Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 11287: Fierce battle against evil beast corpses

"Wow!" While the opponent was stimulated by his own sound waves, the white-mouthed spirit bat flew over quickly, shaking a pair of sharp claws, and suddenly grabbed it off, "Hiss!" A giant scorpion's left eye blasted his eyeballs.


The eyeballs turned into a cloud of blood, and the pain made the giant scorpion roar and scream. This guy shook his two claws and tried to knock down the giant spirit bat. Who knew that the enemy was very slippery, and the moment he succeeded, he whirled in the air, striking like lightning. Yiwan'er, returned to Guanheng and their side, and yelled, "Squeak!"

"Well, you did a good job, it's revenge." Guan Heng smiled and waved his hand: "Go to the back and rest."

Upon hearing this, the white-billed bat nodded triumphantly and fell to the vicinity of the igloo on the back of the stone turtle, hanging upside down on it.

"Haw!" On the other side, the giant scorpion that turned into a "Cyclops" roared and screamed. Because of the serious injury, this guy had completely lost his mind and waved two giant claws to come up desperately.

King Jia Yao rushed over, and shouted: "Asshole thing, what are you arrogant, grandpa sent you to die!"


As soon as the roar of the armor king rang out, he suddenly spit out a large amount of original fire flames. This fierce flame suddenly fell on the head of the giant scorpion, scorching its body surface, and even following the scars and cracks on the opponent's back. It got into the flesh and burned so loudly.

At this time, the giant scorpion was so painful that it kept making hysterical screams.

King Jia Yao took this opportunity to pounce, lifted his forefoot and stomped on its head, face and body, "Boom boom boom! Boom boom!" After a frantic trampling, the Jade armor giant scorpion was already covered in blood and blood, and looked out of shape. , Seeing to be completely dead.

"Hey, what is this?!" Suddenly, King Armor saw an oval embedded in the opponent's flesh and blood, he wanted to get closer and take a closer look, "Bang!" But in the next moment, the thing suddenly burst. It broke, and then a jet of dark gas gushed out.

"Is it evil?!"

The armor king screamed, then opened his mouth again and spouted a blast of original fire flames, sweeping away toward the darkness of evil, but the evil seemed to have a consciousness, very cunningly dodge in the air, it was able to escape the flames, and Also swept towards the nearby mine.

"What are you still doing? Chasing!" Seeing this, Guan Heng roared, and then motioned for his companions to hurriedly chase ahead. "Asshole thing, you are still an evil beast. Grandpa didn't see it just now. You **** it!"

"Huh!" As soon as the words fell, King Armor jumped up suddenly, his limbs just falling on the back of the dying giant scorpion, and the opponent was torn apart and turned into fragments by abruptly stepping on him, and then, King Armor Also chased into the cave.

"The giant scorpion with a scorpion hasn't been attacked by evil for a long time, so there is no smell of evil on its body, or the evil that has invaded its body has not had time to occupy its mind."

Guan Heng said: "We must find this guy, or all the evil spirits and evil beasts in this cave are our targets."

Speaking of this, he paused for a while, and the corners of Guan Heng's mouth curled up with a smile: "It just happens to be able to test the evil essence crystal fragments swallowed by the group of evil spirits on this group of evil spirits!"

"Yeah, today's evil spirits are good prey, don't let them go!" Xiaoxin said and waved his hand, and the group of beasts behind him suddenly screamed and looked extremely excited.

Guan Heng reminded him at this time: "By the way, when you are alone with the evil spirits, don't rush to the other side. It is easy to scare the opponent away. If you guarantee to subdue them, you can take action. In addition, it is best to encounter a large group of evil spirits and evil beasts. When the time comes, you release your murderous coercion again."

"In normal times, you have to pay attention to your murderous aura, do you understand?" After listening to Guan Heng's words, Ruo Tao said with a smile: "The son, let you pretend to be a pig and eat a tiger, first show weakness and let each other Relax your guard, and then slowly collect your prey."

Hearing these words, the ice gluttonous beast and gray-brown demon hedgehog nodded without understanding.

"Master Guan, everyone--"

"Swishwwww!" At such a time, the ancient roar flew quickly, swept from the opposite side to everyone in front of you like lightning, and then hurriedly said: "It is about ten feet ahead, and you can see a group of enemies just around the corner. "

"Is it an evil spirit?" Guan Heng asked.

"No, it's not an evil spirit." Howard said: "It looks like it is dozens of large and small beasts with weird appearances. If I didn't guess wrong, it would be like a ‘demonized beast corpse’!"

"Beast corpse? I have rarely seen it recently. Let's go and take a look."

With that said, Guan Hengbian led his companions to the place mentioned by Howard. Sure enough, he saw dozens of beast corpses hovering back and forth. These guys were lingering on their bodies, staggering and sluggish expressions.

But at the moment when he smelled the vitality, all the evil beast corpses came in spirit, and howled one by one and flew towards this side. "Ice gluttonous beasts, gray-brown demon hedgehogs, ready to fight."

Guan Heng waved his hand and said with a smile: "The Bing Soul Demon Mandrill is appointed as a temporary general who is responsible for directing the battle."

"You have to order!" The Mandrill deliberately arched his hands in a serious manner, and then walked forward with the ancient gold icebreaker, and shouted: "Little ones, give me a point of fighting, and kill them all by themselves. Not overbearing!"



Hearing it, the ice gluttonous beasts and gray-brown demon hedgehogs were all alive and excited.

"Swish swish swish!" The demonic beast corpses who were still staggering, walking slowly and obliquely, rushed like the wind at this moment, and fell in front of the group of beasts in an instant.

The gray-brown demon hedgehog was not strong in the past, so seeing so many enemies is still a little frustrated, but the ice gluttonous beast can spit cold air at the beast corpses, first and foremost.

"Huhuhu—huh, huh—"

"Lala!" In an instant, the freezing cold air of the ice gluttonous beast froze nearly half of the beast corpses in place, making it impossible to move. At the same time, the gray-brown demon hedgehogs also cheered up and screamed one by one. He flew forward and hit the opponent with his body and head hammer.

As the gray-brown demon hedgehogs are experts who are used to digging underground ore, they have long developed a brute force by lifting and polishing their muscles and bones. ice crystals.

Seeing that their tactics worked, the gray-brown demon hedgehogs were extremely proud, and then immediately rushed to fight the remaining beast corpses.

Although the beast corpses carry evil spirits and corpse poison, they are extremely deterrent to ordinary creatures, but these demon hedgehogs are all spirits like ghosts. The heavy heads of the hedgehogs and the claws used to dig hard stones are extremely destructive to these guys!

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