Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1129: Fighter Zombie

Moreover, the dragon exudes a weird sense of death, as if it is a moving walking dead body, and the rotten smell on it is very strong. Normal people will feel sick and nauseous even if they take a step closer, and may even be stunned past!

"Uh, it's stinking ... why is there such a disgusting thing?" Zuo Wei quietly stepped back two steps, shrinking behind Borui.

"It's really smelly," Borui said, covering his mouth and nose with a sigh of breath. "Who is this guy?"

"Oh! The ugly human bugs on the opposite side, you listen to Ben Long!"

This rotten monster with a rancid body yelled at Borui and others, "I'm the undead dragon legion's famous ghost zombie dragon-Uncle Skye, in the name of the legion leader, to tear you guys apart Hey, get ready to die! "

"Uh-huh-I can't stand it!" Borui, who was closer to the ghost zombie dragon, suddenly screamed hysterically, turned and ran to a corner, and vomited, this sudden scene made the ghost Zombie Skye looked inexplicable, and a big question mark appeared on his face.

"Huh ... hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh ..." Borisi spit out everything in his stomach, he raised his head and shouted to the ghost dragon: "Hey, are all the opponents you destroyed before, all by you? My own smell is smoky? It's too smelly! "

"You! Damn things, what nonsense are you talking about ?!" The ghost zombie dragon, Skye, was so angry that he said: "Damn little human bugs dare to export wounded dragons, I want to kill you!"

Although this ghost zombie dragon is rotten and rotten, but its strength is tyrannical. In addition, it is already a dead dragon. After being resurrected through the dark domain of the magic domain, it has become a dragon with undead attributes, which is quite tricky.

"Hoo!" One of the front paws of the ghost zombie dragon suddenly pounded Borui's heart. Borui only felt that the bad wind was not good. He hurried back. Opened his front!

"Borui!" Seeing this scene, Zou Wei and Imira were so scared that the girls looked discolored. Who knew that Borui who fell on his back climbed up quickly. At this time, Borui jumped around and kept dodging, and he shouted, "Sisters, don't watch me die, help!"

"Eh! Hey, ye, ye!" Imira, not far away, suddenly went up and down three times, and suddenly approached Skye, the ghost and zombie dragon, approaching his opponent's lower abdomen with a fist.

"Bang!" The boxing force penetrated directly into the bone, and suddenly he was shocked by the huge body of the zombie dragon. After listening to Queen Ejin ’s words, Imila continued to exercise her arm strength. Now the boxing force has increased greatly. With a single hit, otherwise she might not be able to produce such a great effect with her previous strength.

"Hey!" Imira punched through the rotten body of the ghost dragon, smashing a rib directly. Borui looked aside clearly: "Okay, this punch is really good."

Who knew that at this time, a wicked smile appeared suddenly on Gui Zonglong's face, and at the same time, Ymira screamed, and then quickly retreated.

Borui asked in panic, "What happened to you?"

"My hand, my arm ... it hurts!" Imira's character was strong and tough, not extremely painful, she would never cry.

"The entire arm is black ?!" Borui watched the abnormal shape on Imira's arm, and quickly summoned Zouwei to come over: "Imila seems to be poisoned, please take a look."

"Hahaha, stupid little human bug, the unbelievable corpse poison is in your uncle's stomach. A little bit of it will turn that little girl into a pool of rotten water." Yang Yang said, "Wait, I will torture you slowly."

"Sacred Light Detoxification Mantra!" At this point, Zuo Wei tapped Imela's arm contaminated with a staves, and saw the dark toxin slowly recede.

"Huh, the detoxification spell works." Zuo Wei said to Borui and Imira: "Although this is not a common toxin, my Holy Light magic can restrain those tricks of undead creatures."

"Abominable, it's too dangerous to approach this guy with bare hands and fists." Borui stood up at this time, and he said to Zuo Wei, "Watch her before Imela's detoxification is complete, I'll fight this ghost zombie dragon!"

In fact, Borui was facing a vicious cricket at this time, and the ghost-studded dragon with rancid corpses was also a little soft, but he secretly murmured: "Just hold on for a few minutes, the boss Guan Heng will be able to come over and meet us, yes Yes, he will definitely arrive. "

"Hey, the ugly and weird ghost zombie dragon." Borui pointed at the other side with the magical wooden staff in his hand: "You guy, haven't you taken a bath for thousands of years? Are you dying, even if other dragons see you? I'll be scared and run away ... "

Borui's mouth changed his style with a blast of anger, he heard the ghost zombie dragon tremble, he suddenly raised his head and screamed: "Shit boy, I'm going to tear you into pieces and kill you! Kill you! Uh ah ah- "

"Whoa!" Skye, the ghost-studded dragon who shook his eyes, shook his body and strode forward, rushing madly towards Borui.

"Well, come here well." Borui suddenly waved his staff and suddenly sent out three **** of fire: "Flame Spell!"

"Oh!" The three groups of flames pounced on the gate of the ghost zombie dragon, and the monster laughed abruptly.

"Bang!" The front paw clenched into a fist, and the ghost and zombie dragon banged out directly, easily breaking the flame, and then it turned sharply and waved its thick tail: "Pop!" The last fireball died in response!

But at this moment, Borui took a deep breath and snarled with his magic wand with his full body magic power: "Frozen Mantra!"

The Frozen Mantra is an intermediate-level ice magic. It is higher than the power of the Frozen Mantra. Borui first attacks with the fireball of the Flame Mantra, and finally executes the real killer puppet. This is his tactic.

"Crack, click ..." A chilling sound slowly sounded, and the ten-meter-high body of the ghost-sturgeon was immediately frozen on the spot.

Borui, who was exhausted by magic, also fluttered and sat on the ground. He gasped and said, "Oh my mother, this time the whole body of magic is completely exhausted. If this ghost zombie dragon is again Out of the ice, I can only sit back and wait. "

"Borui, good job." At this time, Imira and Zuo Wei, who had finished the detoxification, ran over. Zuo Wei asked: "How? Can this guy get out of sleep?"

"Where do I know?" Borui slowly shook his head: "Now I can only hope that Boss Guan Heng is here quickly. We are hurt and tired, but we can no longer support ..."

Borui hadn't finished this sentence, and suddenly heard that the place where the ghost zombie dragon was frozen, there was a huge tremor, and it was accompanied by a rattle.

—— [Second more in 2016.5.1, good afternoon everyone, Lao Sha continues to ask for subscriptions and monthly tickets O (∩_∩) O] ——

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