Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1128: Ambush (first)

"Ah, it's an undead skeleton warrior." Borui was pale and took a step back suddenly. He whispered in his mouth and said, "What a mess, how can we forget, here is the site of the undead dragon army!" "

"Squeak!" The skeleton warriors made a harsh sound of rubbing bones, and waved the weapon in their hands and rushed to Borui.

Just when this guy was frightened, a fitness figure suddenly came over behind Borui.

"Ancient martial arts, cut rock fist!" "Bang bang!" Imila, who shot like electricity, smashed the frontal bones of the two skeleton warriors with a fist and turned them to the ground.

"Borui, don't hesitate, use magic spells to attack!" Ymira shouted as she walked around the rest of the skeleton warriors, avoiding their spears and swords.

"Light Arrows!"

"Oh!" At the same time, Zuo Wei's light magic has also been shot. Although the power of light arrows is not very strong, it is effective against skeleton warriors of the undead system. The three light arrows instantly scored two skeletons. The soldier's thoracic spine cracked, and the two skeletons shattered on the spot.

"Huh, don't think that the master can only be magic." Borui was about to be prestigious in front of the two female companions at this time, so he wielded the magic wooden staff on the forehead of a skeleton warrior, "Wow!" Gu Skull was instantly broken into pieces.

"Hahaha, what an undead skeleton warrior, but that's it!" Borui couldn't help but smile smugly: "You can't bear the magic blow of my magician, are you guys sticking paper?"

"Oh!" Borui's voice didn't fall. The smashed skeleton warrior stood up intact in front of him, scaring Borui almost away from his body: "Oh my mother, this thing isn't dead? ! "

Not only this skeleton warrior, but the others who were just overthrown all stood up again and again. At this time, Yi Mi Ramen said solemnly: "This is the strength of the undead 傀儡 warriors, they It's all very difficult to recover again with the power of darkness. "

"Abominable, kill them even if it's tricky!"

"Look at the trick, fierce fire spell!" At this moment, Borui suppressed the horror in his heart, and suddenly brought out the latest intermediate flame magic, and a tumbling fire surged from the top of Borui's staff. Instantly devoured the two skeleton warriors in front.

The fierce fire spell is intermediate-level magic, and its flames are hotter and faster than the flame spell used by Borui before, so the skeleton warrior has no time to recover, and his skeleton has been burned into nothingness.

"Excellent, the fierce fire spell attack works ..."

"Tongtong!" But before Borui was proud, he was already half-knelt on the ground, and Borui shouted weakly: "Zowei, Imira, this fierce fire spell consumes too much magic power, I am tired You can't stand up, and the rest of the battle is left to you. "

"It's really a deceptive guy. I just wanted to boast about you. Who knows that you drop the chain at a critical time." Zuo Wei said angrily, and suddenly wielded the staff to give Imira a "defensive iron wall". And then said, "Come on, Sister Imela."

"Look at me!"

"Yeah!" Yi Meila touched her two fists and rushed into the encirclement of several skeleton warriors. She suddenly whispered: "Ancient martial arts, the dance of phantom fist." Milla split out countless ghosts in an instant, waving his fist and launched a rapid and swift attack on the skeleton warriors around him.

"Bang, bang, bang!" The punch was like a storm, and three or four skeletons would be cracked in a blink of an eye.

However, despite the fierce attack of the Phantom Fist Dance, when the tiny bones of the skeleton warriors landed on the ground, they began to recover quickly at a speed visible to the naked eye.

At this moment, Zuo Wei suddenly pointed the staff of the priest in the palm towards the sky, and she cried out, "Sacred Holy Ghost, the evil is destroyed!" A holy halo of several meters in diameter suddenly erupted at the top of the staff, When this incandescent light shines on the broken bones of the skeleton warrior, these evil things are instantly turned into powder!

After casting, Zuo Wei yelled excitedly: "Successful, the Holy Evil Church's curse of the evil spell, it really can destroy the undead creatures."

"Ha ha, finally killed all the skeleton warriors." Borui was holding his staff with his staff at this time, barely standing up, he forced a smile and said: "It seems that when there is no boss Guan Heng, the three of us can win the battle. . "

Although this is a joke, the progress of the three is not small, so they all looked at each other and laughed.

"Hurry up, put the magical fireworks ..." Before Zuo Wei said this, the three of them suddenly felt that a dark cloud suddenly flew from the sky, covering the dilapidated city tower where they were located. Cried out, "It's a dragon, it's an evil dragon!"

"Woohoo!" Before the three people responded, the dragon in the sky had roared and dived down quickly, hitting the tower fiercely, "Boom!" The tower collapsed, Borui, Zowei and Imila screamed in unison, and flew out.

"Wow!" Ten seconds later, a collapsed city brick was suddenly lifted, and Borui's grey-faced face came out. He shouted, "Zowei, Imira, where are you?"

"I ... by your side ..." Zuo Wei's weak voice sounded slowly: "Oh! Stupid, don't step on it, that's my foot!" In Borui pulled Zuo Wei out of the ruins At the same time, a pile of stones slammed a dozen meters away, and Ymira climbed out hard.

"Yeah!" Yimila scooped out her mouth full of sand, and then yelled, "This **** dragon has made a sudden attack, which is simply too much."

"Woohoo!" Imela's voice didn't fall, and a roaring dragon roar came again in the sky: "Rapkin human girl, how dare you look down on Ben?"

"Huh! Boom!" This dragon, ten meters tall, suddenly landed not far from the three people, and immediately smashed the ground out of the cracked pit, and the dust splashed in time, winning the three of Borui. Cough.

At this moment, Borui, Zuowei, and Imila could clearly see the dragon in front of them. At that moment, the three of them felt that they could not rest in their stomachs and almost did not vomit on the spot because of the appearance of the dragon It is really disgusting.

The dragon's body is covered with turquoise and gray skin, large scale armors have fallen off, black and red dead meat has been turned out in some places on the body, and even ribs can be seen inside. Green head flies can't live there The flying dance lingered, one of its eyes had long disappeared, only a black hole in the eye, which looked extraordinarily stingy.

—— [2016.5.1 the first change, good morning everyone, Lao Sha continues to seek subscriptions, monthly tickets ~ (≧ ▽ ≦) ~] ——

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