Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 11305: Black Velvet Fox

At such a time, the black little fox and the newly-friended children came to the pile of stone balls, stretched out their paws and pushed these things.

"Gluck... boom!" When it was too late, it was fast. Many stone **** rolled and fell, directly hitting the two little foxes. Guan Heng immediately flew and rushed over, grabbing the hairs of their backs one by one, and then Go to a safe place.

He cursed: "Little naughty, what's not fun, if you have to touch those things, what if you get hurt?"

Hearing this, the two little foxes who had caused the trouble slumped their heads and did not dare to make a sound. The Shui Xuan spirit beast next to him said: "Forget it, Guan Heng, the two ignorant little guys know what, it’s strange. We didn't collect these dangerous things in time, otherwise, they would not touch them."

"Well, that's right." Guan Heng immediately put the little fox on the ground and said: "Keep away from here and play, go."

"By the way, are there little foxes in these stone balls?" Shui Xuan spirit beast suddenly asked.

"Hey? Don't say it, it's really possible!" Guan Heng slapped his slap, and said hurriedly: "It shouldn't be too late. I will immediately pour aura into this pile of stone **** to see what happens after the stone **** are broken."

"Then start now." "Everyone, quickly pick up all the stone **** that rolled away just now and place them in front of me."

"Yes, Lord Guan."

Hearing this, everyone immediately spread out and hugged all the stone **** back to Guan Heng. At this moment, Guhuang Roar said: "Master Guan, can you directly pour aura into this pile of stone balls? Doesn’t this save time and effort?"

"That's too lazy."

Guan Heng picked up a stone ball and said: "I just noticed that the amount of spiritual energy received by each stone ball has a slight difference. Explode directly, no matter what is inside, it will turn into scum."

"So dangerous?" Hearing Guan Heng's words, Guhuang Roar shrank his neck, and then said: "It's better to be safe one by one, please."

"Huhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!) From the second...

After repeating the work of inputting aura in this way, after a while, Guan Heng filled all the stone **** with aura.

Putting the last stone ball in front of him, he said, "Well, now just wait and see the changes."

"Then when will these stone **** break by themselves?" Shui Xuan spirit beast asked next to it. Guan Heng touched his chin, and said casually: "I guess the shortest one is within ten breaths..."

"La La La... Snap!"

As soon as Guan Heng’s words were said here, a stone ball in front of it cracked, and it burst into pieces within a few breaths. From it, a dark and furry guy rolled out, just like the little fox just now. Seeing it, Gu Huang Roar smiled and said, "Haha, it really is a little fox."

"Squeak, squeak!"

The little guy who was playing with the black little fox saw the same companion appear, and he immediately jumped forward happily, screaming at the companion who was lying on the ground and hadn't moved, and the little black little fox next to him also looked left and right. Look, look at each other curiously.

"Papa, papa, papa..." It was like a chain reaction, the stone **** began to burst one after another, and then the body of the black little fox rolled out.

They were all lying down and motionless at first. They didn't react until after a few breaths, shaking their bodies one by one to stand up, and then trotting to the front of Guan Heng, making a milky cry: "Squeak, squeak. !"

"Okay, okay, everyone, don't mess around, line up." Guan Heng waved, and the little foxes actually followed the orders, lined up honestly, and stood in front of him.

Seeing this, Guhuang Roar widened his eyes and said in a little surprise: "Weird thing, these little foxes came out in front of Lord Guan as soon as they came out of the stone ball, and they were so obedient. Why?"

"Howl, otherwise you don't like to use your brain, but you can actually guess the reason if you think about it."

The Shui Xuan spirit beast said beside it: "Those stone **** absorbed Guan Heng's aura, and then they shattered and let the little foxes come out. They naturally know who they are saved because of who is saved. If you identify the smell of the aura, you will definitely be able to find it. In front of Guan Heng, isn't it?"

"Uh, yes, that's the truth." Hou Yi nodded convincingly.

At the same time, the Shui Xuan spirit beast's brain flashed, and it suddenly shouted: "Yes, I remember it, I remember it!"

"Why, what do you remember?" Guan Heng glanced at it, and asked casually.

"It's the names of the little guys in these stone balls, hahaha, think of it!" The Shui Xuan spirit beast cracked a big mystery in his heart, so he danced with joy, and Guan Heng said, "Okay, don't be eager to be happy. Tell us the specific things."

"The little guy who jumped out of these rocks is called'Black Velvet Spirit Fox'. They are ancient Rui Beasts." Shui Xuan Spirit Beasts explained: "They are small, smart and understanding. They have been used by many intelligent races. Raise it as a pet."

"But then, the wars of various races continued year after year, and the number of black velvet spirit foxes dropped sharply, and in the end they suddenly disappeared. Many people think that they have been killed."

"Then why are they inside the stone ball?" The evil worm mother asked next to him: "What the **** happened?"

"Well, I don't know too well." Shui Xuan Ling Beast shrugged and continued: "I don't have any information about these stone **** in my memory."

"In my opinion, this may have happened."

At this moment, Guan Heng said, "Perhaps this batch of black velvet spirit foxes was nurtured by a certain intelligent race before, and that race was in a catastrophe. When it was endangered, he didn’t want the black velvet spirit fox to be buried with him, so I would use it. The stone ball envelops the little foxes, giving them a chance to be saved again."

"Hey, it makes sense." Upon hearing this, the Shui Xuan spirit beast nodded repeatedly.

It said: "Guan Heng, I think your analysis is 90% correct. After all, the races that raised the spirit fox used to treat the little guys as baby bumps, for fear that they would be hurt a little. It might be true."

"Well, I think so too, who can bear to hurt them, unless it is some cold-blooded bastard." Guan Heng hooked his fingers to the black little fox and the group of black velvet spirit foxes, and everyone immediately squeaked together. Come here.

Guan Heng smiled and said: "In the future, we must get along well. I will put you in the empty toad cauldron first. If I have time, I will let Qinghuang and Xixin and the others come to see you and play the little fox together, ha ha ha."

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