Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 11304: Play and play (first more)

"But this little beast looks like an ordinary black fox, right?" Shui Xuan spirit beast took a closer look and said, "Everyone, right?"

"black Fox?"

"Don't tell me, it really looks like a fox."

"It's a bit like it, according to me, it's at all." Everyone leaned forward and pointed and said different things, but Guan Heng kept looking at the little beast huddled in his hands without saying a word.

Seeing this scene, the evil worm mother asked: "Master, what do you think?"

"Let me say, you are all talking nonsense, and you haven't talked about the key things." Guan Heng said in an angry voice.

"Uh, what does this mean?"

"Could it be that this little beast is not a black fox?"

"Shut up." Guan Heng said dumbfoundedly: "It's motionless now, and I don't know whether it is dead or alive. What black and white do you care about?"

"Hey? Lord Guan is right. After looking at this guy for a long time, he still doesn't move. Is it really a dead thing?"

"All in all, let's check it out first." Hou Di said, stepping forward and saying, "Master Guan, let me hold it."

"Okay, then you come and hold it." Guan Heng said, and handed it the little beast in his palm. To be honest, the stone ball looks quite big, but the little beast inside is only a circle larger than a fist. , Looks small and exquisite.

Howard took it in his hand, carefully weighed it, and then said: "The body is still a bit warm, so it doesn't look like dead...Huh?!"

While talking, Howard suddenly felt the body of the little beast in his hand tremble a few times. The moment he lowered his head and looked closely, the other party jumped up suddenly, "Hey!" To the ground, the little beast jumped on top of Howard’s head, and grabbed it with his claws. .

"Be careful!" Seeing that the roar was dangerous, the companions hurriedly warned, "Huh!" It was too late to say, then it was fast, and the ancient roar shrank his neck and hid his head, retreated a few feet like lightning, and the other party grabbed it. It was frustrated.

"Good risk!" Hou Li's cold sweat was frightened, and then he yelled: "Little beast, dare to catch me, are you tired of life?!"

"Suddenly!" The next moment, the black-haired, fox-like little beast leaped and came to Guan Heng, suddenly jumped into his arms, then shook its head and tail, and the milk screamed. A cry: "Squeak!"

"Oh, be good, don't be afraid." Guan Heng said and patted the little beast's body twice, and the ancient huanghuan next to him asked: "Master Guan, why is this guy attacking me? And, what is it talking about?"

"Uh, I think it is despising you for being ugly and unwilling to be held by you, so it ran back into my arms." Guan Heng said.

"What?!" Hearing this, Howard's nose almost crooked: "How dare this little beast say that? It makes sense!"

"Okay, howl, your voice is too loud, it will scare the little fox, please be calm, it's not a big deal."

"But Lord Guan, this little thing was so ruthless just now, and he almost scratched my eye." Gu Huanghou was a little aggrieved, pointing to his face, and said, "I haven't heard you comfort me."

"Well, I comfort you. I'm frightened. I feel my hair and I can't be scared." Guan Heng said, patted his forehead in a big manner, and then said: "But you are not blind, so don't worry about it anymore."

"Uh, good... not right!"

Howard suddenly woke up, and said hurriedly: "Master Guan, let's talk for a long time, and it seems that we haven't mentioned the point. Well, this little guy hasn't woke up just now. Why did I rush to attack me when I hugged him? Are you playing dead?"

"What pretending to be dead? How ugly to say." Guan Heng shook his head, and then said: "Maybe it just came out of the stone ball. It needs to be breathed before it can wake up. It's okay."

After a short pause, Guan Heng said again: "Everyone, do you think my guess is correct?"

"Yeah, it makes sense."

After hearing these words, the earth palace toad, the insect mother, and the golden sting king looked at each other, then nodded and agreed with him. Only the Water Profound Spirit Beast was meditating next to him. Seeing this scene, Guan Heng asked, "Hey, Xiao Shui Shui, what do you think?"

"I always feel that this little beast, uh, or the appearance of a little fox is a bit familiar, wondering if it is some kind of ancient beast I know." Shui Xuan spirit beast said.

Guan Heng said, "I think it's a bit similar to the "black little fox" we took in earlier, right?"

"Ink black little fox? Yes, yes, you remind me that, this guy is indeed similar to Mo black little fox."

Shui Xuan spirit beast finished speaking, turned his head and asked: "Toad, I heard that the black little fox has been staying in the ethereal toad cauldron, playing with the brown spiders, and has never come out, right?"

"Yes, Baojia Dry Turtle often talks about playing with the little fox. I also wonder when I will release it."

The earth palace toad said so. "Now is the time. You let the black little fox out and meet this little fox. Maybe the two can still become friends."

"It makes sense, wait, I'll find the little fox right away." After the earth palace toad finished speaking, he immediately spit out the toad, and after searching for a few breaths, he immediately called out the black little fox.

"Squeak, squeak!"


It was too late to say, then, the black little fox rushed out like a scream, and suddenly saw another little fox with dark and shiny fur in Guan Heng's arms.

This guy was surprised and happy, so he hurriedly jumped to the front in order to have a new friend, waved his paw at the other party, motioned it to jump out of Guanheng's arms and play with him.

The little fox was afraid and hesitated at first, but Guan Heng said, "Don't be afraid, it just wants to play with you, go."

"Squeak~~" Since even Guan Heng said so, the little guy immediately stopped hesitating and jumped up to the black little fox. The two little guys first touched their heads, hit each other's bodies, and then squeaked joyfully. Calling to roll and play.

"Hehehe, it's kind of interesting."

The insect mother, the golden sting king, howler and the earth palace toad watched the little guys playing and playing with great interest and freshness. But at this moment, the only thing that didn't react and remained silent was the Water Profound Spirit Beast. It still stared at the two little foxes, wondering what it was thinking.

Seeing this scene, Guan Heng said, "What are you thinking about?"

"Hey, I've been thinking about the name of the little fox that came out of the stone ball. Every time I remembered, this memory suddenly became blurred."

Shui Xuan Ling Beast gave a wry smile, and then said: "Oh, there are too many things in my mind. Once I remember it, they are always mixed together, and it is difficult to figure it out."

"It's okay, it's not something that you have to remember right away, think slowly, there is always time to figure it out, don't worry." Guan Heng comforted it.

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