Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 11310: Guess the origin

"Lala La--" Just as everyone and the group of beasts were puzzled, traces of cracks appeared on the surface of the petrified alien beast. Guan Heng retracted his hand at this time to stop the earth profound spiritual energy that continued to be poured into the opponent's body, Qing Huang Asked: "How about it, is it done?"

"Well, the first step is considered successful. I have put enough Earth Profound Aura into the stone layer, relying on them to squeeze the stone layer from the inside to break it."

Guan Heng said casually: "In this way, it will be sooner or later that these stone layers will fall off, but if you still say that, it depends on whether this guy is alive after he is lifted from petrification."

"I hope that Lord Guan can save this guy's life." Jia Yao Wang muttered, "In this case, I didn't recite it in vain."

"Boom!" Not long after the King of Armour Yao said this, the head of the petrified alien beast suddenly made a crisp sound, and the stones fell off one after another. This guy's head was immediately revealed. At this time, the beast's eyes could see. , But it doesn’t work well below the neck.

Seeing so many strangers and beasts staring at him, the petrified alien beast looked extremely nervous, and made a cry of "boom woohoo" in his mouth. Guan Heng stepped forward, patted the opponent's forehead lightly, and gave it to him. A little aura was sent to make it feel a little more comfortable, so it calmed down a lot.

At the same time, Guan Heng said: "Don't move, your petrified state has not been completely relieved, you must cooperate with me to get yourself out of trouble, understand?"

The petrified beast gained Guan Heng's aura. At this time, his brain was clear and he understood a lot of things. Naturally, he knew that Guan Heng was for his own good. Its neck and head couldn't move well. At this moment, he could only blink his eyes. I understand.

"Well, that's all right." Nodded, Guan Heng said again: "Now I want to continue to deliver profound spiritual energy to relieve your petrification state. It may be a little painful, but you have to hold on, and it will pass after a forbearance.

Hearing this, the petrochemical animal blinked again, and Qing Huang next to him smiled and said, "It looks like this guy is a bit clever, and he didn't save him in vain."


Guan Heng replied, while suddenly outputting the earth profound spiritual energy, rushing along the cracks in the stone layer of the opponent's body surface, just like the previous petrification of the Frostbrowed Ancient Donkey. This process is as painful as peeling, but this is different. The beast was able to grit his teeth and persist, but he didn't say a word.

The monsters watching nearby were all talking: "This strange beast is really hard bones, so painful. If you change the Frost-Browed Donkey, you will cry and scream, and you can't stand it."


"Good, don't laugh if you don't laugh, don't worry."

As the Mandrill said, he wanted to reach out to touch the ancient donkey's forehead. Who knew that this guy suddenly turned his head and opened his mouth and bit the Mandrill’s wrist, so scared that he hurriedly retracted his hand, and then murmured: "It's quite stubborn." , Hehehe, I won't tease you anymore."



At this moment, Guan Heng's aura helped the petrified alien beast to get rid of its petrified state. Most of the opponent's body had already shattered the stone layer. At this moment, only the shoulders, arms, upper body and limbs were attached with a few pieces of stone.

Now, the beast wanted to tear off the stone pieces with its claws. Although it was painful to do so, the victory was that it could solve the remaining stone pieces immediately. Guan Heng said, "Wait, before tearing off these stones, I advise you to think about it."


Therefore, Guan Hengbian explained: "Those stones have trapped you for so many years, but they are not without benefits. At least their solidity can protect your body from fatal injuries."

After hearing what he said, the strange beast nodded, indicating that what Guan Heng said is very reasonable, and then Guan Heng continued: "When I lifted the petrification for you just now, your body also absorbed a little earth profound aura. Now it can Control the size of the remaining stones, you know?"

Upon hearing this, the alien beast's eyes widened, and he could hardly believe his ears. Guan Heng said again: "In fact, to make these stone fragments disappear, you don't need to use brute force to tear them. You only need to wrap them with the earth profound spiritual energy, and you can get them into your body."

"In addition, under the control of aura, they can also form a whole piece of ‘stone armor’ to protect your vitals from fatal attacks. Now, I will teach you the method and you can try it yourself."

"Pump!" The strange beast understood Guan Heng's words, his knees softened, and he knelt on the ground, bowed to him repeatedly, and knocked his head several times, thanking Guan Heng for his help and life-saving grace.

"Hehehe, I'm still a polite guy, get up." As he said, Guan Heng stretched out his hand and patted the other person's forehead, and said with a smile: "Save you, it's also because of a whim, and it's a kind of fate. I'm optimistic, I will teach you how to control the aura of the earth mysterious now."

Next, Guan Heng demonstrated several easy ways to control the mysterious spirit. The guy learned very seriously. Although he didn't immediately understand, he sat next to the ground and made gestures. He practiced very seriously. Next to Shuang Mei Gu The donkey and the Baojia dry turtle also leaned forward to watch the excitement.

At this time, Xin Xin suddenly noticed the three beast souls whispering nearby, and stepped forward and asked, "Hey, what are you three mysterious gods and secrets talking about?"

"Oh, I'm talking about the guy who disarmed the petrification." Xing Mo Xueya said: "Hao Xian told us that he was a bit familiar with that guy. He seemed to have seen him somewhere, but I just can't remember it, so we are now Help it remember."

"Really?" Upon hearing this, Ruotao immediately became interested, and she quickly stepped forward and asked: "Quickly tell me, what is this guy's name?"

"Uh, I'm sorry." The Haunted Beast Soul said embarrassingly at this moment: "I still didn't think of it, but its name seems to be on the lips, but I can't say it."

"Hehehe, it doesn't matter, often the memory of the past is like this. You try to think and think, but you can't come to it in your mind." Guan Heng smiled and walked up to a few of them and said: At that time, it's easier to remember."

"Oh, Lord Guan is right." After hearing this, the Beast Soul nodded with deep approval, and Guan Heng asked again, "But should I remember some clues? Tell me, let me listen. hear."

"Okay." Nodded boldly, then he said: "I just vaguely remember that when I traveled around a long time ago, I saw a guy who was more similar to that strange beast, and what happened to the other side? It's the same thing... "

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