Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 11293: Burning beast corpse (the fifth eruption)

"That's because I noticed one thing." Guan Heng replied: "The bones under our feet and along the way are all ancient beasts that died of unfavorable lives. Their fatal injuries were left by fighting each other and biting each other, so he said, This should be an ancient beast battlefield, not a tomb."

"That's it." Hearing Guan Heng's words, everyone was skeptical, but soon, Mandrill picked up a few bones and looked at it carefully, and then whispered: "It's really just like Guan Ye said, with teeth on it. Marks and scratches, it seems that they are all fighting to death."

"Ancient beast battlefield... but in terms of the area of ​​this ancient cave, it seems to be a bit smaller." An Yan looked around at this time and said subconsciously.

"Well, sister, you are right." Guan Heng nodded, then said again: "So this is not an entire ancient beast battlefield, but only a small part of it, or a corner of the ancient battlefield is more appropriate."

"Where are the other areas of the ancient beast battlefield?" Ruotao blinked and asked.

"Not necessarily nearby, maybe farther away."

Guan Heng said: "After all, after thousands of years, the earth's crust has changed many times. The original ancient beast battlefield, even if it was a mountain or a plain, is probably distorted and scattered. Anyway, let’s check this area first. I'll talk about the other contents later."

"Okay." Upon hearing this, the girls agreed in unison, and the group of beasts were gearing up.

At this moment, the armor king, the mandrill, and the white-browed old monkey rushed to the forefront. They shouted: "Look at what treasures are hidden in this cave."

"Hahaha, shouldn't it be delicious?"

"Fatty man, you know how to eat." Hearing the words of the king of armor, the mandrill curled his lips: "If you want me to say, it should be some precious ore."

"Which, wooch!"

"What is the monkey talking about?"

"Where do I know, you have been mixed with it for a long time, you should understand it." Just when the mandrill and the king of armor guessed what the old monkey said, the monkey was already flying sprinting towards the entrance of the ancient underground cave. Run in the direction.

"Suddenly-hu hu hu -" Between three leaps and two leaps, the white-browed old monkey approached the entrance of the cave. It just wanted to rush over, "Lala...Lala..." Just in such a time. , There was a strange harsh sound from the ancient cave underground.

Hearing this, the old monkey frowned slightly, and stopped abruptly. The armor king and the mandrill came to talk and almost ran into it.

"You..." The mandrill was about to start cursing, but the old white-browed monkey shook his paw at it, signalling the mandrill to make a sound, which made this guy nervous too. At this moment, King Armor also heard that voice, and he whispered. Said: "What kind of strange noise is this?"

"If you can't guess it, just go in and check it out, don't be stunned."

"Pop!" said Ruotao, laughing while kicking his heels, and the king of armor suddenly yelled: "Oh!"

"Humhhhhhhhhhhh!" In a blink of an eye, King Armor had already rushed towards the entrance of the cave. It cried out dumbfoundedly: "Sister, how can you sneak attack on me?"

"Stop talking nonsense, I will apologize again when you come back safe and sound." Ruo Tao smiled smirkly and waved at it: "Go go."

"Roar!!" King Armor Yao wanted to say something, the guy in the cave suddenly roared and snarled, and he was about to slap at the front door of the Armored king with his claws.

"Bastard thing, Master Yao doesn't show off, you treat me as a sick cat? Looking for death!" The next moment, the armor king stood up, raised a pair of hoofs and kicked it hard.

"Huh! Ping pong pong!"


Suddenly, the violent noises one after another, how could the opponent expect that the armor king's counterattack would be so sharp, without checking it for a while, the attack was all received, and a series of heavy hoof kicks made it dizzy and fell down instantly.

"Dare to attack your grandfather and burn your brute to ashes now!"

"Huhuhu---swish--" The angry armor king shot and was not merciful, and suddenly spit out the original flames of the fire, shrouded the opponent's body, vowing to turn it into ashes.

"Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh "Crack!

Suddenly, the pain of burning flames caused the other party to die alive, rolling around on the ground, it was simply not as good as death. Seeing this scene, the king of armor laughed wildly and said: "Hahaha, deserve it, you really feel your own way!"

"Is this the guy who attacked you just now?" At this moment, Guan Heng walked over with his other companions, and King Armor nodded: "Yes, that's the beast, now I'm exasperated!"

"Master Guan, this guy seems to be an evil beast corpse too?" The Mandrill looked around and said, "It looks like an ancient beast with a dog-head and a leopard body, but unfortunately, he fell to the evil spirit cloud. Door dog."

"Since it is an ancient beast corpse, it should have been dead." Guan Heng pondered for a moment, and then said: "The only force that supports this beast corpse to move freely now should be the residual evil in its body."

"So that's it." After hearing this, everyone was thoughtful. Guan Heng said in a loud voice: "Hey, fat, work harder and burn it to ashes."

"Okay, Lord Guan, I understand what you mean." King Jia Yao smiled at this moment, and then said: "If you burn this guy directly, it will be the greatest kindness to him."

"After all, this guy has been here as a walking dead for too long, it's time to get out of it."

As King Armor was talking, he walked up to the corpse of the evil beast that was burned by the flames, and said coldly: "I don't know how you died before you were alive, but now all your past sins have disappeared, you Go too."

"Hiss--" It was too late to say, then fast. When King Jia Yao said this, a thin hair-like fire aura spewed out and nailed into the center of the beast's eyebrows.


"Crack..." At this time, the body of the evil beast corpse was twisted and squeezed by the flames, and then completely swallowed, and finally it only turned into dots of ashes and disappeared into the air.

"Come on!" Amidst the sparks and flames, an oval-shaped crystal fell from the burned corpse of the evil beast.

Guan Heng walked over and picked it up and took a look, and said casually: "The evil beast is condensing crystals, there are other things mixed in it, it should be corpse qi."

"What use is this thing for us?" Xianxin asked. Guan Heng said: "It may not be useful to us, but it is a great tonic for snakehead corpse dogs. After all, there is corpse energy in it, which can be transformed into spiritual energy by corpse dogs."

"Unfortunately, there is only one piece." Ruo Tao looked at the Evil Beast Condensed Crystal in Guan Heng's hand, and then said.

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