Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 11311: Grey surface slippery (third more)

According to the Hao Xian Beast Soul, it liked to travel around, make friends with foreign races, and pass through a different space area one year. It has a tropical rain forest climate, lush vegetation, shades of green trees, and abundant food, so it lingers forever. , Lived here for two more years.

At that time, there were countless different animals living in the rainforest. Most of them were races that were calm and did not like to fight. Moreover, the rainforest was large in size and there was no shortage of food and water sources, so there was no fighting for territory.

At that time, the largest herd in the rainforest was known as the "Sliding" clan. These strange beasts were tall, majestic, and superhuman. They were just too honest and did not fight with other races. They only chose to live in beautiful places with water and grass. The hierarchy within the clan was well-defined and separated from generation to generation. The characteristics are obvious, divided into barefoot, black velvet, yellow ridge and other colors.

Speaking of this, he paused for a while. The Beast Soul looked at the alien beast who was practicing controlling the aura of the earth mysterious, and then said: "This guy looks very similar to the slippery fur of the ancient beast, except that there is no barefoot, black velvet and yellow ridges. , A type of feature, very strange."

"Maybe this guy has something to do with the ancient beast slippery clan, a side branch, or a descendant with the other's thin blood." Guan Heng said, patted the other's shoulder, and smiled: "The face is gray and white, and I will call it later. You...'Grey-faced slippery', how about it?"

"Hum? Hum!"

Although this guy was a little ignorant of Guan Heng's words, he immediately nodded with a smirk.

"Hahaha, I always feel that this guy is really too honest, is a type that is easy to be deceived." Ruotao said, already laughing with the sisters.

At this moment, the gray face and slippery coat rushed to everyone, dancing with their hands. Guan Heng asked, "Have you mastered the usage of the earth profound aura?"

"Whoo, hoo!" Hearing this, the gray face was slippery, nodding and nodding, and then he took a breath, "Well!" It was too late, then soon, the remaining stones on it suddenly Rapidly expand the area to completely surround the slippery body surface.

But now the gray surface is not because it is petrified and unable to move, but because it moves quickly and freely.


"Bang Dang!" The next moment, the gray surface slid and rushed forward, and Huo Di hit a huge rock, abruptly breaking it into pieces.

"Well, yes, it looks like your stone armor can not only increase defense, but also play a big role in offense."

"Well~~" Hearing Guan Heng praised himself, the gray face was very happy, shaking his paws happily and leaping to Guan Heng, making gestures to ask if he could follow Guan Heng and everyone.

"Yes, as long as you want to do it." The earth palace toad next to him said: "By the way, I have to ask if you have any special skills. In this way, it is good for you to arrange a job in the toad. , Without having to eat idle meals."

"Hahaha, that's it." Mandrill smiled: "You have to work hard, and there are extra meals."

"Woo..." Hearing this, the gray face slipped and scratched his head, looking a little at a loss. I don't know if he didn't understand Big Toad, or he couldn't think of what he was capable of.

Guan Heng said, "It doesn't matter if you don't have any great skills. Moving to Chanding, there are so many jobs."

"Right, arrogant." At this moment, Zhu Xin Gu Yan asked: "What do you know about the slippery clan?"

"Well, let me think about it."

As he said, the soul of the giant beast pondered for a moment, and then said: "By the way, I remembered that the slippery clan are the'sweet beasts' in the tropical rain forest. It is said that they have the ability to make the vegetation grow vigorously. But how to do it, I haven't seen it."

"Let the vegetation grow vigorously?" After hearing this, Guan Heng and Gu Sangnu around him looked at each other, and then asked: "How is it, what did you think of?"

"Hehehe, what I thought of should be the same as you." After that, Gu Sangnu said: "Guan Heng, you can give this guy a try."

"Okay." After listening to her say this, Guan Heng turned in his pocket and said: "I often carry some plant seeds with me, just to prevent them when they are used."

"Yes." Guan Heng took out a seed at this time and said: "This should be the spirit fruit core that I ate last time. Is it you or me?"

"I'll try."

After that, Gu Sangnu took the core from Guan Heng's hand, and then tapped it with her wooden magic scepter, "huhuhu!" In a moment, the core was covered with a green color of wood mysterious aura. , The gray-faced slippery coat next to it saw this thing, and was immediately attracted, staring straight at it.

Gu Sangnu smiled and said, "Hey, see clearly." As soon as the voice fell, she shook her hand and the fruit core fell into the soil like lightning. Within a few breaths, a tender seedling emerged from the soil. Seeing this, the gray-faced slippery hands danced happily.

"Oh, I'm very excited." Gu Sangnu smiled, just about to continue talking, Guan Heng patted her on the shoulder, and then winked, which meant to say, "For the time being, watch the change."

Seeing what he said, Gu Sang nodded her head. At this moment, the slippery coat had already started another move. It actually started to jump in an orderly manner, surrounding the small young seedling. Xu's circle.

Seeing this scene, everyone was attracted over, Ruotao whispered: "My son, what is it doing?"

"It seems to be a special dance ritual, hey, arrogant, am I right?" Guan Heng said and asked.

Hearing this, the soul of the hoarse beast nodded repeatedly: "Yes, yes, I have seen the dance of the slippery clan in the tropical rain forest in groups before, and it seems to be very similar to its movements."

"Then this kind of dance is ordinary play and frolic, or does it have a special meaning?" Hearing Guan Heng asked, the heroic beast soul thought for a while, and then replied: "I think it should have some special meaning."

"Oh, why do you say that?" The people beside Xiongxin and Qinghuang were a little curious, so they asked in unison.

The soul of the hoarse beast explained: "I just said that the slippery clan is the auspicious beasts in the tropical rain forest. Where they inhabit, various plants, including lingguo grass and trees, grow all Extraordinarily exuberant."

"I heard that this slippery clan often held a dance party ceremony to pray for the grass and trees."

"That's it, I understand." Hearing Hao Xun's explanation, the big furniture nodded, but at this moment, Zhen Wen pointed to the front and whispered, "Look, everyone!"

"Eh?!" The eyes of the girls, Guan Heng, and the group of beasts all fell in front, and when the gray face was slippery and the hands were dancing, the little seedling grew upright and straight, just in the blink of an eye. To the length of the foot.

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