Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 11315: The secret under the rocks

"It's mystery, can't you tell us directly now?" Seeing that Guan Heng still keeps a secret now, Xiaoxin said with some displeasure.

"Didn’t I tell you? It’s just a small matter. It’s the same if you know it early or late." Guan Heng said casually and leisurely: "What we need to do now is to get rid of the evil spirits in the pile of rocks. Bring it out and grab it."

"Why do you have to draw it out?" Gu Sangnu asked: "Just like I said, can't you just rush in?"

"I suspect there is something else in the rock pile." Guan Heng explained at this time: "That thing may be very important to the evil spirit group. It wants to protect this thing, so it doesn't want to come out to fight with us. This is one of the reasons. "

"Interesting, the more you do this, the more you have to lead the other party out, lest it jump over the wall and destroy the thing itself, right?" Qing Huang guessed.

"Yes, that's what I think." Guan Heng nodded, and then said: "It's not too late, start now."

"Slap, slap, slap..."

It was too late, it was fast then, Guan Heng shot his hand like an electric, and suddenly grabbed the mobs in the fire net, and expelled all the evil in his body. The other party also couldn't bear the pressure of the evil away from the body. Guan Heng threw the eel corpses one by one in the direction of the pile of rocks.

As expected, the evil spirit group couldn't stand the temptation, and once again floated from the pile of rocks to the sky, quickly engulfed the eel corpse and swallowed it, and then retracted again.

When the eel corpse flew over, this guy had to come out again. After more than ten times, the evil spirit group seemed a little impatient.

In addition, it felt that Guan Heng and others had no intention of attacking itself, so it gradually became bold and suddenly floated towards Guan Heng and everyone.

"Hehehe, I finally got the bait." Guan Heng's mouth curled up with a sneer, and then he said: "Chongmother, Xiaojin, and Roar, please pay attention. Go up from both sides of the side later and block this guy's path. Don't let it go. It fled back to the rubble."

"Don't worry, Master, just leave it to us." As they said, the evil worm mothers have already started gearing up, and they are eager to try.

"Huh—" At this moment, the evil spirit group rushed forward with the wind, and suddenly enveloped in Guan Heng's side. "You stupid thing, you thought it could hurt me? You can't do it yourself!"


It's too late to say, then soon, Guan Henghuo released a violent and fierce fire spirit, scared the evil spirit group suddenly stopped in the air, fire spirit is the ultimate nemesis to evil things, this guy has no courage, nor The strength and Guan Heng are fighting, so I want to change the direction and escape back to the rock pile.

"Want to go? It's not that easy!" When he said this, King Golden Sting had already released dozens of light golden glows, "Wh, slam!" These golden awns struck the evil spirit like lightning, reflecting the light around the air mass. lofty.

"Buzzing!" Suddenly struck by the light of Jin Xuan's spiritual energy, the evil spirit group couldn't bear the pain even more, and couldn't help making a trembling sound. This time, even if you wanted to escape, there was no chance!

"Hahaha, young ones, give it to me!" In a short time, the ancient roar screamed, and several fire claw ape souls immediately screamed, flew to the front, slapped their claws and punched them.

"Boom boom boom!"

"Ping Pong Pong"


The heavy blows of the ape souls made the evil spirit group dim a lot in an instant, almost reaching the edge of translucent collapse.

Guan Heng waved his hand at this time and exclaimed: "Enough, don't fight anymore, capture this guy alive, its evil energy can be transformed into a lot of soul power after refining."

"Have you heard what Lord Guan said? Do it."

At this time, the ancient roar nodded to the ape souls, and everyone immediately followed their instructions. They surrounded the evil spirits with their sharp claws and made it impossible to move. Guan Heng immediately said: "Okay, send it to the soul urn. Just over there, it doesn’t matter anymore."

The ape souls nodded and left immediately. At this moment, the nearby soil layer shook, "Wow!" The underground sand carp and the pure land dry catfish burrowed out of the soil immediately.

Seeing the two of them, Guan Heng's eyes lit up, and then he asked: "How about it, is it just below this pile of rocks as I guessed it?"

"Squeak, squeak!" Hearing this, the underground sand carp nodded in a low voice and said, "Excellent, then we can do it now."

"Hey, Guan Heng." Xiong said at this moment: "You should always talk now, why did you let them dive into the ground?"

"Just to explore the things guarded by the evil spirit group." Guan Heng said casually: "Now that the sand carp and the dry catfish have found the thing, we should start to dig out the thing."

"Really? Isn't it a baby?" Ruotao asked with a bit of excitement. "I'm not sure right now." Guan Heng said, "But after all, it is something that the evil spirit group carefully guards, and it should also be a precious thing. In short, let's dig it out."

"It makes sense." After the girls and other companions heard this, they all nodded and nodded. Guan Heng said to the earth palace toad: "Toad, let's use the earth profound spiritual energy to decompose this pile of rocky areas, and then start digging below. The soil layer is ready."

"Yes, Lord Guan, I think so too, please."

As the earth palace toad said, he had already jumped to Guan Heng's side and raised his webbed claws to get ready to go. At the same time, Guan Heng's earth profound spiritual energy also gathered, "huhuhu--swish swish--" In between, a large amount of spiritual energy has swept away toward the rocks ahead.


With the profound aura of Guan Heng and the earth palace toad, it is not difficult to break down a large piece of rubbish, and most of the work has been completed within seven or eight breaths.

"Well, it's almost there." Guan Heng walked to the middle of a large open space and said casually: "Sandfish, the work of digging the tunnel here is left to you and the dryfish, let's get started."



Hearing this, the two earth beasts immediately agreed, one swiftly tumbling in the earth, and the other continued to rotate. The two of them worked together to create a huge pit in the blink of an eye, and then extended into a tunnel, all the way towards Go below.

"Unexpectedly, sand carp and dry catfish can work together to dig a hole with half the effort." Coriander said with a smile: "If you just dig a hole and open a tunnel, the two of them are perfectly capable."

"Well, it is true." Guan Heng nodded at this time, and said: "Well, we can also go down."

"Let's go and find the baby." Ruo Tao, Gu Sang Nu, An Yan and Zhen Wen were very excited and rushed into the tunnel first.

"Sisters, be careful." Guan Heng said casually: "The road in the tunnel is bumpy and it's easy to wrestle."

"Haha, son, don't worry, even if there are stones with feet, I can trample them flat with one foot!" Ruotao's voice came.

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