Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 11296: Encountered siege (third)


Because the Canine King was a little absent-minded just now, he was almost cut in the neck. At this moment, he was more careful, avoiding left and right, dodgeing, and evading multiple attacks in an instant, but because the opponent shot too fast, For a while, the king of corpse dogs could not find a mobile phone meeting.

Seeing this scene, the many snake-headed corpse dogs around watching the battle screamed and bounced, cheering up the boss. Seeing these dogs roaring, the evil beast corpses seemed to be irritated, so they attacked the dog king even more crazily. Don't give it the slightest chance to breathe.

"Bang!" In an instant, the dog king's back leaned against a rock wall, and he was already unable to retreat.

"Huh!" Looking at the opportunity to kill the enemy, the evil beast corpse suddenly crossed out with a sharp sickle arm, vowing to divide the dog king.

"Hey!" At the moment of the dead, the king of the corpse dog suddenly jumped away, and the opponent's sickle arm suddenly smashed into the rock wall, and it was stuck in the gap. No matter how hard the corpse was, it couldn't be pulled out for a while. .

"Wang Wuwu!" The next moment, the howling corpse dog king shook his sharp metal claws, and fell viciously on the back of the opponent's head and spine, abruptly breaking the body of this guy, and then ripping the opponent to pieces.

"Huh, huh, huh..." Using cleverness and a little bit of luck to solve the powerful enemy, he was so tired that he stuck his tongue out and gasped. At the same time, all the snake-headed corpse dogs gathered around and yelled at the dog king. Sound, that was celebrating the boss's victory over a powerful enemy.

But at such a time, no one noticed that the nearby ground had rapidly bulged dozens or more of dirt, slowly surrounding the area where the snakehead corpse dog and the dog king were located.

"Bang!" It was too late to say, then soon, one of the corpses near the outermost corpse dog burst into pieces and scattered, and a corpse dog slammed into the shadow from the inside.


"Dang!" The snake-headed corpse dog was hit and flew into the air, and then fell to the ground in an arc. Fortunately, it was thick and thick, and it bounced up from the ground and landed on its companion. Around.

But at this moment, the bulging soil packs burst to pieces, and dozens of evil beast corpses swayed out with their spiked and sickle arms, and surrounded the corpse dogs.

Now, even the king of the corpse dog has a look of horror in the eyes. After all, it took a lot of effort to solve a corpse just now. At this moment, a large group has appeared, so that it and the corpse dogs have to feel a little bit Headache.

"There are only two ways to do this. First, get out of the siege and escape, and second, stand by here and wait for your master and other companions to rescue yourself."

The King of Corpse Dogs wondered which way to go, but at this moment, the opponent had already begun to attack.

"Suddenly!" Amidst the thunder and lightning, several evil beast corpses flew forward, swinging their sickle arms and hitting the corpse dog in front of them, forcibly flying them out.

Fortunately, the corpse dogs have tough skins and have been fused with the remains of ancient wolf beasts.

But the sickle arm slashing can't stop it, so the corpse dogs are also very dangerous. Seeing this scene, the dog king suddenly uttered a continuous howling: "Wow, barking—"

This call is to tell everyone that you are not to be the enemy, you must keep a distance from the opponent, and you must not be hurt by the opponent.

"Huhuhu! Huhuhu! Huhuhu!" Hearing the boss's cry, many corpse dogs retreated like lightning, and they all fell into the area behind the dog king. The next moment, the evil beast corpses also chased them, but At this moment, the dog king greeted him without fear.

"Whhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! "Chirp—Chirp—"

Immediately afterwards, the beast corpse fell to the ground with the thumping sound, and couldn’t help rolling, because this power is the power obtained by the king of the corpse dog swallowing the evil essence crystal fragments. It can not only refine the opponent’s evil attack, but also release it. Send out the light that evil things and evil spirits fear.

It's just that this ray of deterrence can only last for a short time. Once the time limit expires, or the number of enemies is not enough to form a deterrent, it will be over.

The situation encountered by the Dog King now belongs to the latter.


The sound of rushing rushed one after another, dozens of evil beast corpses flew up, in a semi-circular surrounding, surrounding the dog king and many snakehead corpses under the rock wall. As long as these guys launch a fierce attack, maybe Within a few breaths, the corpse dogs will be submerged, and now everyone is at stake!

"Hoooooooooooooooooooooo-" When it was said that it was too late, it was too soon, the dog king's face sank, and after raising his head and howling, the group of dogs seemed to be infected, and immediately followed suit and howled.

Suddenly, the bodies of the evil beast corpses that wanted to pounce on trembled slightly, and they were unable to move forward for a while.

That's because the barking of the dogs has the power to deter evil spirits, and they have swallowed the fragments of the crystals of refining evil spirits, so that this power has been improved again, so the dog barking can temporarily deter many evil spirits. The corpse of the beast makes it difficult to move forward.

Although all this is temporary, it also played a key role, because the dog barking has a second purpose, which is to attract all the companions to come to rescue!

"Hey, there are a lot of evil beast corpses here!" After a few breaths, a shout came from the sky: "Brothers, come and do it!"

This sound was made by the blazing golden eagle. Around it were the flying roar, the mad queen ant, the gray bald ibis, the bat-winged owl-faced bear, and the fire-swallowing nine house finches. The "air force" swooped down like lightning and released each Flames and wind blade attacks.

"Boom boom boom!"

"Ping pong pong!"


Following a series of violent noises, a large number of attacks directly fell on the corpses of the sickle-arm beasts, causing them to scream and scream.

Immediately afterwards, a few people came on the ground, looking at the white-browed old monkey, with golden eyes and anger, looking at this mandrill, shaking the ice-breaking cymbal, with a playful face, and then looking at the king of armor, sturdy and fat, strutting, one A murderous, coming with prestige.

"Squeaky!" Two sickle-armed corpse beasts couldn't bear the threat of murderous coercion from the group of beasts. They actually screamed and rushed on frantically, vowing to fight them to the death.

"Uhhhhhh!" At the next moment, the howling old monkey with white eyebrows greeted him, and suddenly hit the skull of the left beast corpse with a fist and the wind.

This guy had a stronger sickle arm, but his head was fragile. Under the monkey's frenzied punch, he broke into pieces immediately, and the corpse fell to the ground with a plop.

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