Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 11277: The fight to pass the time

"No problem, helping it is just a small matter." Guan Heng said again: "Can't you communicate with it now? Help me ask about the white queen bee trapped inside Yuanjingshan."

"Okay, I'll try it right away."

"Huh!" In the next moment, the profound crystal spirit body floating in the air released its own message and floated to Yuanjing Mountain not far away.

After a few breaths, the profound crystal spirit body said: "Master Guan, it said that a crystal-chewing white queen bee and another guy had been trapped in its mountain for a long time, and both of them were gnawing its crystals and impacted. It feels uncomfortable to fight desperately all day long."

"Why, the White Queen Bee and its enemies are still alive?"

When Guan Heng heard this, he was obviously a little surprised. The Xuanjing spirit body said: "In short, Yuan Jingshan said that it is like this. He also said that if these two guys can get out of its mountain, it will be very grateful. That's about it. Meaning."

Suddenly, Xuan Jing's spirit body paused for a while, and then said: "Oh, probably because of communicating with the outside world for too long, Yuan Jingshan's consciousness has begun to weaken. Lord Guan, if you want to save the White Bee, you have to take advantage of this time. ."

"Well, I understand." Guan Heng nodded at this time, and then said: "You are monitoring Yuanjingshan's dynamics for me, and if you find anything different, you immediately notify me."

"Yes, Lord Guan, I know." Hearing Guan Heng's words, the Xuan Jing spirit body immediately agreed, and Guan Heng said again: "The insect mother, the golden sting king, and the roar go with me, Qing Huang, you and my sister. We and their companions are here waiting for news."

"I know, be careful." When Qing Huang finished speaking, Guan Heng waved his hand and hurried towards Yuanjing Mountain with the three insects. Guan Heng gave a few words to the insect mother on the road, and everyone immediately nodded and said: "Okay, we all understand."

"That's good, act now."

"Suddenly!" It was too late, and then soon, the evil worm mother, the golden sting king, and the ancient wild roar rushed towards Yuanjing Mountain from the left, center, and right directions respectively.

Perhaps it was because of the previous passage with the Xuanjing Spirit Body, Yuanjing Mountain did not have any intention of resisting outsiders at this time, so the three insect mothers easily landed on Yuanjing Mountain.

"How is it, is there any physical discomfort?" Guan Heng came to the foot of the mountain and asked.


"We are the same here, there is no discomfort." The insect mother said so.

"Very well, I will now look for the whereabouts of the White Queen Bee. The three of you are on the mountain to monitor its movements."

After speaking, Guan Heng had already begun to scan around. After a few breaths, he found the collapsed element crystal pile, listened to it, and found that there was no movement inside, so Guan Heng decided to do it directly.

"Boom boom boom!"

In the flash of lightning, Guan Heng slammed his fist and hit the surface of the pile of crystals, "Wow!" In an instant, these crystals were shaken by the fist and soared. Guan Heng shook his fist at this time and said to himself: "Good fellow, it's really strong, even my fists are a little numb."

But it was only a little numb. Guan Heng wanted to smash these crystals, basically without difficulty, there was already a small round hole in front of him, Guan Heng a cat waist, and quickly got in.

At this moment, what came into view was a mess of the inner area of ​​Yuanjing Mountain, full of gnawed crystals and traces of fighting.

"It seems that after the two guys are trapped here, they can only use gnawing yuanjing and fighting to pass the time. It's really a shame that they haven't gone crazy."

Guan Heng muttered to himself as he walked forward. In front of him was a huge tunnel leading directly to the inside of Yuanjing Mountain. Obviously, two powerful guys couldn't hold back their hands when they fought, so this battle area It has continued to expand, gradually extending to the inner mountain.

"Boom boom boom!"

"Ping pong pong!"


In an instant, Guan Heng heard the sound of fierce fighting coming from the end of the tunnel. The corners of his mouth curled up with a smile: "Hehehe, I found you!"

"Suddenly—whoop—" At the next moment, Guan Heng had already rushed towards the tunnel.

At the same time, on the other side, in a larger open space in the Yuanjing Mountain, the Crystal-Evering White Queen Bee was fighting fiercely with the enemy here.

That guy was a pair of huge bat wings on his back, black and hard thorns all over, a beast with sharp teeth and sharp mouths. The opponent swayed a pair of sharp claws and ran away, vowing to tear the white queen bee to pieces.

It’s just that after years of fierce battles, the Crystal-Evering White Queen Bee is too familiar with the attacking method of that guy. It dodges and dodges to avoid the enemy’s attack easily, but the hard-stab bat wing monster is also familiar with the White Queen. Also avoided its onslaught.

These two guys are like a pair of butterflies dancing in the air, they will separate when they collide, because they are so familiar with each other, no one can hurt anyone.

"Slap, slap, slap..."

At this moment, the clear applause rose sharply, and Guan Heng's voice sounded beside them: "Wonderful and wonderful, you two played well, but I have to interrupt you, do you want to leave here? The guy outside to take a breath of fresh air?"



Suddenly, Guan Heng came silently to a place close to him. The two guys frightened Lingling and fought a cold war, but immediately after hearing the second half of Guan Heng's words, they became ecstatic! "Can you go out? Can you leave Yuanjingshan?!"

"White Queen Bee, I am here to rescue you at the request of your little White Bee companions. Come with me." Guan Heng said and beckoned to the White Queen Bee. The other party had already smelled Guan Heng carrying the Little White Bee on his body. Breath, so there is no doubt, and suddenly flies down to Guan Heng.

At this moment, Guan Heng pointed to the somewhat stunned hard-stab bat wing monster, and asked: "What do you want to do with this guy? If you want to settle it, I can do it for you."

"Squeak..." Upon hearing this, the Crystal Devouring White Queen Bee looked at the Batwing Monster meaningfully. The opponent Ji Lingling had a cold war, but soon, the White Queen Bee shook his paws, which meant to make the opponent Leaving, I don't want to be entangled with it anymore.

Because they have been trapped inside Yuanjing Mountain for so many years, they have fought too many times all day long. If they didn't have the other party to pass the time together, they might have gone crazy.

Feeling this, the White Queen Bee will let go of the batwing monster. Seeing this, the other party was also surprised, but the batwing monster only hesitated for a moment, then fluttered its wings and hurriedly left along the tunnel.

"Hehehe, I can't see that your mind is good." When Guan Heng said this, he suddenly felt the body of the White Queen Bee tremble, and asked: "Hey, what's the matter with you?"

"Squeak!" In an instant, the White Queen Bee screamed frantically, then took a vicious bite on Guan Heng's wrist, and then flew into the air with a whirr.

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