Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 11275: Crystal-Eater

"This worm is white all over, and looks very similar to a slender bee. Mother worm, do you know their names?"


Upon hearing Guan Heng’s question, the mother evil worms looked at the white light flying insects carefully, shook her head after a few breaths, and said, “Sorry, master, I don’t know where they came from, but it seems that they are very similar to the bees. Similar, probably a certain kind of mutation."

"Yeah, I suspect that they weren't like this before, and they should mutate only after eating something."

Guan Heng smiled slightly at the corner of his mouth, and then said: "Judging from the aura on their bodies, it should be the fragments of refining evil essence crystals, because the essence of these bees and insects is very rich."

"Yes, yes, we feel it too." Qing Huang and the other sisters nodded and said.

"That's right, the elemental crystal fragments that these guys swallow should mutate their bodies, so they are tough and strong, even Ruotao and Sangsang's slight attacks can withstand them." Guan Heng said casually: "So they live in. The place must be the gathering place for refining evil crystals."

"It makes sense."

"Well, how do we confirm this?"

After listening to the girls, Guan Heng said casually: "The easiest and most direct way is to tame these guys and let them lead the way. Although we can find it if we continue to move forward, I think tame this white light bee is good for us. ."

Speaking of this, he paused for a while, Guan Heng flicked the frozen white light strange bee in his palm with his fingers, "Bah!" The frost on the opponent's body was immediately shattered, and the strange bee shook his body, a little startled. After looking at Guan Heng, he didn't know what to do for a while.

"Here, honestly, this is for you."

As Guan Heng said, he took out a small piece of crystal fragments, which he collected after entering the periphery of the crevice in the ground. There were many more. Seeing the crystal fragments, the strange bee was a little hesitant at first, and then stretched out his front paws to hug. Just bite.

Just listen to the sound of "click, click" one after another, and within a few breaths, the different bee ate up this elemental crystal fragment, and Guan Heng smiled: "Hahaha, it seems that your appetite is quite good, do you want to have some more ?"

"Squeak." Hearing this, the white light bee nodded repeatedly, expressing that he wanted it. The yuan crystal fragments it ate also contained a trace of Guan Heng's aura. As long as it was eaten, it would have a good impression of Guan Heng. , Even the Zergbee itself would not be aware of it.

After the two pieces of Yuanjing fragments fell on their stomachs, the strange bee had fallen into a state of complete obedience to Guan Heng, and then Guan Heng also thaw the other strange bees, and then threw a few Yuanjing fragments to everyone. They eat people with short mouths and immediately surrounded them. Guan Heng went round and round, looking like he was obedient.

At this time, Guan Heng took out the Evil Refining Element Crystal with the big fist, and said to them: "Listen well, take me to find the same thing as this one. When that happens, you will all have rewards."

Guan Hengman thought that when he said this, the strange bees would immediately start to act like a rush, but never expected that they looked at each other and looked at each other a bit, and they didn't start acting immediately.

Qing Huang next to him asked: "A Heng, what's going on, don't the strange bees understand you?"

"It's not like, I think they know what I mean, and they seem a little scared." Guan Henggang said here, the first alien bee rescued by him flew onto the back of Guan Heng's hand and faced him. He yelled a few times: "Squeak, squeak!"

The cry seemed a little rushed, and he wanted to express a certain meaning very urgently, Guan Heng said: "Don't worry, don't worry, you speak slowly, I might be able to understand even if you guessed it."

As a result, the strange bee whispered a few more times, Guan Heng touched his chin, and said casually: "Oh, that's how it is, I basically understand it."

Hearing this, Xian Xin asked next to him: "Hey, what are you talking about, please tell everyone about it, I can't wait."

"Don't worry, I'll tell everyone now." Guan Heng said casually: "In fact, it's just a few words. This group of strange bees know where the evil essence crystals are, and they can take us there. It's just a little'additional request'. ."

"What request? Come and listen."

"This group of'crystal-chewing white bees' have been living around the refining element crystals for thousands of years, gnawing on the fragments of the element crystals for food, but they never eat large pieces of element crystals, it is said that those things are hidden. The breath that makes me emotionally frantic, so I have always been taboo."

Guan Heng said to everyone at this time: "This little white bee told me that their queen bee suddenly encountered a powerful enemy who came here unintentionally many years ago. Under a pile of collapsed spar..."

According to Xiao Baifeng’s narrative, at that time, the Crystal Devouring White Queen Bee and the powerful enemy were trapped under the spar pile. Both were seriously injured, tired and hungry, and forced to lose control of their emotions, so they both swallowed a lot of crystals. The white queen bee entered a frenzied state of brutality.

As for the situation of the other party, no one knows whether it is dead or alive.

If you are out of control and get out of trouble, it is likely to be disadvantageous to the entire group of crystal-eating white bees. The queen bee's emotions shattered the only gap leading to the outside world, and since then lost contact with the outside bee colony.

But for so many years, the Crystal Devouring White Bees have not given up on rescuing their boss, and their strength is limited. None of them have the ability to approach that piece of "Evil Refining Crystal Mountain".

Because the white bees have always been feeding on the fragments of Yuanjing Mountain, as long as they are slightly close to Yuanjing Mountain, there will automatically generate a strong suction force, and the white bees will be sucked over and hit Yuanjing Mountain, causing them to be crushed to death.

So later, there was no crystal-chewing white bee who dared to die. Until now, they don’t know whether the white bee queen is alive or dead. Let the crystal-chewing white bees ignite the fire of hope.

The White Bees are willing to take Guan Heng and everyone to the Evil Yuanjing Mountain, their only request is to hope that Guan Heng can rescue their eldest White Queen Bee Queen.

After listening to Guan Heng's narrative, everyone nodded, and Xianxin said: "Guan Heng, this condition is not a big deal, you agree to it."

"I was also going to agree." Guan Heng said, and said to the little white bee lying on the back of his hand: "Go, show us the way, I can save your boss first, and then go get those Refining evil crystals."

"Squeak, squeak!" Upon hearing this, the little white bee was so happy that she whispered and gently rubbed the back of Guan Heng's hand with a pair of tentacles to show intimacy.

Then the little white bees flew into the air with a whirr, and shouted at all of their companions. The whole group of crystal-chewing white bees swept forward without hurriedly. Guan Heng waved his hand at this time, beckoning everyone and himself to follow them. Rear.

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