Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 11302: Mysterious stone ball


Hearing this, the ancient wild roar led the black stings, the small soil toads and the colorful fierce scorpions to start digging in the area. In a blink of an eye, the "sanding" sounded one after another. Everyone digs up the earth and raises the dust. It's a big hole, but they haven't dug anything up to now.

"It's weird." Houzhe stopped and scratched his head, and then asked, "Master Guan, did Zifu find the wrong place? There seems to be nothing here at all."

"Squeak, squeak!"

Guan Heng didn’t say anything when he heard the words of the roar. The colorful fierce clam who notified the news was a little unhappy. The guy screamed twice, and suddenly fell on the head of the ancient hoar. With a jump, it whispered in a flustered manner: "Hey, what do you want to do?"

"If I didn't guess wrong, it seems that it was because you questioned Zixun just now, so it wants to bite you now." Guan Heng took his time and said calmly, "Hold it up, maybe after taking a bite, it If you think your meat is not good, you will stop talking."

"Don't--" After hearing this, Howard was so scared that he jumped and jumped, and he hurriedly covered his head and shouted: "I apologize and I apologize, I am wrong, I'm talking nonsense, Brother Zixun, please forgive me. ."

"Puff......" Sanchong and Earth Palace Toad suddenly laughed when they heard howl.

Seeing everyone’s expressions, he was so angry that he roared and grinned. This guy hurriedly shouted: "Brothers, don’t watch the excitement there anymore, hurry up and continue digging. As long as you can prove that Zixun is right, it, it Maybe you won't bite me, please, please!"

"Hey hey, okay, for your pitiful sake, we will show mercy to help you." After a short pause, the mother evil worm immediately turned her head and said: "Hands, keep going down. dig."

"Swish!" "Shashasha!" Just like that, everyone kept digging and digging, and they started talking while chatting.

"Boss, Toad, have you noticed that the soil around here is very solid."

King Golden Sting said at this moment: "Even if we dig hard, it will take some effort to dig."

"It's true, even the black stings complain that the soil here is too hard." The Golden Sting King said. The evil worm mother said casually: "But the children have no such complaints."

"Hahaha, because those guys eat everything, so they don't care." The earth palace toad said with a big smile at the moment. "Well, that's right."

"It seems so." After hearing this, Sanchong also smiled. Immediately afterwards, a glancing black sting suddenly yelled: "Squeak, squeak!"

"It looks like something was dug."

"Master Guan, roar, come and take a look at this."

King Golden Sting raised his voice immediately. "Where?"

Guan Heng rushed to the deep pit in one step. At this moment, Howard was still entangled with the Zixu lying on his head. It endured the pain and rushed into the opponent and pulled it off from the top of the head. The colorful fierce butterfly was still reluctant.

Howard hurriedly hugged this guy in his arms, and then repeatedly said: "Don't make trouble, don't make trouble, I'll treat you to a good meal later, and we'll be cleaned up."

When I heard that there was something to eat, Zifu calmed down a bit. Taking this opportunity, the roar also flew into the pit. It looked left and right, and asked, "Hey, where are the things you dug?" "

"Here, look, it's this thing."

As he said, King Golden Sting pointed to the foot, and that thing had been dug out a corner. Hearing this, Roar leaned closer and looked intently. It muttered: "It looks like a weird ball. The surface is uneven, what is it?"

"Let me take a look." After saying that, Guan Heng had already walked up to them, reached out his hand to grab the object, and dragged it out of the earth abruptly.

"Huh! Damn it!" It was too late, then quickly, and Guan Heng flicked it smoothly, and the thing flew to the top of the pit and fell to the ground in response.

"It's a big stone ball." At this time, the Shui Xuan spirit beast landed on the surface of the object and laughed: "Rolling round, it's kind of fun."

"If it's useless, it would be nice to make toys for you."

"Really, I would like to thank you in advance." As soon as the Shui Xuan spirit beast said this, the evil worm mother had already flown down to it.

At this moment, the worm mother looked at the "stone ball" from left to right, and then said: "I always feel that this thing is not as simple as the surface. , It looks a little weird."

"Well, you are right, I also think the stone ball is not so simple." After saying that, Guan Heng walked closer, grabbed the stone ball and looked at it, and then said: "Hey, do you think this thing will not What kind of ancient beast's egg or egg would it be?"


After hearing this, the Shui Xuan spirit beast suddenly landed on Guan Heng's shoulder, poked the stone ball with his small paw, and then said: "What kind of foolish ancient beast can make its eggs as hard as a rock? In that case, it will be very difficult for the baby to get out of the shell. Wouldn't it be suffocated to death?"

"Hehehe, maybe this thing was not so hard before." Guan Heng said, "After all, it has been buried in the ground for many years, and it has been transformed by wind erosion. Look at the egg of the fire-eyed golden eyebrow beast, it has not been so long. Is it hatched?"

"Ah, that's different. The little golden eyebrow beast will soon break its shell. This is what the fantasy water spirit told me." The Shui Xuan spirit beast glanced at the stone ball and continued: "In contrast, I think This thing is more like a stone."

"Hey, Xiao Shui Shui, don't talk so full." Gu Huang Hou said with a smile: "Maybe it only has a layer of stone skin, but what else is inside?"

"Uh, this..." Upon hearing this, Shui Xuan Ling Beast scratched his head and slowly nodded: "Perhaps you are right. In short, everything is possible, right, Guan Heng?"

"Well, it is true." Guan Heng nodded and said: "In short, we must first determine what it is, so let's cover this thing with aura first, and try to find out what special thing is in its core. "


"Then get started quickly."

"Yeah, yeah, we can't wait." Three insects and the earth palace toad said so.

"Don't rush you guys." Guan Heng said casually: "It's not a rush, take it easy."

As he said, he squeezed the huge "stone ball" with his hands, and then released a large amount of spiritual energy to wrap around the thing, "huhuhu-whoosh whoo -" the breath surged in a moment, and the stone ball was constantly pouring into it. Inside.

"Buzzing—buzzing—" At the next moment, the stone ball that had absorbed a lot of spiritual energy trembled, and it floated slowly from Guan Heng's palm. Everyone stared at this scene. , I also don't know what is going on.

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