Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 11314: Capture the evil monster eel (first more)

"Could it be that there is something in this rocky area that will make the spearhead eel scared?" Coriander said casually.

"Well, it is indeed possible." After hearing this, Guan Heng nodded and echoed.

"In that case, I should drive this guy over and attract that kind of thing." Ruotao said, poking the spearhead monster eel in the forehead with the cane in her hand, and then smiled: "Otherwise, keep it. What's the use of this little life?"

In fact, this was only half a joke, but it was also scared that the eel was shaking like a sieve. This guy didn't know that Ruo Tao was talking about it, but at this time, Guan Heng, Qing Huang and Xianxin also ordered each other. Nodded and said in unison: "Yeah, that's a good idea."

"Mandrill, drive this guy into the rock pile for me."

"Yes, Lord Guan." Hearing this, Mandrill immediately agreed, and immediately waved the ancient gold icebreaker in his hand to scare the strange eel: "Go in, go in, or it will break your head!"

After hearing this, the spearhead eel had to bite the bullet and rush into the pile of rocks.

"Whhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! . Mandrill cursed: "Coward!"

Immediately afterwards, it waved the ice-breaking pan, "Huh!" A large amount of cold air suddenly covered the surface of those shadows.

"Lala!" The opponent was froze in an instant, and fell to the ground one by one.

"Hey, these things look familiar." After saying that, Zhenwen stepped closer, kicked a frozen object with her foot, and then raised her voice: "Sister, Brother Guan, this stuff is a bit like a trumpet. Weird eel!"

"What?" "Let me have a look." Upon hearing this, the girls were a little surprised. Guan Heng said as he walked closer, reached out and picked up a frozen guy, looked at it, and then turned to ask. Spearhead eel: "Hey, what is going on?"

"Guji, Guji..." Hearing his question, the strange eel made a low cry, and the body trembled a little. "A Heng, what is this guy talking about?" Qing Huang asked.

"Oh, it means that these guys did ‘used’ their own companions, but they were all infested by the evil here and entered a completely evil state, so when they saw themselves, they would attack wildly."

Guan Heng paused for a while when he said that, and then sneered: "No wonder this guy didn't dare to approach here because he was afraid of this."

"It turned out to be like this." After hearing these words, the demons also nodded one after another. Guan Heng grabbed the spearhead monster eel's neck at this time, "The evil thing will attack his own kind first. This is not false."

"You only have two paths now. The first is to be attacked to death by your old companions who have been demonized in the rubble, or you are demonized. The second is to help us lead each other out, and we are responsible for destroying them. Choose yourself!"

After Guan Heng said this, he threw the spearhead strange eel to the ground. This guy trembled, trembled and thought for a few breaths, finally made up his mind and nodded to Guan Heng.

Because it also knows that if you don't get rid of those evil mobs, you won't be safe in this cave. In that case, if you die or I die, let's fight!

"Suddenly!" In the next instant, the courageous spearhead monster eel suddenly moved its body and rushed to the front of the pile of rocks like lightning.


At this moment, dozens of rapid shadows appeared again. Those were all evil monster eels. The opponent was red-eyed and vowed to tear the spearhead monster eels to pieces. However, Guan Heng would not give them this opportunity. With a wave of his hand, he said, "Mother Worm, catch them all!"

"Yes, master."


"Ahhhhhhhhhh!" In an instant, the hot breath released by the fire net made the group of mobs caught in the net sore and desperate to live.

Because the power of the fire net is definitely a fatal threat to those mobs that have become evil!

"Boom, boom!" Two little monster eels couldn't bear the heat released by the fire net, and they broke into pieces, and disappeared in smoke. The insect mother looked a little dumbfounded: "So fragile?!"

"Those are just insignificant little ones, they deserve it, so quickly get the rest to show me." Guan Heng said.

"Yes, master." Upon hearing this, the evil worm mother immediately grabbed the fire net and sent it to Guan Heng.

"Dang!" The fire net wrapped in dozens of mobs eels was thrown on the ground. These guys struggled madly, but they couldn't get rid of the shackles, and the fire nets stimulated them more and more, making the mobs eels more and more painful.

"Hmph, just struggle, the heat of the fire net can make you get rid of evil before you die, it's already great luck."

When Guan Heng said this, he suddenly stretched his hand into the net and grabbed a small monster eel. His five fingers squeezed, and the other party immediately screamed, "Hiss!" The next moment, the strong wind rose sharply. Streaks of evil black smoke appeared in the strange eel's body, and in a flash, they were completely refined.

"Well, if the evil spirit disappears, they will also die. It seems that there is no way to save them. You can only let them die directly, but there is still something to do before then."

"Huh!" Guan Hengji suddenly shook his hand and threw the corpse of the little monster eel, causing it to fly directly into the pile of rocks, "Whhhhhh!" Lived the eel corpse and swallowed it completely.

"It's the evil spirit group!" Seeing this scene, Qing Huang and Xianxin shouted at the same time.

"Yes, that's the culprit that caused a large number of strange eels to demonize." Guan Heng said casually: "Although it has no intelligence, it is very cunning. It refuses to leave the rocky area, but only drives the mobs to attack. Aware of our existence."

"Hmph, a mere fire can burn it out." Ruo Tao said to Guan Heng, "Master, otherwise we will just rush into the pile of rocks and destroy it."

"It is naturally easy to wipe out this evil group, but there are other things in this pile of rocks that need to be investigated."

After saying this, Guan Heng called the pure land dry catfish and sand carp, whispered a few words to them, and then said: "Go, be careful, and not be aware of convenience."



After listening to Guan Heng's words, the two earth beasts immediately sneaked into the ground and stalked away.

Xianxin asked, "Guan Heng, what do you want them to do?"

"There are some trivial things that need to be investigated, and we will know the specific situation later." Guan Heng said.

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