Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 11306: Wild mushrooms (third more)

"Squeak, squeak." Hearing this, the black little fox yelled twice, which meant to say: "Don't worry, I will take care of these little fox brothers."

Then, the dark black little fox let out a light whistling, "Choosing!" The sound of rushing swiftly came one after another, and the black velvet spirit foxes swept to the front of it, and then filed into the ethereal toad cauldron.

"Okay, these spirit foxes are also set up, should we go back?" Guan Heng looked at the surrounding environment, and said casually: "Anyway, there is nothing to find around here, and the corpses of the evil beasts are also wiped out. NS."

"What the master said is." said the evil worm mother: "It's too late to go back. I'm afraid the princess and the Qinghuang girl will be impatient and complain."

"Shhh, you can only think about this in your heart, don't say it." Guan Heng laughed, then said: "Let's go."


At the same time, on the other side, the area where the girls and other companions are located.

"What's the matter, the son has been there for a long time." Ruo Tao said, pacing around the place impatiently, and then sighed: "Oh, it's so idle--"

"You, you really have a temper."

At this moment, Gu Sangnu was leaning against a large rock, peeling oranges with her legs upright, eating a petal by herself, and then stuffing a petal with the boy next to the black rattan, and said casually: "Why is so frizzy? Sit down. Take a break."

"I'm still resting? I'm tired of resting." Ruo Tao said, she squinted at Gu Sang Nu, and said: "I have eaten five oranges, and I can't eat anymore."

"Hahaha, that's because you ate too fast, you can't wait to put it all in your mouth." Gu Sangnu smiled: "Is my stomach bloated now? It deserves it."

"Hey, do you have any new tricks besides laughing at me?" Ruotao got angry and sat beside Gu Sangnu, grabbing half of the orange in her hand, and then ate it in one bite.

"Woo... I just ate two petals..." Seeing this, Heiteng Boy's tears almost flowed out.

"Uh... I almost choked to death." Ruotao swallowed half of the orange in her mouth very hard, then patted his shoulder and said: "Don't be so stingy, I will ask you to eat better Lingguo later. , This is nothing?"

"Huh, Sister Taotao, you said that last time and last time, but you haven't cashed it out once." Heiteng Boy pouted and said, "I don't believe you anymore."

"Hey, you kid, how can you not trust your sister?" Ruotao was about to argue for herself, when she saw the big head Yongxuan strolling over from the side, this guy was holding a big ball in his hands. The wild mushrooms are being tossed into the mouth.

Heiteng Boy happened to see it and asked casually: "Hey, what are you eating?"

"Squeaky." Hearing the boy's question, Big Touyong immediately tore off a small half of the wild fungus and handed it to the boy. Then he raised his thumb and shook his head, which meant saying: "This thing is delicious, hurry up and taste it."

"Is it really edible?"

Looking at the thing in his hand, Heiteng Boy was a little confused. After hesitating for a while, he tore off a small piece and put it in his mouth to chew. Seeing this, Gu Sang Nu said: "Boy, you are too greedy, what is that thing? , Do you understand? What if it is poisonous?"

"But the bulk is half eaten, it's okay." The boy said as he ate, "Hey, it's quite sweet, and it tastes better than oranges."

"The big head has thick skin and thick flesh. It's okay to eat nails and irons. I feel sorry for you." Gu Sangnu sighed, but when she saw that the boy was okay, she didn't say anything.

"It's so sweet and delicious." Heiteng boy ate very quickly, and after a few breaths, he ate the half of the wild fungus in his hand, and then asked: "Big head, are there any more?"

"Chik, squeak." Hearing this, the big head yinxuan shook his head, and then raised his paw to point to the white-browed old monkey on the left front, meaning: "It's gone, that's what we are eating. I snatched it from the boss."

"So, this sweet wild fungus was found by the old monkey?" Heiteng boy rolled his eyes, and then said: "Sister, I'll go find the old monkey for a fun."

"Go, go, don't run too far." Gu Sangnu said: "When Guan Heng comes back, we have to leave immediately." "Understood, big head, let's go."

"Hey!" As soon as the words fell, Heiteng Boy jumped on the neck of the big head and let him run forward on his own.

After a few breaths, the two of them hurriedly came to the old white-browed monkey. At this moment, the monkey was whispering with the mandrill, ice scorpion, and armor king, and they didn't know what they were talking about.

"Hey, monkey." At this moment, the black rattan boy screamed, and when the white-browed old monkey turned his head to look at them, there was still half a piece of wild fungus in his mouth.

"Ah, that's it, give it to me!" Heiteng Boy was a little excited when he saw the wild fungus, and he leaped forward and grabbed it.

"Ohhhhhhhh!" Seeing this, the old white-browed monkey slapped him to the side, and then triumphantly swallowed the remaining wild fungus, and the boy exclaimed with anger: "Stingy, really stingy, let me take a bite." What's wrong? Will you have less meat?"

"Why, boy, you like to eat this too?" The Mandrill asked casually.

"Yes, this wild fungus is very sweet and delicious." Heiteng Boy replied.

"How much did you eat before?"

"Such a big piece." Hearing the Mandrill asked, Heiteng Boy gestured the size with both hands.

Seeing this, King Jia Yao said: "Then you still don't want to eat too much."

"What does this mean?" Hearing this, Heiteng Boy was a little confused and asked.

"Just now we have all eaten the wild fungus that the old monkey found, but there are also some different abnormalities."

The unicorn ice dragon explained: "This wild mushroom is very sweet and delicious, but if you eat too much of it, it seems to be addictive. Once the eater can no longer eat it, it will be a little irritable, just like you just saw. When the old monkey eats wild mushrooms, he seems to be crazy and grabs it..."

"Hey, do you? I don't even remember it myself!" Hearing what the other party said, Kurotodo murmured, "Well, it seems to be the case. If you eat too much, there are side effects. It's so dangerous. ."

"Uh, that's not right!" Suddenly, Heiteng Boy thought about it, and immediately shouted, "You have eaten all of you, don't I think it's good now? Why is it just me?"

"Because the aura in our body is abundant, you can protect yourself against the abnormal state in an instant, but your own aura has no such effect." Mandrill laughed: "Although it is not bragging, it turns out that our physique is stronger than you. Too much."

"Hmph, are you making a roundabout saying that I am useless and poor in strength?"

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