guan Heng said to it: "Now you have two paths. First, I will interrupt your leg and let you live and die here. Second, you take us to the past. No matter what happens, I To keep you alive, you can choose for yourself."

There is no doubt that although Guan Heng gave this guy two options, in order to survive, he can only choose the second option, so he just hesitated for a while, and nodded hurriedly.

Guan Heng let go and kicked it: "Go!"

Seeing the birdclaw monster rushing forward, Guan Heng turned his head and said to the king of armor: "See if you have not, your methods and words to intimidate him are still too gentle, so he refuses to give in easily. Learn more. Follow my words and deeds."

"Yes, Lord Guan, you are good." King Jia Yao didn't forget to slap Guan Heng's flattery, and the fat on his face was constantly shaking with a smile, making it sour.

"Okay, okay, stop talking nonsense, and hurry up." Xiaoxin said at this time, and immediately ran forward with the other sisters.

Just when everyone followed the birdclaw to the white light blooming area, a sudden change occurred!

"Whhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! Into the soil.

Seeing it so embarrassing, Xianxin curled his lips and said, "What a coward, sisters, let's go!"

"Okay!" Ruotao and Gu Sangnu promised, and they had already leapt forward, rushing to meet those dying shadows.

"Buzzing--buzzing--" The opponent seemed to be a small flying insect that was only an inch in length. At this moment, it flapped its wings and screamed, not only intimidating the enemy, but also a prelude to a fierce attack.

"Huh, a bunch of bugs are pretty arrogant, let me clean up you!"


It's too late, it's fast, Ruotao swung the Thunder-Swallowing Blade and cut it towards the opponent eight times. At once, several blades rushed with the wind, attacking the small insects that shined with white light, "Dangdangdang!" The blades were sharp. Quickly, it landed on the surface of the little worm in an instant, causing them to scream and fly out one by one.

"Weird, can you hold my slash without crushing?!" Seeing this, Ruotao was a little surprised, and Gu Sangnu said: "You must have not used your full strength, really stupid, look at me!"

"Linggen, go!"


Between the lightning and the fire, the ancient mulberry girl shook the wooden scepter, more than a dozen spiritual roots rushed out of the ground with the wind, and slapped viciously towards the white light flying insects. They were so shocked that they could not hurt each other half a point.

"It's weird, are these guys so tough and strong?" Seeing that her attack had no effect, Gu Sangnu's eyes widened suddenly, with an expression of disbelief.

At the same time, Qinghuang and Xianxin had already stepped forward, followed by An Yan, and the three of them said in unison: "Let's try it."

"Well, sister, you must be more careful." Ruotao and Gu Sangnu nodded together, before stepping back a few steps.

"Wait." Guan Heng, who was watching for a while, opened his mouth at this time, and then said: "I don't know the details of these flying insects. It seems difficult to kill them directly. Let's catch them alive."

"Hey, big brother, isn't it easier to kill the opponent than to catch it alive?" An Yan said. "No, it will be easier for the three of you to catch alive."

"How do you say this?" Fengxin blinked and asked. Guan Heng walked up to the three of them, whispered a few words, Qing Huang's eyes lit up, and then said: "This is a good idea, sister, why don't you give it a try as A Heng said."

"Anything is good, just don't let these annoying bugs escape, Yan Mei, you can do it."

"Good!" Hearing Xiao Xin's words, An Yan flicked the Great Sword in his palm.

"Swish swish! Swish swish!"

More than a dozen sword souls flew out suddenly. They did not immediately attack the white light flying insects scurrying around, but swept to a higher place like lightning, and then turned into swords light and shadows, crisscrossing and covering. Lived in an area within a few feet of a radius.

At this time, the white light flying insects felt a little bad, and wanted to flutter their wings to break through and stay away from the area surrounded by the sword soul net.

"Dang!" But at the next moment, one of the flying insects that hit the Sword Soul's Web was violently shaken back to its original place. The rest of the flying insects continued to hit the Sword Soul's Web, but they were all bombed. Came back.

"Hahaha, my sword soul net is maintained by aura, it is impossible to break it easily, so just stay inside." An Yan said with a triumphant smile at this time.

"Well, let us do the rest of the work."

"Pop!" It's too late to say, then it's fast, Xiaoxin and Qinghuang screamed together, and they used the Starry Spirit Spear and the lotus strange blade to strike each other, "huhuhu--wishwishwish-" two strands The freezing and cold air swiftly swerved and moved towards the swarm of white light flying insects.

"Squeak..." The scream stopped abruptly just now, because the white light flying insects were all frozen, and then fell to the ground like a green onion, covering the ground in an instant.

"Hahaha, it really works to work together." Xianxin smiled and said to Guan Heng, "Your idea is really good."

"That's because the attack methods of the three of you are perfectly coordinated. I just pointed out this incident by the way."

Guan Heng said leisurely, then stepped forward, leaned over and took one of his frozen white light insects, and found that these guys looked similar to slender bees.

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