Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 11317: Spiritual Ape’s Abilities

"It can't be broken, how do you get to the opposite side of the rock wall?" Ruotao asked with question marks all over her face.

"Then we can only find another way."

Guan Heng shrugged and said: "Even if I am not sure that I will smash the rock wall with a single blow, and not suffer a counter-shock from the other party, you must know that if I shoot with all my strength, coupled with the counter-shock, it may be harmful to the surrounding environment. It will cause a devastating blow, and everyone will be in trouble at that time."

"Hey, A Heng, just talk about what you want to do."

"First of all, the strong attack is not possible. This is excluded. In that case, it can only be outsmarted." Guan Heng touched his chin, then turned his head and said: "Toad, call Shi Jingwei and Chuanyan Lingyuan out."

"Yes, Lord Guan." When Tu Gongchan heard this, he immediately followed his instructions.

When Shi Jingwei and Little Monkey came out, Ruqing Huang seemed to have guessed one or two points, and she asked, "Do you want to use Little Monkey..."

"That's right, this little cub is delicious in the Toad Ding space, and he can play everywhere when he is idle. Now is the time to do his best." As he said, Guan Heng hooked his finger to Chuan Lingling Ape and continued. Said: "Come here!"

"Squeak!" Upon hearing this, Chuanyan Lingyuan volleyed and landed on Guan Heng's shoulder, and then he said to everyone: "Now I will take Shi Jingwei and the little monkey in to see the situation on the opposite side of the rock wall. "

"Guan Heng, do you really think the monkey's ability to penetrate the rock can also work here?" Xianxin asked.

"Generally speaking, the rock-piercing ape can walk freely in any rocky area, I think it can." Guan Heng smiled slightly, and then said: "Besides, if the little monkey's ability can't do it, there is also my earth mysterious aura. You can help it, you can try it whatever you want."

"Oh, it makes sense." Hearing this, Xianxin nodded. At this moment, Baojia dry turtle and stubborn stone scorpion were all leaning over, hugging Guan Heng's legs and shaking constantly, which meant saying: "We should also follow."

"It's rare that you two are also interested in the things inside the rock wall this time, so follow along." Guan Heng did not refuse, and then said to Shi Jingwei: "The little monkey follows me, you are responsible for holding them and following them. That’s it."

Shi Jingwei nodded. At this moment, Guan Heng lightly patted through the rock spirit ape’s forehead, and the little monkey whispered suddenly, then released a circle of earth-brown aura and ripples, covering Guan Heng and other entourages. Companions, Guan Heng immediately led them to the front of the rock wall.

"Pop!" Reached out and pressed the rock wall, Guan Heng's forearm suddenly sank into it, and the girls, group of beasts and other companions behind happily whispered: "It's finished!" Then, Guan Heng and his party walked into the rock. Inside the wall, it disappeared before everyone's eyes.

"That's okay?" Ruotao stared at the area where Guan Heng and them disappeared, and then said: "I knew it, I followed along."

"Your words may not work." Qing Huang said with a smile at this time.

"Why?" Ruotao asked a little puzzled: "Dry turtles and scorpions are all okay, why can't I?"

"Because Baojia Dry Turtle and Hard Rock Snake are both earth-type spirit beasts, Shi Jingwei can also release the earth profound aura, not to mention A Heng, this is the characteristic of a few of them."

Qing Huang explained: "For them, the companions who are accompanying can release the earth profound spiritual energy to wrap their body and'assimilate' with the surrounding rock formations. This is a necessary condition for walking through the rock wall."

"Ah, that's the case, I understand." Hearing her explanation, Ruotao gave a thumbs up: "What you said is really reasonable."


At the same time, Guan Heng and the others passed through the rock formation with a width of more than ten feet and finally reached the inner side of the rock wall.

"Well, I finally got to the place." Seeing the dark surroundings, Guan Heng stretched out his palm, and suddenly released more than ten wooden spirit eyes and a few small fireballs, making them float in the air, illuminating the surrounding environment.

"Woo woo woo..." At this moment, the Baojia Dry Turtle jumped from Shi Jingwei's arms to the ground, whispered, and ran forward after pulling his legs. Seeing this, Guan Heng said, "Hey, slow. Point, slow down!"

"Little thing, if I had known that you like to run around, I won't bring you in. Look at how well-behaved the 猲獢 does not look like you at all."

With that said, Guan Heng smiled and touched the stubborn Shi Jingwei. The other party shrank into Shi Jingwei's arms and nodded lazily, which was very praised by Guan Heng.

"Woo, woo!" At this moment, the Baojia dry turtle in front of us uttered a low cry, appearing a little hastily, and Guan Heng's eyes lit up: "What did you dare to find? Don't move, let me see Look."

As soon as the voice fell, Guan Heng hurried away with Shi Jingwei and the others, and came to the place where the Baojia Dry-shelled Turtle screamed.

At this moment, the dry turtle is circling around a towering rock. This place is not far from the rock formation that Guan Heng and the others crossed. I don’t know why Baojia dry turtle is interested in this thing, but Guan Heng thought that this guy has always been. There is no treasure, and the treasure hunting ability is never under the little green coccidia.

"Could it be that there is something unusual about this rock?"

"Squeak, squeak!" This thought came to Guan Heng's mind. The Rock Piercing Ape lying on his shoulder screamed, and then suddenly flew into the air and landed on the top of this towering rock. The paw kept slapping this object.

"Buzzing—buzzing—" In a short time, the huge rock vibrated violently, and Guan Heng shouted: "There is weird, little monkey, come back soon!"

"Squeaky?!" Hearing this, the Rock Piercing Ape hurriedly got up, but it was a pity that he was half a beat, "Swish swish!" The next moment, the huge rock gushed out a weird grayish white breath, tangled like lightning. If you live in the body of the little monkey, you must drag it back.

"Hey!" It was too late. It was fast. Guan Heng had already flown to the front, and suddenly his fingers swept across the grayish aura that entangled the little monkey. He cut it into two abruptly, and rolled through the rock spirit ape. Kancan fell in Guan Heng's arms.

He waved his hand and shouted: "Everyone backs away, don't get close to this rock!"

"Huh!" As soon as these words were spoken, the Baojia Dry Turtle jumped into Shi Jingwei's arms, "Phu, Phu, Phu!" It hugged the Dry Turtle and the Hard Rock Turtle and backed seven or eight steps toward the back.

However, the grayish aura released by the huge rock chased very close, and in an instant it had bullied Shi Jingwei. At the same time, the stubborn stone 猲猲猲 suddenly let out a scream: "Hoooo!!"

"Earth spirit roars!"

Hearing this sound, Guan Heng guessed the opponent's attack. This roar engulfed the thick earth profound spiritual energy, and for a short time the gray aura was shocked. The opponent was obviously severely affected. In an instant, the aura was rolled back. Going back, retracted into the huge rock.

"Good fellow, 猲猲, did a good job." Guan Heng said, stroking the stubborn stone 猲猢's forehead. The Baojia dry turtle next to it seemed to be a bit savory, making a whining sound to express dissatisfaction.

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