Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 11294: Hard work is rewarded! (First more)

"That's right, there is only one piece, which dog is good for it?" Gu Sangnu said so too.

"Wang Wu, Wang Wang!" Hearing this, the King of Corpse Dogs immediately leaned forward, wagging his tail at everyone with a hippie smile, and yelled twice, which meant saying, "Of course it was for me."

"Bah, you're really shameless, you know to grab food and drink." Ruotao squeezed the dog king's ears angrily, and said: "Have you asked for permission from other dogs? Don't be too selfish."

"Wow." Hearing this, the dog king whispered, yelling for being wronged, then turned his head and stared at the group of snake-head corpse dogs under his hand with the corner of his eye. They lowered their heads to awe at their coercion. Intimidate, dare not speak.

"Huh, you're not ashamed or ashamed." Ruotao stomped her feet with anger, and pointed to the group of dogs and cursed: "And you, silly cowardice, coward!"

Being scolded by her like this, the dogs were even more embarrassed, looking slumped.

"All right, little girl ghost, it's useless to scold you." Guan Heng smiled and said, "Those counselors have long been used to not daring to resist in front of the dog king."

"Come here." Guan Heng hooked his finger at the dog king at this time, and it immediately rushed forward triumphantly. "Since you want it, give it to you and take it."

"Kacha, grunt!" It was too late, then soon, the dog king bit the evil beast crystals thrown by Guan Heng with one mouth, and swallowed his belly.

"Uuuuu..." Seeing their boss swallowed the only condensed crystal, the corpse dogs showed disappointment in their eyes.

When the king of corpse dogs saw these guys so unpromising, he grinned at them, as if saying: "What's the noise, children can't eat these indigestible rough foods, they are prone to insomnia, understand?"

Seeing this, Guan Heng kicked the dog king, and said with a smile: "Good boy, if you get a bargain, you still sell yourself well. You immediately find me if there is anything else hidden in this hole. If you can't find it, don't come back. see me."

"Wow!" The dog took a kick, ran away from the pain, and hurried to the front, Guan Heng said immediately: "Tong Gong toad, take something to eat out to the corpse dogs, so that everyone can have a full meal. Then go to help Dog King to search the nearby area."

"Yes, Lord Guan." Hearing this, the earth palace toad immediately took out a lot of spirit fruit and some fire food gu. The corpse dogs were happy, because the boss was in a hurry, so there was no chance to enjoy these extra meals. In this way, they are even taking advantage of the boss.

The dogs ate quickly, and then went after the king of corpse dogs.

Seeing them happily, Ruotao smiled and said: "It's better for the son to be thoughtful and give them some benefits first. In this case, the dogs will work hard at everything."

"I've said it a long time ago. The requirements of this group of guys are very simple, just eat and drink." Guan Heng smiled with his shoulders.

"Uuuuu..." At this moment, the Baojia Dry Turtle quietly approached Guan Heng's feet, and then hugged his leg and screamed, which meant to say: "I want to eat, I want to eat too. !"

"Look, here we have a little guy who can't feed enough." As he said, Guan Heng stretched out his hand to pick up the dry turtle and said: "It's wholeheartedly trying to eat us poorly."

"Hahaha--" The girls all laughed upon hearing this.

"Hey, dry turtle, it's small, how much can it eat?" Coriander said with a smile: "Come to my sister, I will give you as much as you want to eat."

As he said that, Fang Xin took out a fruit like a juggling, the dry turtle shook her paw at her immediately, and then fell into Xiao Xi's arms.

Guan Heng looked at the Baojia dry soft-shelled turtle eating the fruit, and then said: "Speaking of the dry soft-shelled turtle and the little green coccidian, the two'treasure hunters' have done nothing recently, and have not found any treasures. According to my opinion, they are negative about this kind. Those who sabotage their work should starve them twice, just to show their example!"

"No, no, big brother, this is definitely not good." Upon hearing this, An Yan hugged the little green coccidia in her arms tightly, and said: "Our little green ball is so small that we can't go hungry. I can not let it go."

"Okay, don't be hungry for the little green ball, then let the dry turtle eat two less meals." Guan Heng said, bluntly grabbing the treasure and the dry turtle has eaten most of the fruit, and then said with a smirk: "Just from now on."

"Woo, woo..." Hearing this, the dry turtle was so angry that it shook its head. If it could speak to others, it is estimated that it would even curse swear words now.

"Huh, little thing, if you want to eat this fruit, you can, then quickly find if there are any treasures nearby, and exchange food rewards with a hard work attitude. This is the guarantee of eating and drinking."

Guan Heng said so, shaking the fruit in his hand. The girls all knew he was joking, so they all smiled and watched the changes. After listening to Guan Heng's words, the Baojia dry turtle landed on the ground like a pout, and then strode forward, really planning to find out something. What baby is coming.

Seeing this scene, Guan Heng winked at the frost-browed ancient donkey, the rocky lizard and the white-bearded mud cockroach nearby: "Follow it, don't let the dry turtle stand alone."

The group of beasts nodded, and immediately followed their instructions, and everyone followed suit, intending to see what treasures the little guys could get.

In a short while, the dry turtles found a lot of animal bones, but they were all gnawed by the snakehead corpse dogs in the past. They were so angry that the dry turtles became nameless, and they kept complaining about each other. It was a little good. Don't leave it to yourself.

Suddenly, the Frosty-browed Donkey who was walking in front whispered: "Ah!"

"Hey--" The dry turtle, who wanted to hunt for treasure, flew over immediately, intending to see what the other party found, only to see the ancient donkey tap the ground in front of him with his front hoof, which meant that there was something in the soil.

Seeing this scene, Baojia Dry Turtle immediately came to the front, calling for the zombies and mud cockroaches to surround themselves and dig pits together to plow the soil.

Xianxin smiled at the sisters at this time: "Looking at the seriousness of the little guys, maybe you really found some baby?"

"Or, it's just a rotten bone buried in the soil." Guan Heng said teasingly.

"Wow!" While everyone was chatting, the Baojia Dry Turtles pulled out something from the soil together. If Tao Tao took a closer look, she said: "Oh, it's really bad bones, son, can you still The prophecy failed?"

"I'm blind..." Guan scratched his head horizontally, then stepped forward, looking down at the dry turtle biting what was being dragged.

"Bang Dang!" Throwing the thing at Guan Heng's feet, the dry turtle shook his paw at him, which meant to say: "Here is the baby, the fruit, I want the fruit."

"Take it, take it." Guan Heng said, taking out several fruits from the storage mussels and throwing them to the ancient donkey, the mud cockroach, and the scorpion turtle. The rest were thrown to the dry turtle.

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