Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 11303: Little beast (fifth more outburst)

"Lala...Lala..." In the next moment, everyone saw large cracks on the surface of the floating stone ball, and the mandrill whispered: "This thing is about to crack and shatter. Bar?"

"not sure."

Guan Heng glanced at the floating stone ball at this time, and then said: "Although there are some cracks, the tremor of the stone ball just disappeared, so I can't judge whether it will break directly or stop there. , Let's take a look first."

After saying this for a few breaths, everyone observed that the stone ball still remained still. Then, it fell into Guan Heng's palm with a whirr, and King Golden Sting said, "Is it all over? It seems to be a little bit endless."

"Maybe it was because I didn't have enough spiritual energy to make it look like this. The surface has cracked, but it is not completely broken."

"Huh?" Guan Henggang said that when he heard the rustling sound in the deep pit, he asked, "Hey, who else is in it?"

"Let me take a look." Upon hearing this, Gu Huang Hou hurriedly looked into the deep pit, and then said somewhat dumbfounded: "Why are you guys?"

It turned out that after the Glancing Black Sting, the Little Earth Toad, and the Colorful Fierce Fever gave up digging in the deep pit, only a few Fireclaw Ape Souls were still digging and turning over the soil in the pit. Digged..."

"Chirp!" But the few fire claw ape souls raised their heads, but they shook their claws at Howard and Guan Heng, which meant that they found something else.

"What?!" Hearing what they meant, Guan Heng immediately shouted: "Quickly, get everything you found."

"Huhuhu--swish--" While talking, two fire claw apes flew to the edge of the pit holding something in their souls, throwing it to Guan Heng and everyone close.

"Master Guan, it turned out to be another stone ball." King Jinzhe cried out.

"Really." Guan Heng stretched out his hand to take his stone ball, looked at it, and then said: "It's exactly the same as the previous one."

Immediately afterwards, the Ancient Desolate Roar shouted at the ape souls in the deep pit: "Hey, are there any other stone balls?"

"Haw!" Upon hearing this, the ape souls below immediately yelled a few times, and screamed in a little astonishment: "Uh, there are really more?"

It turned its head and said to Guan Heng: "Master Guan, they said there are still many stone **** in the soil in the pit below."

"Okay, tell the ape souls, dig out all of them."

"Yes." Hearing Guan Heng's instructions, Hou Yi immediately gestured to the Ape Soul and said to them: "No matter how many stone **** there are in this pit, dig it out for me, fast, fast, fast!"

Due to the continuous urging of the roar, the Fireclaw Ape Souls naturally worked harder. In addition, at this time, the insect mother sent colorful fierce clams and glancing black stings, and the small earth toad clone of the earth palace toad also went to help, so it was In just over ten breaths, they dug out over ten stone balls.

Gradually, hill-like stone **** have been piled up around the pit, and there are dozens of them, to be less.

"Wow, these stone **** are getting more and more, even if they are used as toys, they can't be played." Shui Xuan Ling Beast said half-jokingly.

"Hehehe, these stone **** are tumbling and rolling, maybe they will crush your little thing into meatloaf, see if you still play or not." Guhuang roar smirked.

"Hmph, if this stone ball presses me down, I will definitely grab you as a shield." Shui Xuan Ling Beast curled his lips and said.

"Okay, don't grind your teeth there." Guan Heng said at this time: "Come and think about it for me, how to deal with these stone balls?"

"Guan Heng, I have a question." At this moment, the Shui Xuan spirit beast opened his mouth, and Guan Heng immediately said, "Ask, what the **** is it?"

"When you poured aura into the stone ball just now, didn't you want to explore what's inside this thing?" Shui Xuan spirit beast asked: "What did you find out?"

"This is really not there." Guan Heng shook his head, and then said: "I just feel that there is some chaos inside the stone ball, which is difficult to distinguish, so I still don't know what it is inside."

"Why... smash a stone ball to see?" Guhuang Howler suddenly made this suggestion, and the evil cricket mother said: "It's not appropriate, if there is something living inside and the stone ball is broken, they may be alive. Not anymore."

"Uh, this is indeed a problem." After thinking about it for a while, Howard also shook his head in disappointment, thinking that he had come up with a bad idea.

"But what is the result of trying to give this stone ball again?" Guan Heng picked up the first stone ball smoothly, and then continued: "You can try it now."


It was too late to say, it was fast, Guan Heng's palm suddenly released a large amount of spiritual energy, suddenly rushing into the stone ball.

For the first time before, the stone ball absorbed Guan Heng's aura, and there were a lot of cracks on the surface, but after that, there was no movement, so Guan Heng has always been indifferent to it.

This time, Guan Heng wanted to understand the internal situation of the stone ball, so his aura output was nearly half.

"Lala--Lala--" After a few breaths, the surface of the stone ball showed signs of cracks again, and more and more, as if the stone ball was covered with cobweb patterns.

At this moment, Guhuang Roar whispered: "Should the stone ball be broken this time?"

"I think so." King Jin Xing said casually: "After all, I have absorbed the aura released by Guan Heng twice. How can I let this thing break the shell by itself?"

"Quiet, we just have to look at it, anyway, the result will come out soon." At this moment, the confident evil worm mother said.

Hearing this, Hou Xing and King Jin Xing looked at each other and thought together: "Will it really go so smoothly?"

"Bang!" It was too late, and it was fast. The stone ball that had absorbed a lot of spiritual energy finally broke up into fragments at the sound. The thing happened to fall in Guan Heng's palm.

"Huh, what is this?" Seeing this fluffy and swarthy thing, the three insects, the earth palace toad, and the water profound spirit beast all opened their eyes and asked in unison.

"Are you stupid? Don't you use your eyes to confirm it?" Guan Heng said, "It's a furry little beast."

"But aren't all beasts born as viviparous?" Guhuang Roar scratched his head, and immediately asked: "Why do we see the guy who jumped out of the stone egg?"

"I don't know." Guan Heng shrugged and continued: "Don't just ask me, after all, this young master is not omnipotent. I think maybe the oviparous state is a major feature of this little beast."

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