Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 11278: The white queen bee saved (fifth more outburst)

"Hey, you went crazy inexplicably, and even bit me. You are so courageous."

Glancing at the white seals on his hand, and then at the white queen bee scurrying in the air, Guan Heng smiled leisurely, and then continued: "It seems that it is necessary to teach you a lesson."

Said it is a lesson, in fact, Guan Heng has already seen why the white queen bee ran away. That is because the white queen bee ate too much evil crystals and stored the excess crystal energy in his body. Maybe I can't control it, and I will blew my body directly.


At this time, the White Queen Bee scurrying in the air made a cry of extreme pain, still indicating Guan Heng to stay away from him, otherwise it might hurt Guan Heng again. "Hehehe, this is not something you want to worry about. I'll let you stop first."

"Huh!" It was too late to say, then quickly, Guan Heng jumped up suddenly and reached the Queen Bee, and quickly stretched out his right hand to grab the other's body. The Queen Bee didn't want to resist, but he couldn't control his body, and he couldn't help it. Hit Guan Heng's wrist and bite after opening his mouth.

"Hey!" Guan Heng's five fingers closed between the electric light and the fire, and he had firmly grasped the white queen bee's body. He casually said: "It will not be good for you to stay inside Yuanjingshan. You should go out with me and find a way. Bar."

After a few breaths, Guan Heng already led the White Bee Queen to run out of the gap in Yuanjing Mountain, and he waved his hand, "Huhuhu——Shu 唰唰——" A large amount of earth profound spiritual energy rushed to the gap and blocked it. It's tight and solid, and turned into a stone shape to prevent the Yuanjing breath from leaking out.

"Huh, A Heng, did you get the White Queen Bee out?"

Qing Huang approached Guan Heng at this time and said: "A hard-stab bat wing flew out just now and hurriedly fled. My sister and Ruotao originally wanted to stop him and capture him, but I said it was unnecessary, definitely. You let it go on purpose, right?"

"Smart, that's how it is." Guan Heng smiled: "Actually, it wasn't what I meant, but the White Queen wanted to release that old opponent. I'm just being a favor."

"How is the White Queen Bee now?" At this moment, Ruotao leaned forward and asked.

Guan Heng smiled and shook the White Queen Bee in his hand, and said: "You are in a state of madness, little girl ghost, if you dare to touch it, you will definitely be bitten. My hand was bitten just now."

"Uh, what?!" After hearing this, Ruotao took a step back subconsciously, and exclaimed, "Is this guy really so vicious?"

"I describe it as light, and its body is now full of surplus Yuanjing aura. If you are not careful, you may explode."

"That's too dangerous." After hearing this, the girls asked without an appointment: "How should this be good?"

"Simple, just let the essence of the crystal in its body separate out."

Guan Heng said: "The best way is to distribute these breaths to hundreds of crystal-chewing white bees. In this way, they will have resistance to Yuanjing Mountain, and there is no need to be afraid of approaching this mountain."

"It turns out that it not only rescued the White Bee Queen's crisis, but also allowed the Little White Bee to benefit from it, killing two birds with one stone!" Qing Huang smiled and said, "What a great idea."

"Okay, I want to call the white bee colony right now." After that, Guan Heng pursed his lips and let out a sharp whistle. After the little white bees heard the sound, they immediately gathered in a hurry.

Seeing the white queen bee in Guan Heng's hands, they were so happy that they were about to come over to say hello, but they were stopped by Guan Heng. He said, "Wait to say hello, the situation is like this..."

After recounting the situation of the White Queen Bee, Guan Heng waved his hand and said: "Everything is clear. You will arrange it in the air immediately. I will force out the essence of the queen bee and distribute it to you."


Hearing this, the swarm of bees fluttered into the air and flew into a neat line. Guan Hengku suddenly flexed his fingers and bounced on the white queen bee's back. He opened his mouth and said, "Woohoo!" , A large amount of Yuanjing breath was directly released by it.

Then these breaths were divided by Guan Heng with his own spiritual energy, turned into strands, and poured into hundreds of crystal-chewing white bees. Because Guan Heng shot quickly, these things were almost completed in more than ten breaths.

Gradually, the White Queen Bee also regained consciousness, and the rampage state eased and disappeared. Guan Heng released it at this time, causing it to flutter its wings and fly two times in the air, moving its muscles and bones, and Guan Heng said: "Okay, you will make peace first. The bees greet and communicate, and we will talk later."

"Squeak!" White Queen Bee nodded, and then followed the instructions and flew to the bee colony. At the same time, Guan Heng turned around and said to everyone: "Let’s take a look at Yuanjing Mountain now."

"Master Guan, something is wrong with it. Come and take a look."

At this moment, the profound crystal spirit body just flew over, and it said: "Yuanjing Mountain seems to be very unstable now, and it has been shaking. The insect mothers try their best to release their aura to suppress, but the situation has not improved."

"Don't worry, I'll control it." Guan Heng said, walking to Yuanjing Mountain, and then reaching out to hold the mountain in front of him, he said: "Mother, what's the situation, you can explain it."

"That's it, Master." The evil worm mother flew down beside Guan Heng and said in a hurry: "As soon as you left the mountain with the White Queen Bee just now, the Yuanjing Mountain began to tremble slowly. At first, We didn't care, after all, the shock was not big."

"But after a few breaths, the shaking of the mountain began to increase. At this time, the profound crystal spirit body reminded us that it is better to wrap the entire Yuanjing mountain with aura to suppress the opponent's shaking."

The evil worm mother said: "In the beginning, this method worked well, but soon, the aura that the three of us released together couldn't be suppressed. It just so happened that you came here too."

"It's true. I also feel that Yuanjing Mountain is shaking very badly." Guan Heng nodded his head while holding the mountain with his hand. He then raised his voice: "Hey, the mysterious spirit body, can you and this now? Yuan Jingshan to communicate?"

"Sorry, Lord Guan." The Xuanjing spirit body said with some embarrassment: "I have been contacting Yuanjingshan since it trembled, but it has never reacted. In my opinion, it is itself Repel the intelligent spirit body that is about to spawn."

"In other words, a part of this guy is instinctively unwilling to evolve further, and wants to maintain the original state."

"Well, I see, it's like a person has two personalities, they are competing for the control of the body, right?" Guan Heng thought for a while and said.

"Yes, that's roughly what it means."

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