Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 11285: Shield cocoon demon fern's devouring ability

Because there are still a lot of evil spirit crystal fragments that have not been excavated, it would be a waste to stay in place, so it would be better to make everyone cheaper. After listening to Guan Heng's instructions, the gray armor beast nodded, and then turned away. Guan Heng and the others also began to move toward another area where there might be mineral deposits.

This time, the big white-mouthed spirit bat, curly bigfoot, big-headed scorpion, cat-faced orangutan, and koo-headed wild bear opened their way in front. Because there was a large area of ​​pitch-black thorns that could not be seen at a glance, these things were tough and strong, and ordinary swords were difficult to cut, but it was difficult to resist a few guys with brute strength.

They waved the weapons in their hands, constantly smashed and broke the pitch-black thorns, and quickly opened a path leading to dozens of feet away.

"Well, everyone did a good job. It's a hard work." Seeing the group of beasts working very hard, Guan Heng and everyone waved when they reached the edge of the dark thorns, and said, "Take a break for a while and take a breath."

Then, he asked the earth palace toad to take out fresh spirit fruits and spring water from the toad tripod for everyone to eat and drink. The gluttonous and rude fellows of Bigfoot ate them hungrily and ate their belly.

At this moment, the shield cocoon demon fern, who was responsible for delivering food to everyone, got close to the dark thorns, and looked left and right, it seemed that he was interested in the thorns. Guan Heng walked near it and asked, "Why, what do you think of this thing?"

"Hmm, hmm!"

Hearing Guan Heng's words, the shield cocoon demon fern shook a few branches of its own, made a few gestures in front of him, and then suddenly curled up a piece of thorn scraps that fell on the ground, and threw it into his mouth in the middle of Ruisui. Inside, "Kacha, Kacha" chewed, and finished eating in three or two.

"Hey, can the demon fern eat anything too?"

"And I eat this kind of hard thorns. Its recipe is quite peculiar." Seeing this, the girls all gathered around and asked: "Hey, Demon Fern, is this food delicious?"

"Yes, how does it taste?"

"I said, sisters, have you forgotten something?" Guan Heng touched his nose and smiled bitterly: "The shield cocoon demon fern can't speak. If you ask, it's just a question."

"A Heng, you are a fool." Qing Huang gave him a sullen look, and then said: "The demon fern is Lingzhi who can't speak. This is true, but it can speak and can communicate with it. We also have'translation'."

"Translation?" After hearing this, Guan Heng scratched his head, and then said: "Is it me that you are talking about?"

"Hey, don't think that we'll be gone without you, I'm talking about him!" After saying that, Qing Huang stretched out his hand and raised the Heiteng Boy next to Gu Sang Nu and swayed in front of Guan Heng.

"Oh, it's a boy." After seeing the other person, Guan Heng smiled: "Yes, yes, Heiteng Boy can really understand the Lingzhi words of thorns and vines. This time you are thinking about it, and it is amazing. "

"What makes us use our brains this time?"

"That's right, this is really hurtful, it seems to be ridiculing us, usually not thinking about it."

"Brother, your sarcasm is getting better and better." Girls, you said something to me, pointing to Guan Heng's nose and talking non-stop, Guan Heng smiled bitterly: "From my point of view, you are wronged. He’s getting better and better."

"Okay, okay, let's listen to what Demon Fern wants to say first. We have to fight, anytime."

At this moment, Guan Heng immediately turned off the topic, and raised the card to avoid the battle. The girls were too much to say anything else. They all looked at the boy, which meant to say: "What are you waiting for? Hurry up and translate Yaoju's words for us." ."

"Yes, yes, please wait a moment, please, I'll start right away." As he said, Kurotodo boy approached the Demon Fern, drew comparisons to it, and the two sides communicated.

After a few breaths, Heiteng Boy turned his head and said: "The Demon Fern said that it has recently discovered that it has a special ability, that is, it can temporarily possess the opponent's ability after eating the fragments of some alien spirit plants."

"For example, after eating the branches of this pitch-black thorn, it can give the demon fern the ability to'harden the body'."

"Yeah, this ability seems pretty good." Ruotao smiled: "What if you eat other Lingzhi branches?"

"Then try my branch."

As he said, the black vine boy shook his palm, and quickly derives a black vine that is a foot long, and handed it to the shield cocoon demon fern. It "clicks, clicks," eats the vine, and after a few breaths, there is nothing else. In response, An Yan smiled and said, "Could it be that the boy's cane is useless?"

"Impossible." Heiteng Boy said dumbfoundingly: "I am the dignified Ancient Spirit World Abyss Heiteng, how could it be useless..."

"Huh la la—" At this moment, the Shield Cocoon Demon Fern shook its branches suddenly, motioning everyone to look at it, and everyone's eyes fell on it, and the Demon Fern suddenly pointed its mouth at the front with a huge stamen. rock.

"Suddenly! Seize!"

Suddenly, the sound of swift wind and violent noise suddenly rose, and only a small rattan was sprayed out by the demon fern, nailing the rock densely, "Bang!" The next moment, the rock could not withstand the heavy blow. The crack shattered and fell to the ground.

"Oh, it's amazing." Seeing this, Kurotodo boy widened his eyes and said: "This power is about the same as the cane spurs I threw myself."

"It seems that after eating your branches, Yao Fern learned the ability to spray flying thorns." Guan Heng said, patted the monster fern with a grin, and continued: "It seems that this guy has really good potential, no It's just a craftsman spirit plant."

"Huh, huh!" Although he can't speak, but the Shield Cocoon Demon Fern can still understand Guan Heng's compliment to himself, he can't help but triumphantly shake the branch lightly, looking very happy.

"By the way, I almost forgot. Come and taste the branches of the green vines to see what tricks you can comprehend."

With that said, Guan Heng took out the green vine and threw it into the giant mouth of the demon fern. This time, the demon fern was too lazy to chew and swallowed the green vine as a whole. After a few breaths, it shook its giant mouth suddenly." Chi Chi Chi Chi!" In a short time, three green shadows rushed towards several meters away.

"Slap, slap, slap!" The three vines just fell on the edge of the three-way intersection, each occupying an intersection, and began to grow rapidly, reaching a length of five feet, and turning into a road sign shape and no longer moving.

"You can plant three green vine road signs at a time. It's very convenient, not bad." Guan Heng nodded, expressing his satisfaction. At this moment, Qing Huang smiled and pointed at Guan Heng's wrist and said, "A Heng, You seem to have forgotten that a Lingzhi hasn't tested it yet."

"Uh, it's the trapped beast wild vine... Yes, it should also be allowed to merge with the demon fern."

Guan Heng said, releasing a foot-long trapped beast wild vine, and threw it into the stamen giant mouth of the shield cocoon demon fern, and then said: "Now try to see what abilities you can derive."

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