Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 11316: Rebound attack on the rock wall (third more)

"Uh, the little girl ghost is really getting more and more violent..." Guan Heng said this, and sighed helplessly: "Because of this, the demons will become more and more afraid of you."

"Master Guan, Master Guan." At this moment, the Mandrill and King Armor who heard this whispered: "Please give us some face, please don't say anything, OK?"

"Huh, in the final analysis, I still don't want to do bad things and don't be afraid of ghosts knocking on the door." Guan Heng gave them angrily, and said: "It's not that you did everything to make Ruotao angry. I have to beg me to intercede, and I should reflect more in the future."

"Yes, we remembered it." Seeing Guan Heng's appearance was a bit serious, the demons had to droop their heads, and whispered in agreement, they didn't dare to say anything else.

After a few breaths, everyone walked into the tunnel and followed the sand carp and dry catfish that opened in front to the underground area.

"Look, it's there."

Guan Heng, who was walking by the two earth beasts, raised his hand and everyone saw a solid rock formation in front of him. Guan Heng said, "There is a weird aura coming from behind this rock formation. The things you want to protect are just behind this."

"Master Guan, what do you think you should do?" Mandrill geared up at this moment, eager to try, and said, "Or, I will break this rock formation right away?"

"Okay." Guan Heng said, "Then you can try it."


"Boom boom boom!"

It was too late to say, then it was fast, the maniac suddenly touched his fists, and then slammed his fists to the rock wall.

"Boom!" At the next moment, its attack fell on the surface of the rock wall, but the Mandrill suddenly felt something was wrong, and then he snarled, "Hey, hey, hey!" The next moment, the mandible had shaken his hands, even Take seven or eight steps back.

When the Armored King saw that he was a little surprised, he hurriedly stopped behind him, "Hey!" The mandrill's back leaned on the Armored King, and then he barely stopped.

"A lot of counter-shock force." Mandrill shakes his fists at this time, and said with surprise on his face: "If I hadn't retracted my fist in time, this counter-shock force could bounce me directly, weird, this rock The wall is weird!"

"Sure enough, there is a counter-shock force." Guan Heng stepped forward at this time, looking at the environment around the rock face with his hands folded back and looking at the surroundings of the rock wall. Mandrill heard what he said seemed a bit strange, and asked, "Master Guan, Wouldn't you have known that if you directly attacked the rock wall, you would get a shock?"

"Yes, I know." Guan Heng smiled and nodded if nothing had happened: "That's why I will let you verify it. I'm sorry, I will use you again."

"It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter." Hearing this, Mandrill subconsciously nodded and said, "I'm used to it anyway."

"But Mandrill, there is something I want to ask you." Guan Heng suddenly said at this time: "When you attacked the rock wall just now, did you use the Ice Profound Spirit?"

"No." Hearing this, Mandrill shook his head, and then said: "I just hit the rock wall with ordinary fists, but I didn't expect this evil thing to have such a powerful anti-shock force."

"Actually, what I want to say is that you should feel lucky." Guan Heng's voice fell, and Mandrill asked with surprise on his face: "Master Guan, what do you mean?"

"It's very simple. This weird rock wall can not only counter-shock ordinary boxing power, but I guess it can even bounce back from aura attacks."

Guan Heng glanced at the stunned Mandrill and King Armor, and asked casually, "Don't you believe it? You can all try to hit the rock wall with aura."

"I'll try." King Jia Yao cracked his big mouth at this time and smiled: "Even if this rock wall can counter any attack, but as long as I can avoid it in time, there should be no danger."

"Fat, don't take risks..." The Mandrill just wanted to persuade him to say a few words, who knew that King Armor stubbed his neck and said, "Don't look down on me, you know if it wasn't for Master Yao, you would have fallen away a long time ago. NS."

"You, you, you, you really don't know good people." Mandrill's belly button stomped: "Well, I don't care about you. If you suffer, you will have a long memory!"


At this time, King Jia Yao strode forward and walked to the front of the rock wall. The next moment, he inhaled and bulged his cheeks, and then spit out a large amount of original fire flames, "Boom!" Suddenly, this fiery fire aura hit the rock wall fiercely. Above, this wall suddenly appeared a large red color, as if it had been cooked.

"Hey hey, you're done!"

Seeing this scene, King Armor was triumphant and couldn't help but grin, but in the next moment, its smile froze, because the rock wall suddenly buzzed, and then bounced back a large amount of flames, covering Armor with lightning. Wang's head, face and body.

"Fatty, go back!" The Mandrill and other companions yelled immediately.

"Huh!" At this moment, the armor king suddenly disappeared, leaving only a trace of the afterimage which was swallowed by the flames. In the blink of an eye, it fell out of town. The armor king just thought he was out of danger and was about to say something. At the moment, Guan Heng shouted: "Something's wrong, retreat!"

"Eh?!" Although Guan Heng reminded him in time, King Armor's response was obviously not as timely as the first time. Although it was also going backwards, the bounced flames still locked it, and he fell to the King of Armor. Overhead.

"Woo!" Fortunately, the white-browed old monkey fell to the front of the armor king between three jumps and two leaps, and punched continuously with his fists. Suddenly, the violent noises kept coming and going!

"Pop!" After a short while, the remaining trace of flame was shattered by the old monkey, and everyone was relieved.

"It's very risky, thanks to the monkeys." The Mandrill said with lingering fears.

"Actually, that is just the flame I released. I should be able to deal with it myself?" King Jia Yao was still a little stiff at this time, but Guan Heng said: "If you really think that, maybe you have been The flames burned."

"What?!" "Don't know the reason? Then I will tell you." Guan Heng said leisurely: "This rock wall is not just a rebound attack, it is a double return. Regarding this, Mandrill should have something. Perceived, right?"

"Yes, it is true." Hearing Guan Heng's question, Mandrill nodded and nodded, and then said: "The strength of my punch just now is far weaker than the rebound. Probably, the rebound of the punch is full of original strength. More than three times."

"That's right, it's almost the same as what I estimated." Guan Heng nodded, and then said: "It seems that this is the special feature of the rock wall."

"Hey, Guan Heng." Xianxin said, "After talking for a long time, how can I break this rock wall?"

"Break? Not in that way." Hearing her words, Guan Heng slowly shook his head, and then said: "That will only cause counter-shock force, which has been proved by Mandrill and Armored King just now. "

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