Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 11295: Weird sickle arm

A few of the Baojia dry turtles got the fruit, and ran to the giant stone tortoise to have a dinner together. Guan Heng picked up what they found and looked at it. Ruo Tao said next to him: "My son, isn't it just one? Broken bones? What's so beautiful?"

"Rotten bones? Ha ha ha..."

After hearing this, Guan Heng smiled slightly, and then said: "Little girl ghost, you have missed it too, take a closer look."

"Wow!" Guan Heng shook his hand, and the floating soil on the surface of the object was shaken down. Everyone gathered around and looked intently. Guan Heng said again, "It's a forearm, and it's still a sickle arm."

"Sickle arm? Is it a zerg like a giant praying mantis?" Qing Huang said.

"Not necessarily. After all, there are many different species of ancient beasts that also have sickle arms, and there are many more than one pair."

The evil worm mother said next to him: "Looking at the style of this sickle arm, it should be quite aggressive, and it has been buried in the soil for so long without a trace of decay. It is peculiar."

"Hehehe, I think so, and you see, there is something special about this sickle arm." Guan Heng said, gently pressing the sharp front end of the curved sickle arm, and it actually slowly retracted into the hollow area behind. .

"Hop!" After that, Guan Heng stretched out his hand and shook, and the sickle arm that was sharp as a curved blade immediately bounced out. It turned out that this thing can shrink naturally.

Seeing this scene, the eyes of the girls and other companions were surprised. Guan Heng said: "It seems that the original owner of the sickle arm belonged to the'assassin' among the ancient beasts. He quietly approached the enemy, and then suddenly The sickle-armed blade that popped out to kill it was absolutely easy and agile."

"That's true." Zhenwen stepped closer, looked up and down the freely contracted sickle arm, and then said: "Brother Guan, I have an idea..."

"Hehehe, let me guess, do you want to use this sickle arm to transform it into a weapon?"

"As expected of Brother Guan, you guessed it accurately."

Zhenwen grinned and said: "This sickle arm can shrink freely. If you add a bayonet and a handle, it can be transformed into a scythe, which can be used as a weapon or a tool for hoeing. It's also okay."

"Well, that's right, but there is only one..." Guan Heng glanced at the depths of the cave, and then said: "Okay, let's take this freely contracting sickle arm for you to study first. If we can imitate it better, we Also, by the way, find out if there are any other sickle arms in this cave."

"Okay, let's do it." After hearing this, Zhenwen nodded repeatedly, took the sickle arm that Guan Heng handed to her, and happily collected her storage clam.

At the same time, there was a running sound of "chucking" from the other side. Everyone looked up and saw that it was three snake-headed corpse dogs hurriedly rushing, and Guan Heng asked: "How about it, are you and What's new about Dog King?"

"Wow!" Hearing Guan Heng's question, the corpse dogs immediately nodded and whispered, and Guan Heng said: "Lead the way, let's go over and take a look."


Back in time for a while, the king of corpse dogs and his own dogs were searching for bones in the soil along the way, gnawing at random, and then discarding them, searching for new bones, and so on.

Soon, they came to the end of the cave, and everyone looked around, hoping to gain something new.

But it’s a pity that in the end it didn’t happen, because the corpse dogs went around here for several times under the leadership of the dog king, and they didn’t see anything useful. Gradually, everyone started to get a little irritable. Of course, the most angry. The king of dead dogs.


Although it also knows that the owner often makes jokes, but his brain is stupid and can't tell whether it is true or false, so he really dare not go back, for fear that the owner will beat himself up half-truth, that would be too much.

At this moment, sudden change occurred!

"Wang Wu, Wang Wang Wang!" Two snake-headed corpse dogs were digging and digging in the soil in front of them. The King Dog immediately leaned over and looked at them, and only a few of them dug out a weird one in the soil. Exotic body.

The opponent's body looks like a large fleshy insect, with foot joints on both sides, and a pair of hairy spikes on the back. A pair of forelimbs are like the arms of a mantis sickle, which is absolutely mighty and vicious.

It's just that this guy should be an ancient alien beast. It has been dead for many years now. It is not to be afraid. The least king of the corpse dog thinks so.

Seeing this, the Dog King thought to himself: "Maybe the corpse of the beast is of some use to the owner? As long as I drag it back to the owner, I will be free from punishment..."

After making up his mind, the king of the corpse dog immediately raised his head and screamed: "Wooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo

"Fuck! Fuck!"

Suddenly the strong wind came and went one after another, and all the snake-head corpse dogs rushed to hear the sound and gathered together. The dog king motioned them to bite the body of the alien animal, and then dragged it out of the earth to drag it away. The corpse dogs immediately followed their instructions. . At such a time, the accident happened again!

"Cuckl...Clala..." The "corpse", which had been dead for many years, made strange noises like bone frustration, and the dogs immediately let go of their mouths and backed away again and again.

At this moment, the corpse dog king also felt a little bad, and immediately slammed down in front of his companions, and then grumbled and signaled them to step back.

Just as the group of dogs obeyed the boss's instructions and retreated quickly, the weird corpse of the strange beast swayed and climbed up. This guy exuded a foul smell, and some dark, ink-like unidentified smog enveloped its body.

In a moment, a name appeared in the head of the king of corpse dogs: "Evil beast corpse?!"

"Roar!" It was too late to say, then, the evil beast corpse that had fully awakened roared wildly, and instantly rushed towards the dog king.

"Wow!" The king of the corpse dog can be considered as a battle-fighter. How can he be afraid of this inexplicable guy, it roars, swaying its claws with metal sleeves to come forward, "Swish!" Attack, slam the opponent's body up and down.

"Hiss, fizz!" In the flashlight, the strange monster corpse shook its forelimbs, and a pair of freely contracted sickle arms suddenly lit up. This guy swung his sickle arms and flew up and down, "ding!" With a series of violent noises, It abruptly blocked the attack of the dog king's sharp claws.

"Huh!" Immediately afterwards, the corpse of the beast rushed forward, using his left sickle arm to stroke the king of the corpse dog's neck, and the dog saw the cold light flashing in front of him, so scared that it immediately shrunk its neck and hid its head, and suddenly went out to count. Chi far away.

"Hiss!" The sound of tearing the air sounded sharply, and the king of the corpse dog only felt that his scalp was numb, but fortunately this fatal blow had escaped!

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