Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 11286: Spirit Bat Fighting Giant Scorpion (third more)

"Kacha, khacha!" Biting the branch of the trapped wild vine with its giant mouth, the shield cocoon demon fern chewed it twice, and it swallowed it completely. The next moment, it suddenly moved a few times before sinking into it. In the silence.

"Hey, why didn't you respond again?" When she said this, Gu Sangnu looked very curious, and she went closer to take a look, and suddenly grabbed her shoulder: "Be careful, come back soon!"

"Eh?!" Seeing this, Gu Sangnu was startled, her body involuntarily retreated to Guan Heng's side.

"Puff—" In an instant, the shield cocoon fern seemed to be out of control, spewing out a large number of wild vine branches, "Huh la la!" These things were knitted in the air in a flash, and they turned into feet when they fell to the ground. Yu Jianfang's wild vine prison happened to be on the ground.

"Hahaha, Wild Teng Prison, this one is pretty good." Guan Heng smiled at this time: "Monster Fern, doing a good job, you are a genius."


"By the way, the demon fern said that after eating the pitch black thorns, it will temporarily harden its body surface. I don't know if it eats more, will this body hardening function be maintained forever?"

Qing Huang asked this question at this time. Guan Heng touched his chin, and said with a smile: "The Demon Fern also expressed this just now, saying that he wanted to eat more and try it."

Then, he waved his hand and said: "Demon fern, go and eat, eat as much as possible."

Hearing this, the shield cocoon demon fern immediately rushed to a large area of ​​pitch-black thorns, wrapped the thorns with its branches, and constantly stuffed it into its huge stamen mouth, chewing "creaking".

The Baojia dry turtle next to him ate the snacks that Xianxin handed to him in two bites, and felt that he was not full, so he turned his head and took a closer look. It just happened to see that the demon fern was eating the pitch black thorns. Bite a thorn and eat.

"This dry turtle has a good mouth that eats nails and chews iron. You are not afraid of being cold." Seeing this, the girls were amused and laughed.


After a while, the entire pitch-black thorns had been eaten by the shield cocoon demon fern.

In other words, there is also the credit of the Baojia Dry Turtle. Later, the stubborn scorpion, the white beard cockroach, and even the frost-browed ancient donkey all joined in, although in the eyes of Guan Heng and the girl, the dark thorns are hard and hard. They eat, but these guys don't care, they are all gobbled up, and they don't stop eating.

At the end, Guan Heng patted his palms. He said, "Alright, don't eat anymore. For the remaining pitch black thorns, I will let the earth palace toads be transplanted into the space of the toad and let them grow to a certain number. You can continue to eat."

Upon hearing this, they all agreed with the shield cocoon demon fern, and then Guan Heng asked the earth palace toad to collect the pitch black thorns into the toad tripod.


Suddenly, the flapping wing sounded one after another, from far to near. It turned out that the evil worm mother, the golden sting king, and the ancient roaring scorpion flew from not far away, and it shouted: "Master, we have found the next mine. , The white-mouthed spirit bats are guarding at the entrance of the cave, just waiting for us to pass."

"Okay, let's go." After Guan Heng finished speaking, he let the insect mother lead the way.


At the same time, on the other side, the big white-mouthed bat hung upside down on the wall near the mine, snoozed leisurely, and made a faint snoring sound. From its perspective, there was no danger around, so it fell asleep carelessly. NS.

In fact, there has long been a pair of ferocious and vicious eyes on the big spirit bat nearby. The other party saw that the big spirit bat was fat and strong. It was definitely a good meal, so the guy quietly approached the big spirit bat. The location of the spirit bat is five long... three feet... two feet... one foot...

In the end, there was only a distance of Zhang Yuyuan left. Suddenly, the opponent suddenly jumped up and swayed a pair of giant claws and rushed to the big spirit bat fiercely!

"Be careful!" It was too late, then soon, a warning came suddenly, and the big spirit bat opened its eyes suddenly, and then flew towards the high altitude without hesitation.



The opponent's double claws bombarded the top of the wall, causing earth and rocks to splash in all directions.

"Crack!" The big white-mouthed spirit bat that dodged in time and did not suffer any harm screamed, secretly thanking it, if someone hadn't reminded himself, the other party's heavy blow would definitely hit him, and he would be seriously injured if he didn't die by that time!

The reminder was to lead his companions to the nearby Guan Heng in a hurry. Everyone saw that the sneak attacker suddenly rolled around in the air, and then landed steadily.

It turned out that this guy is a giant scorpion with a body of two feet long. This guy is covered with cracked scales and scars, like a fierce beast that has experienced battles.


Suddenly, the giant scorpion made a deafening roar, and then rushed towards the big white-mouthed spirit bat again. This guy seemed a bit reluctant. Since the big-mouthed spirit bat has been regarded as a prey, he must catch it. Live it and eat it, not caring about the fact that they are nearby.

"Stupid, blind your dog!"


It was too late, it was fast, the roaring armor king suddenly flew to the front, and suddenly raised his heels and kicked out, "Boom!" He fell to the ground with a plop, and kept rolling. It took a long time to stop and climb up swayingly.

At this time, the giant scorpion felt something was wrong. It glanced at the king of armor and Guan Heng tremblingly, only to see the group of beasts gradually approaching themselves, each of them hummed, laughed, and knew what was going on. Not good.

"Quaqua!" In a short time, the white-mouthed big spirit bat gave a weird cry, and suddenly deceived it. It was attacked by the opponent just now, and the big spirit bat was still a little unconvinced. At this moment, it was revenge.

"Whhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! forward.

"Dangdangdang!" The wind blade was blocked by the two hard claws, and it soared into the air without causing any damage to the giant scorpion!

Seeing that his attack was fruitless, the white-mouthed spirit bat was furious.

Since the wind blade attack was ineffective, the big spirit bat immediately thought of changing its tactics. Suddenly, it swooped and flew towards the giant scorpion below. The other party thought that the big spirit bat was about to hit itself, and immediately retreated for several steps, shaking its two claws and waited for it. .

In fact, the big spirit bat intends to use another long-range attack method, "Squeak!" It is too late to say, then soon, the white-mouthed spirit bat suddenly makes a very harsh sound, and it hits the armor at once. On the giant scorpion.

This guy was suddenly hit by the sound, and immediately felt uncomfortable all over, he couldn't help but shivered, and let out a whine: "Squeaky——"

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