Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 11321: Test (third)

"Oh, I basically understand." Ruotao nodded at this time, and then asked: "Then what use are these prismatic crystals?"

"Why?" After hearing this, Guan Heng replied with a grin: "Of course it was a rebound attack!" Upon hearing this, Qing Huang's eyes lit up, and he immediately asked: "A Heng, have you already mastered control? The skill of this thing?"

"Well, if it is simple control, I can do it."

Guan Heng nodded slightly, and then said: "After all, to conquer these three prismatic crystals, I used my Earth Profound Aura. They are now under my control. Of course, the Earth Spirit Beasts headed by the Earth Palace Toad should also be able to do so. , But it will take a long time to practice and try."

"Then how about you perform it to us?" With a bit of excitement, Gu Sangnu said: "I want to see it."

"Yes, but these'mirror-return prisms' are still under study, so I don't know how to use them too much." Guan Heng said casually: "Now I just figure it out by myself. You are optimistic."

As he said, he took out the largest prism, pointed at the grooves on the left and right sides of the object, and continued to say: "Have you seen this?"

"Is it a groove?" Qing Huang took a look next to him, and then speculated: "It seems that something can be installed."

"Yes, you guessed it right." Guan Heng's mouth curled slightly, nodded, and then continued: "And I have already thought of putting something into it, everyone is optimistic."

Guan Heng took out the other two sparrow tail pupil prisms and pushed them into the left and right sides of the large prisms, and Xie Xi exclaimed in excitement, "Hey, it looks like a tight fit. Are they all one piece?"

"As far as I presume it is so, look at it again."

As Guan Heng said, he suddenly released a burst of earth profound aura, covering the three-in-one prism like lightning, "buzzing—buzzing—" It was too late, it was fast, and the thing immediately trembled. , And then released a large gray-white breath, forming a thin film around the prisms.

Different from the breath films that Guan Heng and Shi Jingwei have seen before, the film attached to the surface of this three-in-one prism is as smooth as a mirror, and it can even reflect everyone's faces. Seeing this scene, An Yan whispered: " Isn't this the same as a mirror?"

"Well, Yan Mei is right." Xiaoxin nodded and said, "It really looks like a mirror, hey, Guan Heng, how to test its function?"

"It's extremely simple. Just attack this mirror film and you'll know it." Guan Heng looked left and right at this time, muttering: "Who should I try?"

"Papa, papa, papa..." At such a time, everyone heard a continuous and crisp sound.

Everyone turned their heads and looked at it. It turned out that it was the Baojia Dry-shelled Turtle and the Rocky Dog, the Rock-piercing Ape, the White-bearded Cockroach, the Little Green Coccidian and the Little Catfish, who were playing with Guan Heng’s new toy-Lingzhu Cuju. The master lifted the object up high, and then fell in one direction, and the closest companion would lift it up again.

"Ha, this thing is interesting, I want to play it too." As he said, Xiao Hei ran over, and then smiled happily: "Throw it to me!"

"Huh!" A little catfish jumped up suddenly, and with its head, Lingzhu Cuju fell closer to Xiao Hei.

It was the first time she played with this kind of thing, so she slapped her fist without hesitation, "Bang!" Cuju jumped up with the wind, scared the little beasts immediately ran away, because it would be painful if you were hit. .

"Bang!" Lingzhu's Cuju swiftly hit a rock, and it was instantly broken into pieces. Xiao Hei was startled when he saw this, and then shouted, "Wow, I didn't mean it."

"It's okay, it's your first time playing anyway, and you haven't mastered the trick."

Guan Heng smoothly caught the falling Cuju, and then said: "This thing has a lot of ways to play. You can hold it with both hands when it falls, or you can gently hook it up with your feet and let everyone catch it. ……correct!"

At this point, Guan Heng's mind suddenly flashed brightly. He turned his head and said to the girls: "Don't you want to see the usage of this prism? Just try it with Lingzhu Cuju."

"Use it? How to try it?" Ruotao asked, and then continued: "Speaking of, son, what did you call Prism just now?"

"Mirror return prism, what's the name, because the breath film it releases is like a mirror, and it can bounce off all kinds of attacks."

"The name is good." The girls said with a smile. At this moment, Guan Heng went on to say: "Didn't the little girl ghost ask how to test its power? You can take turns to attack it with Lingzhu Cuju."

"Attack? What should I do?"

"It's very simple. Whether it's a simple brute force attack or a variety of auras, you can use Cuju to release it. It can adjust its power by itself."

Guan Heng said, "When I made this thing, it was to prevent the dry turtles from playing with this thing too hard. Therefore, this skull-headed spirit bead inlaid in the center of the Cuju played a role in alleviating the dispersion of the powerful power, so as not to accidentally hurt it. Others, now it can be used to try to attack the mirror prism."

"So it's really a good idea." Qing Huang nodded, and then asked: "Sisters, who will come first?" "Long and young are in order, I suggest that my sister comes first." "Yes, yes, we I think so."

At this time, the sisters were unanimous and quite united. When Xianxin heard what they said, she smiled and said, "You little girls, do you think I don’t know what you’re doing? Obviously, I’m afraid that I’m going to do something indiscriminately. Pain yourself, but let me come first."

"It's wrong, we think that my sister is the strongest. It's most appropriate for you to come first." Ruotao said.

Gu Sang Nu nodded, "Yes, yeah, my sister is the best."

"It's true. If anyone refuses to accept it, just obey my sister." Qing Huang pursed his lips and said with a smile.

An Yan began to dance and sing: "Sister who rides the wind and waves, you go forward bravely~~"

"Okay, okay, it seems that I can't do it first. If I refuse, I'm sorry for your performance." Xianxin shrugged, and then stepped closer to Guan Heng to pass the Lingzhu Cuju, she asked Said: "Any method can be used?"

"Yes, it's okay to just throw, but it's just for fun, you don't need to be serious." Guan Heng hugs his shoulders and said with a meaningful smile.

"Hehehehe, these girls dare to calculate me, I won't just do it simply. At the very least, I have to pull them into the water."

As soon as the voice fell, a touch of ice mysterious spirit suddenly appeared in the palm of the palm, which immediately wrapped the Lingzhu Cuju, and then, with full strength, he moved toward the mirror prism that was floating in the air more than a long distance ahead. Toss.

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