Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1130: Strong enemy strikes (third)

Seeing this, Borui shouted in panic: "No, this **** is going to break the ice!"

"Ahhhhhhhhhhh!" It's a scourge, there was a sudden, unpleasant roar in the sky, three of them looked up, and another dragon flew from a distance!

The evil dragon in the sky is obviously different from the ghost dragon. Even if the ghost dragon is a bad smell, there is at least a layer of flesh, but the dragon in the sky is a bone dragon!

"I'm afraid this is another terrible creature of the undead dragon legion, the evil bone dragon." Borui murmured to himself: "Oops, we can't cope with a ghostly dragon, it will be dangerous if we have another helper. "

"Boom-crack!" At the same time, the frozen Ghost Razor finally shattered the whole ice layer in the roar: "Hahaha, little human bug, your magic really scared me. , But I'm fine now, you're going to be bad. "

Upon hearing this, Borui was scared and shrank his neck: "Wow, I'm still this guy's first target of revenge."

"Bang!" At this moment, the evil bone dragon in the sky suddenly landed on the ground. It howled and shouted to the ghost dragon: "Skye, it's just to clean up a few human dregs, your movement is too slow Let me help you with my evil bone dragon Barbaro. "

"Woohoo!" Grief Dragon screamed angrily: "Barbaro, these bugs are my prey, you are not allowed to make trouble, otherwise I will kill you!"

"Well, who would listen to you screaming there, I'll kill these guys and go back to the business." The evil bone dragon Barbaro didn't put the other person in his eyes, it rushed forward, Aiming at Borui, they launched an onslaught.

"Hoo--" The evil bone dragon Barbaro suddenly took a breath, then exhaled a black mist full of the shadow of death: "Death, human dregs, look at my Hell Dragon Breath."

Where the black jail dragon swept away, the grass and rocks on the ground suddenly became dark, all of them lost their vitality. Borui and the other three were frightened and rushed to resist.

"The defensive light wall!" This light wall is a new trick of Zuo Wei. The previous defensive iron wall only had a protection range of several feet square. The current light wall has increased its thickness and extended to seven or eight meters. The three were fully protected behind.

Who knows it was just a little contact, and Zuo Wei's defensive light wall was destroyed by the power of the Black Prison Dragon Breath, and within a short time, a large black mist had shrouded their heads.

"Miscellaneous things, I said you were not allowed to shoot. Are you farting when you are a laozi?"

"Oh!" The anxious and spooky ghost dragon stretched to the front. He first hurled a fan with his wings, blowing the Hell Dragon Breath without a trace, and then turned around and punched the evil bone dragon Barbaro's head in a punch: "Dead bones, you dare to do me a good thing, I'll kick you down!"

"Uh-huh?" Barbaro turned his head with a sudden punch from the other side, and then he roared back to the other side with a punch: "Mixed ball, saying that I am a bone rack, you are nothing but a bunch of bad Only meat! "

The undead evil dragons at both ends suddenly struck inwardly, and immediately made Borui and the three of them cried and laughed, and some secretly rejoiced. As soon as Borui winked at the two girls, the three turned around and wanted to slip away.

Who knew that at this time, the ghost dragon and the evil bone dragon discovered the intentions of the three people, and they suddenly yelled, "Want to run ?! Don't dream, let's take it-"

The Evil-Bone Dragon that swept the wind, the giant tail, the ghost-stiff dragon's sharp claws, fell to three people! Seeing that three lives were on the horizon, suddenly changed at this time! Suddenly there was a sharp spear in the oblique spurs. The giant tail and the two claws were unbiasedly blocked. "Bang!" Swelling, they involuntarily stepped back and forth, seven or eight steps.

"Three people, you can't kill!" The cold seven words were slowly spoken from the mouth of a gold armored warrior holding a spear, revealing extraordinarily dark and indifferent.

"We're saved ?!" Borui was relieved to see a pair of undead dragons being repelled, and Zowei and Imira were still shocked at this time.

"Thank you, benefactor." Borui was born with a habit of being familiar with each other. He walked to the front of the armored soldier and said, "Thank you for fighting back these two dragons ..."

He gave Borui a glance, and looked at the two girls again. The Jinjia soldier asked blankly, "Are you from the Resistance Army of the Kingdom of Lomon?"

"No, we are from the Kingdom of Geguila." Although Borui felt the other party was in a bad tone, but because the other party saved himself, he restrained the dissatisfaction in his heart and replied truthfully: "We are also looking for the whereabouts of the Roman Resistance Army. "

Hearing that Borui said that he was from the Kingdom of Gajira, the gold-framed soldiers' twin pupils flinched. He slowly asked: "I heard that there are several strong human races who defeated one of the six major legions of the Dragon race. Beast Legion, and killed the leader of the legion and Dragon Recamo, are you? "

"Yes, I haven't thought you've heard of our majestic deeds." Borui looked a little elated at this moment: "At the time, the magician and Recamo fought for three hundred rounds, and finally killed him, hehe."

"So, you are also the enemies of the six major legions ..." The golden armor warrior said here, the cold mang shot in his eyes, Imila looked really beside him, she exclaimed: "Bori, Be careful, he has no intention! "

"What ?!" Before Borui calmed down, the spear in the armour of the Golden Armor flickered, "Oh!" Borui just felt that his lower abdomen was cold, and then turned around, and he knew nothing!

"Oh!" Borui, who was bleeding from the wound, fell to the ground like a stake.

"Abominable, you despicable fellow!" Seeing this scene, Imila and Zowei, glaring at each other, rushed towards the armored warrior!

"When!" The spear in the palm of the armoured soldier turned abruptly and immediately shocked the two girls a few meters away. He said coldly, "The battlefield has never been a place for women, you guys, let's go . "

"Don't underestimate the girls!" Yimera said with angrily gritted teeth. "Since the Dragon and the Demon Army have destroyed my hometown, I have lived on the battlefield every day in order to hone myself."

Zuo Wei pointed at the gold armored warrior with the priest's staff in his palm: "Who the **** are you?"

"Hahaha, a stupid human bug." At this time, the ghost zombie dragon Skye and the evil bone dragon Barbaro walked to the gold armored soldiers, and said with a chuckle: "Expand your eyes and see clearly, this adult is The leader of our undead dragon legion, the dragon spear warrior Maze! "

—— [The third update of 2016.5.1, good evening everyone, Lao Sha continues to ask for subscriptions and monthly tickets ↖ (^ ω ^) ↗] ——

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